
Will the Moab Desert be Home to the First US Tar Sands Project?

Staff Writer Waking Times  The various Tar Sands projects in the wilds of Alberta, Canada make up the largest industrial project on the planet, producing synthetic crude oil by a process of extracting a tar like form of oil (bitumen) from sand and clay found in the earth. To extract the bitumen laced sand, the soil

If You Would Like To Depress Your Immune System, Get This Year’s Flu Shot

Dave Mihalovic, Prevent Disease Waking Times Other than a depressed immune system with a side serving of carcinogenic, immunotoxic, neurotoxic, and sterility agents, this year’s flu shot has nothing to offer you but the usual poisons based on previous formulations. Moreover, their effectiveness in preventing the flu is less than a placebo. Although the FDA gave

A Sincere Farewell to Visionary Indian Statesman Russell Means

Waking Times Russell Means announced in August 2011 that he had developed inoperable throat cancer and decided against mainstream medical treatments in favor of traditional American Indian remedies. He died early Monday, Oct. 22, at his ranch in in Porcupine, S.D., according Oglala Sioux Tribe spokeswoman Donna Salomon. He was 72. (Adapted from Bio at

India Signals It Is Rearing To Kick Monsanto Out!

Sayer Ji Waking Times A report from the August 17 edition of the American Association for the Advance of Science’s journal Science titled, “Negative Report on GM Crops Shakes Government’s Food Agenda,” revealed that an Indian high-profile parliamentary panel, only a week before, recommended that GM crop “field trails under any garb should be discontinued forthwith,” and

How to Spot an Environmentalist

Z, Contributing Writer Waking Times  Step one: Look in the mirror. As long as you’re not a zombie, a slave, a sucker, or a sadomasochist, you’re an environmentalist. Step two: Ask yourself if you like breathing clean air. If the answer is yes, you’re an environmentalist. If the answer is no, you’re either a zombie

Economic Stimulus? Think HEMP!

Becca Wolford, Contributing Writer Waking Times Last night’s vice-presidential debate had me thinking quite a bit this morning. Almost all of the topics, in some way or other, had to do with money. Defense – money. Economy – money. Taxes – money. Medicare – money. Health – money. Social Security – money. Employment/unemployment – money.

Defeat Monsanto — Vote YES on Prop 37

Jack Adam Weber, Wakeup-World Waking Times On November 6th this year all of us that despise GMOs and Monsanto will be waiting with bated breath for the outcome of one single proposition that, if passed, could topple the GMO empire in the United States and trickle down to other countries around the world. Proposition 37, the California Right to Know

Compost Capitalism

Chris Bourne, Openhand Contributor Waking Times Capitalism is a lower consciousness that serves only the few at the expense of the many. Once lauded as the utopic path to a consumeristic, ‘heavenly’ abundance, it is now clear to most that radical change is due. Not only is it damaging our planet, it lowers our collective

Confronting Deforestation: A World Hanging in the Balance

Staff Writer Waking Times Deforestation is one of the greatest threats to our planet today. As certain industries and communities have grown, they have cut down acres upon acres of forests that provide life-giving oxygen, absorb and hold carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere, and house countless animal and plant species. Deforestation of the Amazon Rainforest

Monsanto’s Fading Grasp – Group Calls on South Africa to Ban GMO Corn

Anthony Gucciardi Waking Times  Following in the footsteps of nations like France and Russia, South Africa may soon be the latest nation to enact a ban on Monsanto’s GMO corn that was recently linked to tumor development and organ damage in rats. South Africa’s African Centre for Biosafety (ACB), a watchdog organization that was created to protect consumers from various biotechnology dangers,

Is The End of Monsanto Near? Prop 37 Succeeding as Nations Ban GMO Crops

Anthony Gucciardi Waking Times Is the end of Monsanto within reach? It has certainly been a rough couple of weeks for the mega corporation as the real dangers surrounding GMOs are being brought to the attention of consumers on a global scale like never before. It all started with the monumental French study finding a serious link

Russia Bans Use and Import of Monsanto’s GMO Corn Following Study

Anthony Gucciardi Waking Times Following the groundbreaking French study that graphically linked the lifetime consumption of Monsanto’s GMO corn in rats to massive tumors and direct organ failure, Russia’s premiere consumers rights organization has suspended both the importation and use of Monsanto’s GMO corn within the nation’s borders. The move may soon be echoed by other nations, who may soon

Religious Exemptions to Vaccines are Life or Death Rights

Sandor White, Contributing Writer Waking Times Over many years, the media and corporations have mounted a concerted effort to demean religious faith and to portray certain religious groups as dangerous to modern society. Darwin and evolution are often the means, pitting “modern science” against “religious dogma.” The problem is that “science” has become the pawn

Five Steps Toward Decolonizing Gaia and Rewilding Mankind

Z, Contributing Writer Waking Times  The cosmos will always be greater than our microcosmic perspectives can possibly allow, but allow it we must. “It’s easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.” –Mark Twain “It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent… It is

West Nile Virus and World Peace

Two Rivers, Contributing Writer Waking Times Sometimes the universe is just so perfect. Such a time is now. You wouldn’t think that West Nile virus was anyone’s friend but you’d be wrong. It offers a gift to humanity. And here is how that’s so. In the country right now (even in the world), the pesticide

We Need to Do More Than Believe

Chris Renzo, Contributing Writer Waking Times “We gotta do more than believe if we want to see the world change” – Dave Matthews [DMB Inspiration] It is a beautiful day.  The sun shines, the bird sings, and the trees sway.  I dream of the day where my potential children can walk upon the same meadows that

Deepening Doubts About Fracked Shale Gas Wells’ Long Term Prospects

Brendan Demelle, Desmog Blog Waking Times This month, the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection released its bi-annual report on how much natural gas has been produced in the Marcellus Shale, a rock formation which stretches underneath much of Appalachia. Investors were shocked because the production numbers seemed far lower than expected.  Watched closely by market

France Maintains Key Ban on Monsanto’s GMO Maize Crops

Anthony Gucciardi Waking Times In another massive victory against Monsanto and the  spread of genetically modified crops, French Prime Minister Jean-Marc  Ayraul has  announced that the nation will be maintaining a key ban on the only  remaining GMO currently allowed in Europe. Known as Monsanto’s GMO  maize crops, or MON810 maize, the original ban was

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