Time & Space

Manufacturing Madness: The Pseudoscience of Modern Psychiatry

Gary Null, PhD, GreenMedInfo Waking Times Twenty-six years have passed since Prozac, the antidepressant drug, was introduced to the US market and quickly achieved the label of a “wonder drug.” In the decade that followed, other antidepressant drugs including paroxetine (Paxil), sertraline (Zoloft), fluvoxamine (Luvox), and citalopram (Celexa) would be released, creating an entire class of medications

Illumination and the Artificial Womb

Julian Wash, Contributor Waking Times Dear Humans, Today I wish to return to your awareness an aspect of the Human condition that yields to imaginary lines and abstractions. In a world otherwise composed of natural beauty and harmony, there’s an artificial grid, a template of conformity that grips the planet. And within its broad, sweeping

Over 30 Percent of Breast Cancer Cases Are Misdiagnosed, Causing Unnecessary Treatment

Dave Mihalovic, Prevent Disease Waking Times Mammography is one of the biggest diagnostic scams used by the cancer industry to recruit patients out of thin air. Routine mammograms cause unnecessary procedures, especially toxic chemotherapy and over-treatment, ultimately accelerating death. Moreover, screening has had no impact on breast cancer deaths among women leading more health experts to question

Soy-Based Formula Linked To Seizures In Children

Dr. Marianna Pochelli, Prevent Disease Waking Times Phytoestrogens in soy-based formulas are known to carry greater risks than benefits for infants. Babies fed soy-based formula had 13,000 to 22,0000 times more isoflavones in their blood than babies fed milk-based formula. New data published in PLoS One shows that consumption of soy formula may also be associated with

Measles: A Rash of Misinformation

Dr. Tyson Perez, D.C., GreenMedInfo Waking Times With the recent release of a provocative children’s book entitled Melanie’s Marvelous Measles, a debate has ensued regarding the effectiveness and wisdom surrounding measles vaccinations.  When I first heard about the book, I went to Amazon to order a copy for myself.  The amount of negative reviews was staggering.  People

97 Percent of The Time, Chemotherapy Does Not Work And Continues To Be Used Only For One Reason

Dave Mihalovic, Prevent Disease Waking Times Doctors and pharmaceutical companies make money from it. That’s the only reason chemotherapy is still used. Not because it’s effective, decreases morbidity, mortality or diminishes any specific cancer rates. In fact, it does the opposite. Chemotherapy boosts cancer growth and long-term mortality rates. Most chemotherapy patients either die or

Your Aura And How It Affects Others

Gregg Prescott, M.S., In5D Guest Waking Times Have you ever noticed people who simply make you feel good by just looking at them? Have you ever observed someone for the first time and knew that there was something off with this person, even though that particular person never said a word to you? As more experiments are

Is Roundup Weedkiller A Brain-Damaging Neurotoxin?

Sayer Ji, GreenMedInfo Waking Times A new study reveals a hitherto unknown mechanism behind how the world’s most popular GMO herbicide harms the brain. Remarkably, despite Roundup® herbicide’s widespread approval around the world, the most basic mechanisms through which it exerts toxicity towards non-target animal species (including humans) have yet to be adequately characterized. Concerned about Brazil’s

More Confirmed Cases of Fukushima Thyroid Cancer In Children

Rich Travis, Guest Writer Waking Times A recent article out of the Fukushima Daiichi Prefecture area of Japan is adding to the count of children with Fukushima thyroid cancer following this catastrophic and unfortunate event. What is so amazing to me is that the prefecture government officials are standing by their statement, “It is unlikely

What Are Spirits Part 2

Bob Makransky, Shamanic Journey Waking Times If you are serious about becoming a magician, then this is where you should start. It’s actually quite easy to learn to channel (easiest during lunar planetary hours). The chief function of spirit guides is to act like cornermen in a boxing match. When you’re completely exhausted and life has

New Studies Show Wireless Radiation May Be Contributing To Male Infertility

Vidya Frazier, Guest Waking Times If you’ve got low sperm count and can’t figure out why, it may be because of your cell phone and laptop. Researchers have recently found a link between the radiation emitted by these devices and male infertility. In the past, research studies on low sperm count focused on such things as

The 10 Lies We Tell Ourselves

Whitney Anthony, Purpose Fairy Waking Times “The worst lies are the lies we tell ourselves. We live in denial of what we do, even what we think. We do this because we’re afraid. We fear we will not find love, and when we find it, we fear we’ll lose it. We fear that if we

5 Hacks To Help You Live A Longer And Healthier Life

David Dack, Contributor Waking Times If you are looking to enjoy the fruits of longevity, then the solution lieswithin the lifestyle choices you are making, day on day out. There is no such thing as an elixir of immortality. And that’s actually great news. You don’t need to spend a fortune on magical pills or

Oral Pathogens Can Lead to Cancers in Other Parts of Your Body

Dr. Mercola Waking Times Good oral hygiene is even more important than previously thought. Pathogenic microorganisms and their toxins can harm more than just your mouth when they circulate through your bloodstream—they can potentially cause secondary infections and chronic inflammation throughout your body. The fact that oral pathogens can make their way to distant parts

Spying, Prying & Lying: The Rise of Global Digital Surveillance

Patrick Henningsen, New Dawn Waking Times “Books have been written about [US] President Eisenhower’s famous farewell warning in 1961 about the ‘military-industrial complex,’ and what he described as its ‘unwarranted influence.’ But an even greater leviathan today, one that the public knows little about, is the ‘intelligence-industrial complex.’” – Michael Hirsh, National Journal1 In our interconnected

Echo of the Primitive

Julian Rose, Contributor Waking Times Between them, the upward aspiration of the Spirit and the pull of the Earth exert the two most fundamental influences on our lives. Strip away all the paraphernalia of modern life and the raw energies of these two forces take hold of us, opening up our latent powers. What might appear

Holistic Cancer Research: Marijuana, THC and Hemp Oil

Gregg Prescott, M.S., In5D Guest Waking Times One of the more promising holistic cancer treatments involves hemp oil, as promoted by Rick Simpson. According to Simpson, there are three different ways to use hemp oil: you can ingest it, vaporize it or use it as a topical oil. As evidenced by eyewitness testimonials, Hemp Oil not

Symptoms – The Subtle Language Of The Body

Glen Dupree, DVM, CVH, Guest Waking Times Our world is full of subtleties that are often overlooked in the rush of modern life. Oftentimes we see what is most evident and believe that to be all there is – we miss the web of more subtle events and objects that accompany the obvious but are hidden

Live The Art of Your Life And Leave A Masterpiece

Jefferey Jaxen, Staff Writer Waking Times  The most basic of the twenty-four principles or elements of the Universe found in the Indian holistic healing practice of Ayurveda is called “Prakruti” or creativity. As human beings, we are first and foremost creators. Our individual creativity is the essence of life on this planet. What we create

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