

An Avocado a Day…

Anna Hunt, Staff Writer Waking Times If you ask your friends if an avocado is a fruit or vegetable they may not know, but they’ll probably be able to tell you that avocados are high in fat. This fact about the mild-flavored green fruit (yes, avocados are fruits, or more specifically large berries) has given

Is Fructose As Addictive As Alcohol?

Sayer Ji Waking Times Fructose, which literally means “fruit sugar,”* sounds so sweet and innocent. And indeed, when incorporated into the diet in moderate amounts in the form of fruit – always organic and raw, when possible – it’s about as pure and wholesome as as a nutrient can get. Not so for industrially processed

How to Detox Fluorides from Your Body

Paul Fassa Natural News You can rid you body of most fluorides with some easy natural remedies. Fluorides have been linked to a variety of severe chronic, even acute health issues. First a quick review summary of fluoride. Fluoride Toxicity Fluoride is a soluble salt, not a heavy metal. There are two basic types of

Drugs You Don’t Know About: Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients Tainting the Water Supply

Kelsey Coy Waking Times Think you know what pharmaceuticals you ingest everyday? Think again. Several decades worth of research, most recently and notoriously an April 2008 AP Investigation, has confirmed the pervasive presence of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) in our nation’s water supply. Lesser known sources of water pollution, these drugs include antibiotics, anti-convulsants, mood stabilizers and sex hormones.

Holistic Treatment for Depression Includes Acupuncture

Elizabeth Renter Waking Times A study released last week shows promising results for pregnant women suffering from depression. According to the research, published in Obstetrics & Gynecology, acupuncture is effective in treating depression holistically in pregnant women. The information showing that holistic treatment for depression includes acupuncture comes at a time when growing research is questioning the safety of

Bi-Polar Disorder: Why is it So Common and How to Alleviate it

The Health Coach, Contributing Writer Waking Times If ever there was a truly American psychiatric condition, Bi-polar disorder (aka Manic-depressive disorder) is it. Everything about Society USA promotes such a condition from our youngest ages. As we unpack the several components of the mental and emotional baggage associated with Bi-polar disorder (BPD), you’ll quickly see how easy it is to manage

The Body Clock

Milos Bang, Acupuncturist Waking Times  Most of Eastern Philosophy and Medicine comes from observing Nature and the Universe. Ancient Chinese realized early that most things in Nature are cyclical and by observing the human body’s patterns, established that our own energy (Qi) also moves on daily and on annual cycles. If you often wake up

Your Rights: Saying No to Vaccines

Elizabeth Renter Waking Times If you aren’t aware that vaccines are a controversial matter, you haven’t been paying attention. The government and big pharma would have you believe your life is at risk if you don’t vaccinate. But, growing research suggests vaccines aren’t effective in the prevention of disease and that they may actually cause

What is Candida?

Pat Robinson Waking Times  Candida (Yeast) is a late sign of impaired gut health. Candida is associated with craving simple carbs (white foods–pasta, bread, rice, and all sugars) which feed the yeast. Candida develops for many reasons. Basically, it is a ‘helper’ attempting to create balance in the gut, generally due to antibiotics, preservatives, heavy metal toxins and sterile foods.

Can The Slow Food Movement Cure The Fast Food Nation?

Tania Melkonian Waking Times Food Should Be Good, Clean, and Fair… I was young, exceedingly light on Euros and on my first trip to Italy.   Despite my financial challenges, I had friends in high places.  When you’re traveling  ‘low end’ that  means  friends who are locals.   In that regard,  I was abundant.  As the boat

Energy Workshop: Part 1 – Foundation and the Chakras

Adam Lanka, Contributing Writer Waking Times As the world’s awakening accelerates toward critical mass, many people are experiencing a new elevation of awareness and energy. While many have been travelling down this road for some time, many more are just now being initiated into these mysteries, realizing and relearning that an inner quest has guided

Pharmaceutical Drug Interactions: Creating A National Mental Health Crisis

The Health Coach, Contributing Writer Waking Times Pharmaceutical drug interactions have not been studied closely by the Medical-Pharmaceutical Complex for two reasons. First, there are simply so many pharmaceutical medications on the market that the cost to do so would be prohibitive. Prohibitive to their profit-taking, certainly not prohibitive relative to the enormous revenues that

How Turmeric and Curcumin are Excellent at Preventing Chronic Disease

Lisa Garber Waking Times Anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal, anticancer—that’s quite a lot to expect of a humble root of the ginger family. Like ginger, turmeric and curcumin (the powdered and supplement form, respectively, of the Curcuma longa plant) play center stage in millenia-old Asian medicine and cuisine. It wasn’t until 1949, however, that the West studied its

MSG Hidden in Variety of Foods and Contributing To Illness

Grocery Geek Waking Times  Despite common perception, the toxic food additive MSG is everywhere – not just in Chinese food! This taste enhancer is actually hidden under dozens of ingredient names in all sorts of processed foods, restaurant foods, beverages, chewing gums, vitamins and supplements. It is added to foods in higher dosages than ever before, and more and more people are experiencing

Medication or Meditation?

Ed and Deb Shapiro Waking Times “For fast-acting relief, try slowing down.” — Lily Tomlin, actress and comedienne We tend to take our bodies very much for granted, and our health even more so. As a result, when something goes wrong, it can be alarming, even frightening, as if we had been walking around inside a

Foods that Contain the Highest Amount of Pesticides

Jordan & Kyla Miller Waking Times Much of the produce that is sold today in supermarkets is supplied from farmers who practice conventional farming methods. In other words, the produce has been grown using chemical fertilizers as well as pesticides and herbicides. Many scientific studies suggest that the effects of synthetic pesticides can be detrimental to our

Prevent Sunburn Naturally by Consuming these Foods

Elizabeth Renter Waking Times Many of us welcome the summer with sun overexposure or a wicked sunburn. The sun is a beautiful thing, responsible for giving us Vitamin D and generally improving our moods. But for many of us, too much of this good thing can be bad. Sunburns aren’t only painful, they can lead

7 Secrets to Knowing Your Higher Self

Asoka Selvarajah, In5D Waking Times Each of us is connected with the Divine. The Higher Self within us far transcends the understanding of our conscious minds. This is the power that all the great geniuses and teachers of history have accessed. It is also the place of magic and miracle in our lives. Here are the seven

Chicken Exposé: A Chicken Is NOT Just a “Chicken”!

Raluca Schacter, Guide2Health Waking Times “When President Herbert Hoover envisioned a “chicken in every pot” it was because chicken was a luxury. Historically, chicken was the food of royalty. Peasants could not afford chickens whenever they wanted one. The common person could only eat chicken once in a while as part of some festive occasion.”

Thirteen Things You May Not Know About Cannabis

Laurel Dewey, The Weed Blog Waking Times 1. Smoking marijuana is actually the least effective way to benefit from the medicinal power of marijuana. Opt for liquid extracts, cannabis butters or medicated oils to truly gain the deepest use from this healing plant. 2. The term “marijuana” is actually a Mexican slang term that the

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