The Importance of Solitude and Meditation
Gary ‘Z’ McGee – Meditation and solitude are “entrances” into this hunger for the unknown. Indeed, but this is no time for self-pity. This is a time to fill in the blind spot.
Gary ‘Z’ McGee – Meditation and solitude are “entrances” into this hunger for the unknown. Indeed, but this is no time for self-pity. This is a time to fill in the blind spot.
Gary ‘Z’ McGee – Obedience to authority is a disease of laziness and indifference.
Tyler Durden – Meet your new self-appointed Overlord.
Dylan Charles – George Orwell warned us of the corrosive effects of self-censorship on freedom and individual liberty.
A. True Ott, PhD – This is why most people CANNOT see the truth.
Alex Pietrowski – If you’re passionate enough to care about politics, you should be gardening already.
Michael S. Jaffee – Researchers are concerned about how the twice-a-year switch impacts our body’s physiology.
Soren Dreier – It is said that there’s a thin line between love and hate, good and evil, right and wrong.
Danny Razor – Medical researchers have made a shocking historical anatomical discovery by finding a new organ located at the center of the human head.
Dr. Alan Palmer – The media blitz surrounding the COVID-19 crisis strangely omits any mention of the power of the human immune system.
Bruce Lanphear – New evidence questions existing policies about the safety of fluoride for babies’ developing brains.
John Vibes – A study suggests that binge drinking alcohol could seriously damage the brain in ways that increase the risk of cognitive-behavioral issues like anxiety.
Dr. Mercola – The shocking truth about the mental health institute from the doctor known as the ‘conscience of psychiatry.’
Kingsley L. Dennis – The collective ‘cultural mind’ is continually being shaped by dominant social-cultural narratives that normalize our mental and emotional behavioral patterns.
Kingsley L. Dennis – Modern life already provides enough stimulation for the average person.
Dr. Mercola – SARS-CoV-2 is likely here to stay, which means we have to learn to live with it.
Patrick Herbert – The media tells everyone that they are victims and that they need someone to blame.
Jordan Davidson – The great hand sanitizer deception is here.
Azriel ReShel – Nature, when we’re open enough to listen to it, always provides us with clues for living a harmonious life.
Kingsley L. Dennis – We have entered together a period of global experience/experiment whereby we are being compelled to act from the place we find ourselves in.