Altered Genes, Twisted Truth—How GMOs Took Over the Food Supply
Dr. Mercola – Genetically manipulated foods may be one of the most serious threats not only to our environment but to the health and very survival of future generations.
Dr. Mercola – Genetically manipulated foods may be one of the most serious threats not only to our environment but to the health and very survival of future generations.
Christina Sarich – What’s an intentional mutation? Nothing more than a fancy technological phrase which describes a new way that biotech is getting around regulatory approval for genetically modified crops.
Heather Callaghan – “Should food products be labeled with traffic light symbols to make health-related information on ingredients easier to understand?”
Lorraine Chow – At 12 miles long and 3 miles wide, Lasqueti’s about the same size and shape as Manhattan, but that’s about the only thing the islands have in common.
Joshua Krause – After running a successful Kickstarter campaign, and receiving a grant from the state, a new vertical farm is under construction.
Jeff Biggers – The people declare that the West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection must no longer approve the necessary permits for this deadly and costly strip mining operation.
Jay Dyer – From Chemtrails to Directed Energy Weapons, the System is Set on Total Control
Aaron Dykes & Melissa Melton – Unearthed articles from the 1960s detail how nuclear waste was buried beneath the Earth’s surface by Halliburton & Co. for decades as a means of disposing the by-products of post-World War II atomic energy production.
Wes Annac – Anyone who researches cannabis and spirituality will find consistent advice to use it respectfully, in a proper setting and with the proper intentions.
Heather Callaghan – The dietary tides are once again turning for salt.
April McCarthy – The fourth phase of water: starts with the basics of what we know about water…from simple experiments we figure out this fourth phase of water. What’s the nature of this fourth phase?
Jamie Lee – Is the serious ongoing drought in California geoengineered in order for government to usurp more control over resources and people?
Christina Sarich – Poland’s largest farmer uprising ever has occurred as convoys of tractors took to the roads recently in protest of GMO infiltration and land grabs by biotech and Big Ag corporations.
Anna Hunt – Nutrient-dense seeds are finally starting to get the attention that they deserve. Packed with healthy fats, protein, fiber and lots of minerals and vitamins, these 7 super seeds are an ideal addition to your diet.
Rhett A. Butler – Authorities in Brazil have arrested a man they claim to be the single biggest deforester in the Amazon…
Waking Times – A new study out of Johns Hopkins has revealed that one of the most popular soda ingredients poses a cancer risk to soda drinkers.
Barbara Minton – In 2007, it became illegal for raw almonds to be sold in the U.S. Now almonds are processed with these dirty little secrets that you need to know…
Cole Mellino – Food waste is a serious problem. An estimated 30-50 percent of food is wasted globally. Check out what these young people are doing about it.
Marco Torres – We have been led to believe that marijuana is a dangerous and addictive drug that destroys lives and is a far greater risk than other recreational drugs such as alcohol.
Ethan ‘Indigo’ Smith & Lucy Morales – What we communicate, and how, has the power to change the world. Just as importantly, language, its interpretation and its transformation over time reveals a lot about the collective consciousness of the society that speaks it.