
3 Signs That Anti-GMO Activism Is Working In Europe

Alex Pietrowski, Staff Waking Times There are days that Monsanto’s efforts to dominate the food supply through its patenting of GMO seeds seem so malicious and abhorrent, that any possibility of regular people and family farms taking back control over agriculture and our food source appears insurmountable. Yet, there are also days when it appears

Losing Just One Pollinator Species Leads to Big Plant Declines

Jeremy Hance, Mongabay Waking Times A shocking new study finds that losing just one pollinator species could lead to major declines in plant productivity, a finding that has broad implications for biodiversity conservation. Looking at ten bumblebee species in Colorado alpine meadows, two scientists found that removing a single bee species cut flower seed production

Supreme Court Rules Drug Companies Exempt from Lawsuits in 5-4 Vote

Christina Sarich, Staff Writer Waking Times In a 5 to 4 vote, the US Supreme Court has absolved pharmaceutical companies, and over 80 percent of all drugs prescribed in the US, of legal liability for a long list of ill deeds including fraud, mislabeling, side effects and accidental death. This decision happened as a response to a lower court’s

USGS Study Connects Earthquake Risk To Fracking Wastewater Injection

Laurel Whitney, DeSmogBlog Waking Times A new study out in Science by US Geological Survey scientist William Ellsworth links earthquakes to wastewater injection sites. These earthquakes, thought to be caused by pressure changes due to excess fluid injected deep below the surface, are being dubbed “man-made” earthquakes. It’s not the first time scientists have used that moniker, as earthquakes

When the Odds Seem Overwhelming: De-constructing the Great Normal

Julian Rose, Contributor Waking Times The awakening process has it’s deeply cathartic moments. That is inevitable. It’s a bumpy road. As we gain insight into the grand deceptions of the matrix, so the direction of our own lives is thrown into greater relief. The choices become more stark. There’s no longer any compromising middle ground

5 Reasons Why More Americans Don’t Protest Against The System

Sigmund Fraud, Staff Writer Waking Times Having recently celebrated their nation’s independence on July 4th, Americans were invited to recall the spirit of protest, rebellion, and revolution that marks the popular myth of the birth of the United States of America. The Declaration of Independence still stands as an important example of how the tolerance

Monsanto’s Patent Appeal Rejected by Indian Government, Saving Farmers, Food and Lives

Christina Sarich, Staff Writer Waking Times Monsanto’s attempts to patent further seeds and bankrupt entire generations of farmers and their families that have successfully farmed for centuries have been halted—at least in India—for now. Less than a week ago, Monsanto got more than a slap on the wrist from the Indian government – they were

Massive Bumblebee Die-Off Prompts Temporary Pesticide Ban in Oregon

Alex Pietrowski, Staff Writer Waking Times In what may be the single largest mass bumblebee die-off on record, some 50,000 plus bees were recently found littering the parking lot of a Target store in Wilsonville, Oregon recently after a landscaping company sprayed surrounding trees with the insecticide Safari. Concerning shoppers and the community, the event

Whether By Train Or By Pipeline, Oil and Gas Transport Is Unsafe

Don Lieber, DeSmogBlog Waking Times The deadly oil train disaster in Lac Megantic, Quebec on July 5, which (as of this writing) has left 33 people dead, with 17 still missing, and contaminated over 60 miles of local drinking water sources, has initiated a curious response across the media spectrum. Some observers cite this accident as reason

Fracking: A Deadly Power Surge

Jill Richardson, Guest Waking Times Jacki Schilke was suffering from symptoms ranging from rashes, pain, and lightheadedness to dental problems and urinating blood. The formerly healthy, 53-year-old cattle rancher’s body was under assault from a list of toxic chemicals as long as your arm. But Schilke’s lucky — so far — compared to five of her

How Inorganic Arsenic Accumulates In The Meat of Chicken Then Sold At Your Grocery Retailer

Marco Torres, Prevent Disease Waking Times Poultry has become one of the most contaminated sources of meat available to humans, particularly due to approved arsenic-based additives which 80% of all chickens consume in their daily diet. Until recently, chicken producers would routinely supplement poultry feed with a growth-promoting arsenical drug called roxarsone, which helps give

US Military, Monsanto Targeting GMO Activists and Independent Scientists, New Investigation Alleges

Syer Ji, GreenMedInfo Waking Times A shocking new investigative report from the largest daily newspaper in Germany alleges that Monsanto, the US Military and the US government have colluded to track and disrupt both anti-GMO activists and independent scientists who study the adverse effects of genetically modified food. As revealed yesterday by Sustainable Pulse, on July 13th the

The United States of Progesterone: What’s Really in Your Chicken Sandwich?

Richard Console Jr., Guest Waking Times The meat we eat is a mishmash of the political, practical, economic, and spiritual. Our taboos about protein vary by geography, even by household. Some eat pork, some don’t. Others serve camel as a delicacy – a tradition that would make many Americans faint from the cultural shock. We

Children’s ADHD Prescriptions Increase Nine-fold, Ages Three and Up

Heather Callaghan, Guest Waking Times The UK, like the U.S., is concerned by a baffling increase in heavy prescription drugs like Ritalin and psychotropics apparently given to children diagnosed with ADHD* as young as three – although guidelines condemn its use for children under age six. Medical pundits called for a significant decrease and are

The Final Stand: Grassroots Movement Against Monsanto Explodes

Anthony Gucciardi, Natural Society Waking Times The international resistance against Monsanto and the genetic manipulation of the food supply has advanced to an all new level, with countless citizens around the world taking the fight online and partaking in the Monsanto Video Revolt grassroots movement. Though scheduled to officially take place on July 24th, we’ve seen thousands of citizens

Brazil Confirms Amazon Deforestation Increase

Mongabay Waking Times Data released by the Brazilian government Friday confirms an increase in Amazon forest loss. Brazil’s National Space Research Institute, INPE, updated data from its near-real-time deforestation tracking system, known as DETER. The system showed a near five-fold increase in forest loss during May 2013 relative to a year earlier, from 99 square

Genetically Engineered “Terminator Seeds” – Death and Destruction of Agriculture

Colin Todhunter, Green Med Info Waking Times The widely held belief is that genetically modified ‘terminator seeds‘ are not available on the commercial market anywhere. Since 2001, there has been a de facto worldwide moratorium on the use of terminator technology (UN Convention on Biological Diversity). By definition, such seeds are genetically engineered to make

Bill Gates and GMO Cronies Plan $30 Million Seed Vault While Poisoning the Planet

Christina Sarich, Staff Writer Waking Times Bill Gates has been listed by Forbes as one of the world’s richest men, so when he makes plans to do something, people take note. Bill’s Microsoft money allowed him to build the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, with a huge $34.6 billion endowment and the ability to spend

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