
Mexico Officials: Allowing GM Corn Will Devastate Crops

Lisa Garber, Natural Society Waking Times  Despite growing worldwide concern over the health and environmental risks inherent in genetically modified crops, the government of Mexico is toying with the idea of growing GM corn. This is the opposite of what other nations such as India are doing, where scientists gathered in New Delhi to discuss

Opting Out and Paying the Price of Being Awake

Alex Pietrowski, Staff Writer Waking Times At the very core of a revolution lies the radical transformation of the individual, which is ear-marked by the dissolution of fear of the consequences for speaking and acting in accordance with good conscience. More people are starting to awaken to the realities of our world – the good:

Tips for an Organic, Least-Toxic Thanksgiving

Beyond Pesticides Waking Times Thanksgiving offers an opportunity for family and friends to eat, drink and be thankful for the bounty of the organic harvest. Unfortunately, there are a host of pesticides, genetically engineered materials, and others in conventional Thanksgiving foods that not only impact human health, but threaten the environment. Read below for some

The Great Mexican Maize Massacre

ETC Group Waking Times Gene Giants Prepare the Genetic Wipe-out of One of the World’s Most Important Food Crops Agribusiness giants Monsanto, DuPont and Dow are plotting the boldest coup of a global food crop in history. If their requests to allow a massive commercial planting of genetically modified (GM) maize are approved in the

Monsanto Back at it Again in Costa Rica with GM Corn

Dylan Charles, Editor Waking Times In the small Latin American country of Costa Rica, where agriculture is king and enormous corporate plantations have dotted the country-side, a subsidiary of Monsanto is making a push to plant several hectares of genetically modified transgenic corn in the Northwestern province of Guanacaste. However, this month, a group of

Toxic Tar Sands: Scientists Document Spread of Pollution, Water Contamination, Effects on Fish

Carol Linnitt, DeSmogBlog Waking Times  Today federal scientists from Environment Canada presented research at an international toxicology conference in the U.S. that indicates contaminants from the Alberta tar sands are polluting the landscape on a scale much larger than previously thought. A team lead by federal scientist Jane Kirk discovered contaminants in lakes as far as 100 kilometers

Spain Halts Evictions Under Popular Pressure

Ter Garcia, Waging Nonviolence Contributor Waking Times After two years of struggle for housing rights, the Spanish government and the country’s banks have announced an end to evictions for two years in cases of extreme need. Although activists say that this will not stop the “drama of the mortgages,” as it is called by the

Time For a Wake Up Call – The Vaccination Hoax Debunked!

Raluca Schachter, Wake Up World Waking Times “The only safe vaccine is a vaccine that is never used.” – Dr. James A. Shannon. National Institutes of Health Are you scared when you’re told you have to vaccinate your child with 49 doses in 14 vaccines before age 6? Or are you scared at the idea of not vaccinating and so “exposing” your child to

Washington County Bans Growing of GMOs

Anthony Gucciardi, Natural Society Waking Times While some anti-GMO legislation like Prop 37 was shot down through corporation-funded projects and deceptive campaign tactics, one county in Washington state was massively successful in establishing a landmark ruling against Monsanto and GMO crops as a whole. The concerned citizens of San Juan County were able to pass what

Huge Fluoride Victory in Wichita: Voters Say No to the Water Supply Chemical Additive

J. D. Heyes, NaturalNews Waking Times Regular readers know that Natural News has been closely watching a situation in Portland, Ore., where city officials are pushing to add dangerous fluoride to the water. City officials in Portland have done everything they can – openly and behind closed doors – to force residents of both the city

In Honor of Armistice Day – Throwing Veteran’s Day Over Our Shoulders

Waking Times The following excerpt is from Kurt Vonnegut’s novel, Breakfast of Champions: I will come to a time in my backwards trip when November eleventh, accidentally my birthday, was a sacred day called Armistice Day. When I was a boy, and when Dwayne Hoover was a boy, all the people of all the nations which

How to Build a Bicycle Generator

Editor, Magnificent Revolution Waking Times Building your own generator requires a number of items. A person, a bike, a way of supporting your bike off the ground, a motor, an energy smoothing system and an inverter if you want to use your bike generator to power mains equipment. Each of these parts needs to work

New Varieties of Genetically Modified Tomatoes Coming Soon To a Grocery Near You

April McCarthy, Prevent Disease Waking Times The tomato was one of the first commercially available genetically modified (GM) crops. In 1994, GM tomatoes hit the market in the US but have since disappeared. They’re about to make a come back at a grocery near you. Earlier forms of this GM crop included the transgenic tomato

Former Police Detective Demolishes the War on Drugs

Waking Times The war on drugs is one of the greatest social catastrophes. Not only does it not decrease demand for drugs, but it fuels corruption, crime, gangsterism and terrorism across many continents, and waste a mind-boggling amount of money and societal resources. In this video, former police officer and LEAP (Law Enforcement Against Prohibition)

The Facts About Fluoride & Human Intelligence

Michael Connett, Esq, Fluoride Action Network Waking Times In the initial version of this article, we estimated that “over 200,000″ Americans drink water with 1.8 to 2.0 ppm. Based on data from the National Research Council, however, it appears that a more accurate estimate is “about 600,000.” We have changed our estimate accordingly. In July, a team

GMO Pharmacy: The Pervasiveness of GMOs in Medicines and Supplements

Alex Pietrowski, Staff Writer Waking Times The concern over eating genetically-modified foods is growing as more people learn about the harmful effects of genetically-modified organisms (GMOs). Although not readily publicized by the mainstream media, GMOs have been linked to various health complications such as tumors, organ failure, DNA damage, immune system disturbances, and infertility, among others. Simultaneously,

Italy and Switzerland Ban Novartis Flu Vaccines

Lisa Garber Waking Times Amid political controversy, the Italian government took the highroad last week by suspending sales of flu vaccines when their quality and safety were called into question. Novartis AG (NOVN) told Italian and Swiss authorities that their products were safe, although the shots did contain particle buildup. Citing Novartis’ failure to provide

Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation: “Vaccines Reduce Population Growth”

Dave Mihalovic, Prevent Disease Waking Times  Right from the horses mouth, Bill Gates states that “vaccines reduce population growth.” Few can now deny what anti-vaccine advocates have been saying for years, specifically that vaccines directly and negatively impact fertility. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation will only be too willing to oblige future generations. The

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