
Why Are We Being Kept in the Dark Over GMOs?

Dr. Mercola, Special Contributor Waking Times You may already be fully aware of the fight surrounding the latest California  GMO labeling legislation known as Prop 37, a bill which I have been very  passionate about supporting over the past few months. As it currently stands in  the United States, you are actually being completely kept

10 Reasons Why We Don’t Need GM Foods

GMWatch Waking Times Genetically modified (GM) foods are often promoted as a way to feed the world. But this is little short of a confidence trick. Far from needing more GM foods, there are urgent reasons why we need to ban them altogether. 1. GM foods won’t solve the  food crisis A 2008 World Bank

Fighting Fracking in South Africa and Beyond

Eileen Flanagan, Waging Nonviolence Contributor Waking Times South Africa announced Friday that it would lift its moratorium on hydraulic fracturing, the controversial natural gas extraction technique known as “fracking.” In response, Treasure the Karoo Action Group (TKAG) is launching a legal battle to protect the ecologically-sensitive, arid area in the Karoo region of the Eastern

Oh, This Stunning Moment – Truth and Love to the Nth Power

Two Rivers, Contributing Writer Waking Times People talk about this time as a period of great awakening, a spiritual shift for humanity that will change everything, if we can only achieve it.  What does that mean?  What is supposed to shift in us?  Perhaps Gandhi comes closest to pointing us toward our awakening. We know

Why the News is Wrong: We Need to Eat Organic

Case Adams, Naturopath Waking Times Recent research from Stanford University and the subsequent headlines from Reuters, NBC News, the New York Times and other mass media outlets have it all wrong: Choosing to grow and eat organic foods has little to do with nutritional content. Humanity must increasingly turn to organic foods. If we don’t, we

I Won’t Donate to a Cure for Cancer

Tracy Kolenchuk, Guest Writer Waking Times I often see people asking for money to ‘cure cancer’. Well meaning people, working hard to save lives. In many cases they have lost family members or friends to cancers that appear out of nowhere  – ‘she was perfectly healthy until last week she was diagnosed with cancer‘. Sometimes, they are

Modern Lifestyles And The Devolution Of The Human Species

Jamie Ann Montiel, Prevent Disease Waking Times The connections between the rising rates of chronic disease and the production and consumption of modern foods can no longer be ignored. Our food supply is not healthy, nor is it sustainable. It has changed so dramatically that we have yet to adapt to the changes. Our food supply

Financial Activism: How to Defeat the Money Power

Anthony Migchels, Real Currencies Waking Times For eighty years a major not for profit, private currency has been operating in the heartland of Europe. In Zurich, almost next door to the Bank of International Settlements in Basel, there is the WIR, turning over the equivalent of almost 2 billion CHF per year. WIR was founded

Will Fracking Affect My Family?

Laura Grace Weldon, Guest Writer Waking Times  Have you heard about fracking? It may seem like it will have no impact on your or your family. But take a look at the facts. A dairy farm not far from us is the first in our area to begin hydraulic fracturing. This process was developed to

6 New GMO Crops that May Soon Hit Your Dinner Table: Take Action!

Lisa Garber Waking Times Remember when the USDA gave Monsanto’s new GMO crops the fast track to approval? Regardless of the numerous accounts of organ damage, pesticide-resistant weeds, and unintentionally mutated organisms like resistant insects, our own government is manipulating the game to let “biotech bullies” like Monsanto get speedier regulatory reviews. Consequently, the environment, livestock,

Monsanto: How Cheap Food Makes Us All Poor

Tracy Kolenchuk, Guest Writer Waking Times I’ve seen a lot of posts telling us how bad Monsanto is and I tend to agree with them. Here’s one view of the history of Monsanto: The World According to Monsanto part 1 of 10. However, I wanted to take a look at Monsanto from a health point of view.

Paul Offit Threatens All Vaccine Exemptions – An MD Responds

Suzanne Humphries, MD Waking Times Millionaire vaccine inventor and mandatory vaccine advocate Paul Offit recently released a short VIDEO for doctors on medscape. Here is a transcript of the speech. This statement that outlines Offit’s personal belief system could be a prelude to the legal removal of all philosophical and religious vaccine exemptions in the United States of America.

SPOIL – The Fight to Save the Great Bear Rainforest

Waking Times In the battle to keep big oil from spoiling the earth’s most precious natural gems, it helps to take a close look at the treasures we are wasting before the damage is done. SPOIL is a powerful, award winning documentary on the Great Bear Rainforest, in Canada’s British Columbia, showing the splendor of

Edible City: The Movie

Waking Times How do people disengage in the destruction taking place on planet earth and engage in something that helps to heal the earth and sets us free from the corporate systems that do us more harm than good? Edible City is a documentary film that addresses this timely question and demonstrates how local food

The New Slavery: Pigs are Tigers and Farmers are Felons

Caleb Hart, Contributing Writer Waking Times  In “A Critical Mass for Real Food,” Anim Steel began with “The old logic of the slave plantation is still the logic of our industrial food system, 500 years in the making.” The idea that a slave mentality is still woven into production of food showed up as well

The Killing Fields: Growing Soy in South America

Waking Times What are the true costs of growing Soy in South America? In Paraguay over 2.6 million hectares are used for growing soy, which is primarily used as animal feed for factory farms in Europe.  While European farmers may delight in having access to cheap GMO food for their meat farms, this practice has

Brazilian Court Demands Nestle Label GMO Ingredients

Anthony Gucciardi Waking Times It appears another victory has been declared in the battle against Monsanto and GMO ingredients. According to a major Brazilian business publication and GMWatch, a Brazilian court has demanded that multi-billion dollar food giant Nestle label all of their products as genetically modified that have over 1% GMO content. The ruling reportedly coincides with Brazilian law

Drought, Fracking, Coal and Nukes Wreak Havoc on Fresh Water Supplies

Eco-Watch Waking Times On Aug. 12, Unit 2 of the Millstone Nuclear Power Station in Connecticut—which provides half of Connecticut’s power and 12 percent of New England’s—was shut down because the seawater used to cool the plant was too warm. For the last few months EcoWatch has been covering what’s become the worst drought in the U.S.

Why Is Planet Earth On Life Support?

Cosmic Convergence, Contributor Waking Times When the biosphere itself is on life support, we have some very serious problems down here, don’t we? Perhaps the following excerpt ought to be seriously considered when probing the true causes of Earth’s predicament. “Every civilization is built on a foundation of core spiritual beliefs, predominant religious traditions and

No Time Left – The Dynamics of the New Resistance

Julian Rose Waking Times By all accounts time is speeding up and space-time is contracting. As we move further into 2012 this phenomenon is almost palpable. Just where do the hours and days go? Terence McKenna, the late psychedelics-inspired luminary, spoke of an imminent convergence of time-lines that would bring about a ‘singularity’ event: the

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