Cognitive Warfare and the Battle to be YOU
Dylan Charles – They want to control, conquer and kill your individuality, which isn’t easy to do, considering that human beings are wired to seek individuation.
Dylan Charles – They want to control, conquer and kill your individuality, which isn’t easy to do, considering that human beings are wired to seek individuation.
Dylan Charles – There are severe restrictions on your ability to fully realize your human-ness.
Kingsley L. Dennis – We are here now to build a new model whilst existing within the current one that is fast becoming obsolete.
Gary Z McGee – Love should be embraced at the risk of a painful life.
Charles Eisenstein – The mandates and coercion policies have another, even more sinister, effect: they divide the public and pit us against each other.
Rev. Gary W. Duncan – Intermittently, I had been working with these specific ritual practices throughout the years eager to find some resolution, but none emerged.
John W. Whitehead – The Christmas story of a baby born in a manger is a familiar one, yet what if Jesus had been born 2,000 years later?
Robert Cinque – Take your hand out of the fire of false ideas, cultural conditioning, scientific materialism and religious superstition.
Makia Freeman – The orchestrators of the COVID scamdemic understand human psychology very well.
Gary Z McGee – The metamorphosis of the soul is where the herd instinct goes to die.
Paul Levy – The therapist is performing a modern-day re-enactment of the shamanic practice of soul retrieval.
Paul Levy – Synchronicity is considered to be one of the most important ideas emerging out of the twentieth century.
Neenah Payne – There is a science to creating the conditions for mass psychosis.
Gary ‘Z’ McGee – Offending people is an artform. It’s a subtle recipe of daring, humility, and humor.
Gary ‘Z’ McGee – Most of us live life half-alive, or half-dead, depending on how you look at it. Quiet desperation tends to rule the day.
Linda George – There is a very dark force in our midst – and it is showing its hand.
Gary ‘Z’ McGee – Here are three key disciplines toward becoming a Cosmic Hero.
Paul Levy – Wetiko cannot stand it when we identify with our true nature as creative beings, for then it has nothing to sink its roots—and fangs—into.
Dylan Charles – Medicine healers would be appalled at how we approach mental health in our culture.
Gary ‘Z’ McGee – To a certain extent, we are always deceived. For we are only human, all too human.