
Citizen Group Finds 30 Toxic Chemicals in Air Following Tar Sands Oil Spill in Arkansas

Jeremy Hance, Mongabay Waking Times Independent air samples by locals have yielded “a soup of toxic chemicals” in Mayflower, Arkansas where an Exxon Mobil pipeline burst on March 29th spilling some 5,000 barrels of tar sands oil, known as bitumen. Chemicals detected included several linked to cancer, reproductive problems, and neurological impacts such as benzene

Free Will vs. Cultural Programming: The Matrix Loses

Daikan Basho, Contributing Writer Waking Times Human beings are curious creatures in that they have a most unusual capacity for free will, yet, are so easily manipulated, controlled, and subjugated by other people. Quite a paradox. The deciding factor between which of these two inherent states one occupies, mental freedom or mental slavery, often has to

Faster Drilling, Diminishing Returns in Shale Fracking Plays Nationwide?

Sharon Kelly, DeSmogBlog Waking Times Today’s shale gas boom has brought a surge of drilling across the US, driving natural gas prices to historic lows over the past couple of years. But, according to David Hughes, geoscientist and fellow at the Post Carbon Institute, in the future, we can expect at least the same frenzied rate of drilling

First “Ag-Gag” Prosecution: Filming a Slaughterhouse From the Street

Will Potter, Green Is The New Red Waking Times Amy Meyer wanted to see the slaughterhouse for herself. She had heard that anyone passing by could view the animals, so she drove to Dale Smith Meatpacking Company in Draper City, Utah, and from the side of the road she could see through the barbed-wire fence.

Who Is Trying To Patent Marijuana?

Kent Mao, Contributor Waking Times  The secret is out: marijuana is medicine. And not to the surprise of the pharmaceutical industry, who is slowly but surely gaining exclusive rights to the medical properties of this age-old plant. But wait. How can a company, other than Monsanto, patent a plant? That’s not a serious question, but

Don’t Worry, GE Labeling Will Not Cause World Hunger

Marcia Ishii-Eiteman, Pesticide Action Network Waking Times The U.S. movement to label genetically engineered (GE) foods is gaining ground. More states introduced GE labeling bills this year than ever before. And word from D.C. is that a federal labeling bill will be announced in the next week or so. Whether or not these initiatives pass

DNA Technology in The Fight Against Illegal Logging

Tonya Dimitrova, Mongabay Waking Times The role of tree DNA tracking is increasing in the fight against illegal logging as evidenced by prosecution cases in USA and Germany. Modern DNA technology offers a unique opportunity: you could pinpoint the origin of your table at home and track down if the trees it was made from

The Grocery Store Blacklist: 12 Food Companies to Avoid

Daisy Luther, OccupyMonsanto360 Waking Times A genetically modified rose by any other name may smell sweet, but may still have frankenthorns© that might independently detach themselves and lop off your finger while you’re smelling it for all you know.  That’s not unlike a trip to the grocery store these days. There are a lot of

Duke Professor Suggests Simple Solution to Counter “Ag-Gag” Laws

Waking Times The old maxim that if you knew how sausage was made you would never eat it has been highlighted by many undercover videos taken by employees of factory farming operations and activists alike.In response, the industry has increasingly lobbied for “Ag-Gag” laws that criminalize whistleblowing and undercover investigations, essentially rendering animal cruelty completely invisible. Arguably,

Vermont House Approves Marijuana Decriminalization

Waking Times The Vermont House of Representatives approved a bill 98-44 Friday that would decriminalize possession of limited amounts of marijuana. The bill is scheduled for another House vote next week before moving forward to the Senate. Vermont Attorney General William Sorrell and Public Safety Commissioner Keith Flynn testified in favor of the bill, and

Crude Business – 13 Spills in 30 Days

Waking Times Nationwide, protests against the Keystone XL Pipeline project are erupting, and after Exxon’s Pegasus pipeline disaster last week dumped over 10,000 barrels of Tar Sands bitumen crude in the town of Mayflower, Arkansas, ordinary Americans, some at least, are finally grasping the significance of the dangers presented by moving oil. Shockingly, however, in

Vaccine Legislative Update: The Vaccine Police State is Knocking…

Alan Phillips, J.D., Green Med Info Waking Times The National Vaccine Information Center’s Advocacy Portal ( lists current vaccine bills throughout the U.S. Right now, it lists from one to six vaccine bills in each of 30+ states. Most of these bills, if passed into law, would further expand an already out-of-control pharmaceutical vaccine agenda

Monsanto’s Legal Engineering

Jill Richardson, Guest Writer Waking Times As this spring began, another branch in the biotech giant Monsanto’s sweep around any meaningful regulation of its products burst into bloom. Monsanto and its fellow “Big Six” pesticide and biotech companies — Syngenta, Dupont, Bayer, BASF, and Dow Chemical — pulled off a legislative coup when Congress passed

green skills

What Every Parent Should Know About Monsanto

Toni Nagy, Occupy Monsanto Waking Times Keeping our children from harm in today’s chemically-saturated world is one of the great challenges of modern parenting. The more I read the news, the more I want to look for toddler-sized quarantine suits on Etsy, but the most proactive way I can protect my daughter is to keep

‘What Can I Do?’ – Farmer Joel Salatin Answers This Important Question

Joel Salatin, Guest for Wanderlust Waking Times “What can I do?”  Perhaps the most common question people ask me, this simple request is filled with angst and hidden perceptions. Often a sigh accompanies the question, kind of a resignation to the power and position of the current food and farming paradigm. Often the question indicates a the

The Convenience of Plastic Is Killing Our Oceans

Alex Pietrowski, Staff Writer Waking Times About 300 million tons of plastic are produced each year. In the US alone, about 30+ million tons of plastic waste is dumped into the solid waste system, including various plastic containers, bags and other types of packaging, with only about 10% being recycled. Plastic, which was once regarded

5 Crypto-Currencies You’ve Never Heard Of

J.P. Hicks, Contributing Writer Waking Times Since the theft of depositors in Cyprus, Bitcoin has reached amazing new heights in both popularity and value. Over a $1 billion of Bitcoins are now in circulation. People all over the world are beginning to realize the value of financial anonymity and the utility of using crypto-currencies. Peer-to-peer

Trust and Connect

Ida Lawrence, Contributor Waking Times We do get a bit bruised by life. How could we not? We’re here at a profound time; a time when people are in need of an actual ray of hope. While we can’t offer a solution to another’s life, we can offer our calmness, our encouragement, and whatever information

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