The Holy Church of St. Darwin’s Space Brotherhood
Jay Dyer – From the vantage point of propaganda, the state finds the alien mythos to be quite a useful tool.
Jay Dyer – From the vantage point of propaganda, the state finds the alien mythos to be quite a useful tool.
John W. Whitehead – It’s hard to tell young people that we live in a nation that values freedom, which is governed by the rule of law.
Zen Gardner – If only people woke up from this and similar programming we would have a different world overnight.
Irwin Ozborne – Columbus Day has been celebrated as federal holiday in the United States since 1971. Here’s the truth about this man.
William T. Hathaway – Our biological nature doesn’t force us to war, it just gives us the potential for it.
Jon Rappoport – The overwhelming majority of human beings are trapped in a form of hypnosis.
Vic Bishop – In In Pähni Nature Centre in the beautiful woods of Estonia an artist has designed something that should be a feature in every national park.
Larry Malerba – A holistic look at the state of the American psyche reveals something extraordinary.
Jon Rappoport – The psyop of all psyops is to bury the fact that we are only limited by imagination.
Kyle McMillan – The only book that Steve Jobs ever downloaded to his iPad was by his main guru.
Sigmund Fraud – By shocking our system with the unimaginable with the ridiculous, the mainstream media makes sure we’re never more than spectators in their reality.
Jay Dyer – Stanley Kubrick’s journey into space was a breakthough in film, but what does it say about the human condition?
Steve Taylor – Our culture would look a lot different if we shifted to a matriarchal society.
Heather Callaghan – A social media prank by a national news service proves that people speak before they read.
Vic Bishop – Few celebrities today have the courage to challenge one of America’s founding myths.
M.J. Higby – Money is a vehicle for social control. Is it controlling you?
Jake Anderson – There is an organization that secretly runs the government, but it’s not the New World Order.
Zen Gardner – The awakening is a constantly unfolding convergence of consciousness and it comes through many vectors.
Buck Rogers – How does the government and industry so thoroughly suppress the most imporant inventions of our time?
Sofia Adamson – The most important people in a school are the students and the teachers. We should listen.