This is What Government Sponsored Mass Surveillance is Doing to Your Mind
Alex Pietrowski – Research into the effects of government spying proves how dangerous it is to the individual.
Alex Pietrowski – Research into the effects of government spying proves how dangerous it is to the individual.
Christina Sarich – What exactly is NASA covering up here?
Derrick Broze – All around the nation, mysterious technology is being installed in our cities and neighborhoods.
Christina Sarich – Industry fraud and out right greed have ruined the credibility of scientific research.
Dr. Mercola – Supporting your microbiome is critical to your health and wellness.
Rich Travis – America’s most dangerous power plant is causing a shocking rise in thyroid cancer.
Phillip Schneider – Is Monsanto’s glyphosate the true cause of sensitivity to glutenous foods?
Dr. Fahad Basheer – What do LSD, consciousness and unconditional love have in common?
Makia Freeman – A former cell phone industry worker is exposing the harm EMF radiation is doing to bees.
Christina Sarich – The first ever brain scans of people under the influence of LSD reveal a more unified, more complete brain.
Amy L. Lansky – What are the causes of the autism epidemic, and can we overcome fear and greed to solve this?
Therese Wade – We live in a sea of subtle energies. We can become conscious of them and learn to use them.
Christina Sarich – Why is scientific research into the ‘Seat of the Soul’ still in its infancy?
Christina Sarich – There really is no better way to create a nation of obedient slaves than to lobotomize them from above.
Dr. Fahad Basheer – The heart communicates information to the brain and throughout the body via electromagnetic field interactions.
Global Freedom Movement– It was never going to be easy for a documentary so damning to the government to be seen.
Catherine J. Frompovich – Here is smoking gun evidence that the pharmaceutical industry has known about the link between vaccines and autism.
Phillip Schneider – Even more good reasons to turn off your TV, or better yet, get rid of it.
Ethan Smith & Andy Whiteley – Our health and our future depends on the health of our planet.
Terence Newton – What lies at the center of our galaxy, and what effect is it having on human consciousness?