
Prove To Anyone That Fluoride Is Bad For You…. And Dumbing Society Down!

So it is apparent that fluoride is a poisonous by-product of industry. If fluoride is a main ingredient in Procaz, are governments that allow water fluoridation attempting to dumb their people down? Are we more malleable as a society when fluoride is present? I would say Yes and Yes!!

If Your Doctor Insists That Vaccines Are Safe, Then Have Them Sign This Form

The average person that consents to a vaccine injection, either for themselves or for their children, genuinely believes it is for the betterment of health. What they are not aware of is that even their doctor is likely unfamiliar with the toxic ingredients contained in vaccines which can immediately begin to degrade both short- and long-term health. If your doctor insists that vaccines are safe, then they should have absolutely no problem in signing this form so that you may archive it for your own records on the event of an adverse reaction.

Get Internet Access When Your Government Shuts It Down

These days, no popular movement goes without an Internet presence of some kind, whether it’s organizing on Facebook or spreading the word through Twitter. And as we’ve seen in Egypt, that means that your Internet connection can be the first to go. Whether you’re trying to check in with your family, contact your friends, or simply spread the word, here are a few ways to build some basic network connectivity when you can’t rely on your cellular or landline Internet connections.

30 Life-Enhancing Things You Can Do in 30 Minutes or Less

Many of us attempt to measure our happiness based on the duration of certain favorable experiences in our lives. The longer a favorable experience lasts, the happier we think we’ll be. But the truth is, life is simply a string of small, independent moments that are always changing.

Children in Dire Need of Escaping the Indoors

Vitamin D is widely considered to be one of the most beneficial vitamins, though sadly many parents deprive their children of it by neglecting their need for the biggest source of the vitamin – the sun. The most recent study of children ages 4 through 7 suggests that much of it has to do with parents neglecting their child’s inherent (and very necessary) need to go outside and play.

How Do You Know if You Have Pesticide Poisoning? 3 Warning Signs Not to Ignore

Research has connected pesticide exposure with neurological disorders, birth defects, fertility issues, cancer, obesity and diabetes. And the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention notes that children between ages six and eleven have more than four times the acceptable levels of organophosphates in their bodies.

Top 10 Rules for Proper Food Combining

Every food is different, some are alkaline, others acidic, some are high in fat, others high in fiber. Because foods are different, paying attention to the basic rules of food combining can give your body the chance it needs to properly use food. Have you ever left a steak and a tomato on the counter for a week and watched what happens?

Which Eggs Are Best?

It’s hard to know which eggs to buy when faced with the range on the supermarket shelves. You want to know that your eggs are nutritious and of good quality, produced by happy and healthy hens, and that they have a low risk of contamination.

Top Scientist: Fluoride Already Shown to Cause 10,000 Cancer Deaths

Water fluoridation is a highly controversial topic, with many individuals voicing massive concern over the practice. In contrast, some stick to the concept that there isn’t any association between fluoride and any real negative effects. Fluoride, however, is indeed a toxic substance, and has been tied with numerous health complications in well-established research.

The Truth About Alkalizing Your Blood

Is it true that the foods and beverages you consume cause your blood to become more alkaline or acidic? Contrary to popular hype, the answer is: not to any significant degree. Here’s why.

Top 7 Sources of Plant-Based Protein

Despite deeply ingrained but misleading conventional wisdom, the truth is that you can survive without meat, eggs and dairy. Believe it or not, you can actually thrive, and never suffer a protein deficiency. Because no matter how active your lifestyle, a well-rounded whole food plant-based diet provides more than enough protein to satisfy the body’s needs without all the artery-clogging saturated fats that dominate the typical American diet.

5 Secrets to a ‘No-work’ Garden

It took over 20 years of gardening to realize that I didn’t have to work so hard to achieve a fruitful harvest. As the limitless energy of my youth gradually gave way to the physical realities of mid-life, the slow accretion of experience eventually led to an awareness that less work can result in greater crop yields.

The Online Seed Saving Handbook

Here is a great resource for learning to save seeds and maintaining your collection. Seeds are life, and with the assault on our food system growing stronger day by day, it is more important than ever that individuals take on the responsibility of preserving nature’s most critical information. Perhaps use this information to keep a personal garden, or how about starting a neighborhood or community seed bank in your town by visiting neighbors who grow, and showing those that don’t don’t how to?

One Man, One Cow, One Planet (Video)

Peter Proctor teaches Biodynamic agriculture in India, demonstrating how healthy soil creates healthy plants, which creates healthy food for healthy people. And throughout this cycle, every additive needed to produce natural and bountiful results is naturally produced and supplied by the farm. Biodynamic farming brings together the forces of nature in a unique way that can heal, land, livestock and people.

Greening the Desert (Video)

Geoff Lawton demonstrates how to turn acres of dry, arid, salty and overworked soil into a desert oasis. Proving that man can overcome nature and the self to improve life on earth, this is an inspiring must watch.

Portland’s Neighborhood Tool Sharing Libraries (Video)

Need a tool for a few days? Don’t have it? Neighbor doesn’t have it? Borrow it from your neighborhood tool library! No tool library? Check out Portland, where several neighborhoods have started successful tool libraries just in the last few years. Organizers Tom Thompson, Karen Tarnow and Stephen Couche discuss how they got started, stories of community generosity, and the enthusiastic response of all who stop by. In these neighborhoods, there’s no reason not to grab the tools you need and do that project!

How to Save Seeds

What you basically do when you save seeds is this: you go to the seeds when they are ready and get them; you make sure they’re really dry, and then you store them.

It’s as simple as that but …

Extensive List of Organic Pest Control Remedies

You can make your own organic bug spray from kitchen leftovers! Simply save your onion skins, peels and ends then refrigerate in an empty margarine-sized tub or ziplock bag until the container is full. Once you have enough, place the onion pieces in a pail and fill with warm water. Soak for a few days, up to a week. You can keep this on the patio in the sun to steep but this is optional. After one week, strain the onion bits out and store the onion water in spray bottles.

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