
May All Be Revealed

Caitlin Johnstone – The world’s healthiest people want all truth to be revealed no matter how inconvenient it might be.

Seeing With New Eyes

Elva Thompson – What appears to be random events for dramatic change in our world are definitely planned events executed according to occult numerology.

Weave Your Universe

Peony – The universe is also mental and is also made up like a web.

In a World Where Truth Doesn’t Matter

Zen Gardner – This latest round of rapidly deployed, over-reaching control mechanisms by packs of free-roaming predators only serves as another wake up opportunity for mankind.

Welcome to Dystopia

Elva Thompson – Do not be afraid. The demons are playing but so can we.

Social Distancing: the Rationale, the Insanity

Jon Rappoport – Night in the city. Empty streets. A few masked pod people, wearing holstered spray bottles of disinfectants, wander subway platforms looking for the monster COVID.

No, thanks!
