The Dalai Lama Speaks the Uncomfortable Truth about Immigration
Alex Pietrowski – The Dalai Lama shuns political correctness to speak the truth about immigration.
Alex Pietrowski – The Dalai Lama shuns political correctness to speak the truth about immigration.
Christina Sarich – A One World government isn’t far from what we are already experiencing.
Makia Freeman – Conscious activism is what the Earth needs right now.
Dylan Charles – It is impossible to enslave one who is liberated from fear and loving of the self.
Christina Sarich – How can we activate the same technology that the cabal so perniciously covets?
Christina Sarich – Legislation introduced in the ’90’s nearly prevented the banking tyranny we have today.
Julian Rose – To die well, we must live well.
Christina Sarich – Ask yourself, are you creating war simply by not creating peace?
Irwin Ozborne – This is what is really happening on American Indian reservations today.
Makia Freeman – Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.
Makia Freeman – Materialist science has tried to convince us that everything can be explained with solid atoms.
Alex Pietrowski – What do doctors, nurses and parents have to say about this controversial documentary?
Stephen Parato – Energy flows where attention goes. What are you giving your energy to?
Zen Gardner – The parasitic “powers that want to be” have a very real respect for people who “get it”.
Vic Bishop – The church’s survival depends on your belief in the concept of Hell.
Christina Sarich – In a lost kingdom high in the Himalayan mountains, live a people with incredible secrets for longevity.
Valerie Tarico – Has God become another form of self-destructive addiction for some people?
Buck Rogers – Fascinated by the Mayans, he tried something no other researcher has ever tried.
Jennifer Sodini & Jay Dyer – The band Radiohead is sending the world a message.
Gary ‘Z’ McGee – Religious indoctrination, like cultural conditioning, is difficult to overcome.