Time & Space

The Equinox Earth Healing Event on 23 September 2014 – Join Us!

Edna Spennato, Guest Waking Times [Introduction by Zen Gardner: I’ve participated in Edna’s healing treatments for almost 2 years and have not only benefitted personally from them as have many others, but have seen dramatic changes in areas of planetary healing which were being addressed. Perhaps the most dramatic manifestation is that the last 3

Hollow Earth Conspiracy Theories: The Hole Truth

Will Storr, Telegraph Waking Times Late at night, on October 4 2002, a strange guest appeared on a cult American radio show. Coast to Coast AM with Art Bell had a reputation for exploring weird themes with fascinating guests, but few had ever sounded as excited as this one. Dallas Thompson was a former personal trainer who had

Mighty Broccoli Sprouts Rapidly Detox Pollutants

Margie King, GreenMedInfo Waking Times Air pollution is associated with a long list of health problems including cardio-respiratory deaths, pulmonary disease, and chronic respiratory conditions.  And the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has recently classified air pollution as carcinogenic to humans. But a new clinical trial finds that tiny broccoli sprouts can help

The Nature of Mystical Experience

James C. Wilhelm, Contributor Waking Times Thousands of books have been written about mysticism over thousands of years, and this essay is a mere 1,012 words. Do I really think I can convey the essence, power and bliss of the mystical in a thousand words? I do. That is what I set out to do after recently

3 Suppressed Technologies that Could Revolutionize Daily Life

Nick Bernabe, Earth We Are One Waking Times The US has a long history of suppressing technologies in an effort to help government aligned corporations extend their profits. This history dates back over 100 years which we will outline — in part — in this article. Nikola Tesla Nikola Tesla, the man who discovered how

Karma Cleanse

Renata Palmo, Contributor Waking Times When we hear the word karma, we often hear it in the context of having done something “bad” and its consequence of justice served, well-deserved. This is a rather small vision of what karma actually is. A clearer short explanation is that the word karma in Sanskrit principally means action…and

Fats Found In Coconut Oil Boost Brain Function In Only One Dose

Sayer Ji, GreenMedInfo Waking Times Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCTs), the primary type of fat found within coconut oil, have been found to boost cognitive performance in older adults suffering from memory disorders as serious as Alzheimer’s — and not after months or even days of treatment, but after a single 40 ml dose! A groundbreaking 2004 study

What is Enlightenment?

Thomas Razzeto, GrahamHancock.com Waking Times My most passionate plea is for you to wake up to your true self as pure awareness. We have all heard it said that you are not a human being having a spiritual experience, but instead, you are a spiritual being having a human experience. Yet you are not a

Do We Plan Our Lives Before We Are Born?

Nikkie Gray, Collective-Evolution Waking Times The theory that we plan our lives was something I had never heard of before 2011. Up until that point, I could not have even imagined such a thing. Even after hearing about it 3 years ago, it took me quite a long time to let this concept into my

Mysterious Illness Plaguing Girls Who Received HPV Vaccine

Dave Mihalovic, Prevent Disease Waking Times There is now substantial evidence that the HPV vaccine is debilitating girls and young women all over the world. The latest comes from northern Colombia, where a mysterious illness is plaguing girls and the HPV vaccine is to blame. First their hands and feet feel cold. Then they go

Can Vitamin C Cure Ebola?

Steve Hickey, Hilary Roberts & Damien Downing, GreenMedInfo Waking Times If there were a drug that worked on Ebola you should use it. There isn’t. There is only vitamin C. But you must be extremely careful what you believe, because, as it ever was, the Internet is full of dangerous loonies. For almost a decade now, the OMNS has reported on nutritional therapies;

Foods and The ‘Etheric Field’

Soren Dreier, Guest Waking Times The other day I went to the veggie store and I was looking at the tomatoes. They have three kinds: First kind is more or less the same. They look the same, have the same size, and same color. Industrialized, clone, replica like. Second kind they call plum tomatoes here. They were

Link Found Between Food Allergies and Farm Antibiotics

Dr. Mercola Waking Times Food allergies affect an estimated 15 million Americans, including one in 13 children. Statistics indicate something strange is afoot, as food allergies in children rose by 50 percent between 1997 and 2011 alone. Similarly, in Great Britain one in three people are allergic to something, be it pollen, dust mites, or

Superfoods – The Future of Cellular Health

Heather Callaghan, Contributor Waking Times In “She Used to Be In A Wheelchair – The TED Talk That Comes With a Warning” I showcase Dr. Terry Wahls who successfully reversed her debilitating multiple sclerosis with the application of nutrients and meditation. She talks about the importance “minding your mitochondria” and how lifestyle, diet and environment can switch

Consuming Canned Foods Increases Toxic Exposure 1000 Fold

April McCarthy, Prevent Disease Waking Times Consuming a daily serving of canned food products has a more than 1,000% increase in urinary bisphenol A (BPA) concentrations compared with when the same individuals consumed fresh food daily. The study is one of the first to quantify BPA levels in humans after ingestion of canned foods. The

3 Common Mental Health Issues Treatable with Psychedelics

Anna Hunt, Staff Writer Waking Times Despite the complicated social perspective regarding psychedelics, more research and attention is being given to the use of psychedelic substances such as lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), psilocybin mushrooms, and plants such as ayahuasca to treat mental illnesses, including depression, anxiety, alcoholism and drug addiction. Psychedelics interact with serotonin receptors

This Unusual Tropical Fruit Can Stop Cancer and Increase Life Span

Mae Chan, Prevent Disease Waking Times Sapodilla or sapota (chikoo) is a popular delicious tropical fruit in line with mango and kiwi. It has now joined the list of fruits that have proven anticancer properties. Originated in the central American rain forests, probably in Mexico and Belize, today it has spread all over the tropical

7 Benefits of Going Grain-Free

Leah Zerbe, EcoWatch Waking Times Since the Wheat Belly revolution, people all over the world have reported amazing results: being able to reverse type 2 diabetes, shedding layers of dangerous visceral body fat that encases the organs and revving up to super-charged energy levels. But we started to wonder … how does ditching wheat—and all grains for

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