7 Points That Prove How Dangerous Cell Phones Are to Humankind
Bernie Suarez – 7 top reasons why cell phones are terrible for society.
Bernie Suarez – 7 top reasons why cell phones are terrible for society.
Christina Sarich – Why are we still driving cars that pollute the planet on a crumbling infrastructure?
Trevor Harden – There are many unseen realities surrounding us at all times that we ordinaly cannot perceive.
Catherine J Frompovich – Citizens groups are conducting testing to find out what big-ag doesn’t want us to know.
Sayer Ji – Cancer is a symptom, not a disease
Louis Proud – Evidence shows how interested government is in ESP and remote viewing methodolgy.
Dr. Ben Kim – Cholesterol meds are big business, but do we need them?
Jon Rappoport – Totalitarian science lets you know you’re living in a totalitarian society.
V. Susan Ferguson – The ancient Sanskrit texts speak of a super weapon that destroyed 90 cities by heat.
Sayer Ji – Scientific research is showing that vegetables can be more effective than pharmaceuticals for treating autism.
Dr. Mercola – Depression can cause brain damage, and this is how to reverse it.
Ethan A. Huff – Scientific journals are under the control of very few interests.
Sayer Ji & Keith Bell – The rain comes from the soil, and the soil is heavily poisoned…
Alex Pietrowski – Can this new technology undermine the corrupt financial markets?
Jon Rappoport – When an individual deploys his imagination, the technocracy is exposed.
Aaron Dykes & Melissa Dykes – What exactly are these mysterious towers being used for?
Catherine J Frompovich – Are ‘smart’ technology proponents covering up the fact that these devices can cause cancer?
Video – Could new discoveries of possibly habitable planets made by the Kepler space observatory help find proof of alien life on a distant Earth like planet?
Christina Sarich – This is one of the most important reasons to never consume MSG.
Dr. Mercola – The link between processed foods and depression keeps getting stronger. To heal depression, stop eating these foods and heal your gut microbiome.