Awakening, Evolution

The Impact of Morphic Resonance

Charles Eisenstein – The rational mind, steeped in separation, doubts that his healing could really make a difference.

Celebrities As Symbols

Jon Rappoport – The photos have power because YOU make the jump from symbol to meaning. You’re doing it.

If Joker Met Jordan Peterson

Dan Sanchez – Recurring memories are trying to teach us something. If, like Joker, we run away from bad memories, especially ones fraught with guilt, we can never learn their lessons.

The Composition of Human Life

Jon Rappoport – Consciousness deploys imagination, and imagination creates, among other things, energy.

Ecology and the Human Heart

The Dalia Lama – According to Buddhist teaching, there is a very close interdependence between the natural environment and the sentient beings living in it.

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