
What’s Wrong with Cycling in the United States?

Dylan Charles, Editor Waking Times Holland is world renowned for its cycling transportation infrastructure, and if you’ve ever had the pleasure of spending a few days biking around Amsterdam, then you know just how pleasant, easy, and affordable cycling is there. People from every demographic use the bike routes for daily transportation, intersections are controlled

Colombians Successfully Revolt Against Seed Control and Agricultural Tyranny

Dylan Charles, Editor Waking Times Will Colombia’s farmers defeat the economic hitmen of the agricultural industry? Early in September, 2013, the Colombian government was forced to partially concede to the demands of a nationwide general strike instigated by farmers of the largely agrarian nation. The three week long protests and blockades that shut down much

Total GMO Ban To Be Considered By Russia Within Weeks

Natasha Longo, Prevent Disease Waking Times As one of the few nations in the world with a GMO-free platform, Russia does not allow any cultivation of GMOs for commercial purposes. Their regulatory agencies recently suspended the import and use of an American GM corn following a study suggesting a link to breast cancer and organ damage.

A Mom’s View of Vaccinations: The Flame That Fuels The Debate

Sarita Coren, GreenMedInfo Waking Times “You have your way. I have my way. As for the right way, the correct way, and the only way, it does not exist.” ~Friedrich Nietzsche To vaccinate or not to vaccinate that is the heated debate. Regardless of what position you hold, the vaccination topic carries weighted emotions like anger,

Video of Amazon Gold Mining Devastation Goes Viral in Peru

Rhett A. Butler, Mongabay Waking Times Video of illegal gold mining operations that have turned a portion of the Amazon rainforest into a moonscape went viral on Youtube after a popular radio and TV journalist in Peru highlighted the story. Last week Peruvian journalist and politician Güido Lombardi directed his audience to video shot from

Government Report Offers More Evidence Cannabis is a Wonder Drug for Cancer and Good Health

Alex Pietrowski, Staff Writer Waking Times As the world’s most beloved herb, Cannabis, continues to be liberated from the persecution of the government and the pharmaceutical-industrial complex, research continues to validate the many health benefits of Cannabis. This time, The National Cancer Institute, a government-funded organization has released a report indicating that cannabis and cannabinoids

How the USDA Organic Standard Allowed Fluoride to Contaminate the Organic Label

April McCarthy, Prevent Disease Waking Times There are many reasons to no longer trust the USDA organic label, however history gives a good lesson on why you should never confide in this government agency. The original standards proposed in 1997 by the US Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) revised rule on National Organic Standards (NOS) was first

Fracking Main Street: New Report Shows Social Costs for Rural Communities

Sharon Kelly, DeSmogBlog Waking Times What’s it like living in a small town that’s gone from rust belt farmland to fracking boomtown? First, residents often say, there’s the traffic.  Communities have been unexpectedly flooded with heavy tractor trailers that locals say turn 10 minute commutes into hour-long ordeals, choke back roads and decimate pavement so

Attacks on Health Reporters and Their Readers Are Escalating

Dr. Mercola Waking Times Truth becomes treason in an empire of lies. Attacks against health web sites like yours truly and others, and our readers—yes, that would be you—are rapidly escalating. Thinly veiled threats are issued not just by industry spokespersons (many of whom hide their industry ties from their readers), but also international organizations like UNICEF.

Huge Study Finds 5-fold Increase in ADHD Medication Use in Kids and Teens

Heather Callaghan, Contributor Waking Times Use of stimulant medications to treat Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in children and adolescents has increased significantly over the past several years –around the globe. Recently, we reported a staggering increase in the UK for children as young as three. That report included information of U.S. sales of ADHD stimulants more than doubling between 2007

Why You Can No Longer Trust The USDA Organic Label

Natasha Longo, Prevent Disease Waking Times “USDA Organic” is simply a marketing term those who take government ethics at face value. The goal has always been to increase agricultural sales, not promote organic farming. The public seems to confide in this label through sheer ignorance. The National Organic Program (NOP) which governs the “USDA Organic”

Stealth GMOs Are Coming: Approved & Unlabeled Everywhere

Heidi Stevenson, Gaia-Health Waking Times Genetically modified organisms are a terrifying development when we know they exist, but there’s a new system of creating GMOs that’s getting a complete pass. By fiat, our governments are allowing a process that produces genetically modified ‘foods’ for sale with absolutely no oversight. They can be called natural, or

Major General Smedley Butler – The Military Industrial Complex’s Original Whistleblower

Sigmund Fraud, Staff Writer Waking Times After marking the 12th anniversary of the terrible events of 9/11 and remembering the over 3000 lives that were lost, the American people find themselves embroiled in endless military conflict without clear objectives, without a clear definition of who or what we are still fighting, and without respectable leadership.

More Communities Succeed in Eliminating Water Fluoridation, While Chemical Industry Raises the Stakes

Dr. Mercola Waking Times After generations of misleading propaganda about the benefits of water fluoridation, the truth is finally getting some traction. According to the former EPA risk assessment scientist, Dr. William Hirzy, water fluoridation still remains a government policy because of “institutional inertia [and] embarrassment among government agencies that have been promoting this stuff

5 Big Signs The Global Engine of Deceit, Lies and Control Are Coming To End

Marco Torres, Prevent Disease Waking Times If you don’t see it coming, you may have been hiding in a very dark place for the last decade. The lies, deceit, fear-mongering and illusions portrayed by elite controlling entities of the world are slowly crumbling right in front of their eyes as the world is awakening. Here

Fracking Away Our Water Supply

Farron Cousins, DeSmogBlog Waking Times As many areas of the country experience severe droughts, the fight for clean, fresh water is becoming vital to survival for many American citizens.  The problem has been made worse by the expansion of hydraulic fracturing (fracking), which gobbles up hundreds of millions (billions, according to some estimates) of gallonsof potable water

Neurosurgeon Speaks Out On How Vaccines Harm Child Brain Development

Dave Mihalovic, Prevent Disease Waking Times Arguably one of the most outspoken and articulate leaders in raising awareness on the dangers of vaccination, Dr. Russell Blaylock, MD, provides compelling arguments why the vaccination of pregnant women is harmful and a hidden cause of neurological disorders. He also discusses the toxic ingredients in vaccines such as

Deforestation Surges as Ecuador Kills Amazon Protection Plan

Rhett Butler, Mongabay Waking Times Data released this week by Terra-i, a collaborative mapping initiative, shows that deforestation in Ecuador for the first three months of 2013 was pacing more than 300 percent ahead of last year’s rate. The report comes shortly after Ecuadorean President Rafael Correa killed off a proposed plan to prohibit oil drilling

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