In Unpublished Personal Letters Bruce Lee Describes His Own Process of Personal Awakening
Dylan Charles – Bruce Lee asked himself the question, ‘Who Am I? Everyone needs to hear the answer.
Dylan Charles – Bruce Lee asked himself the question, ‘Who Am I? Everyone needs to hear the answer.
Isaac Davis – The moral ideals of individual liberty are the only thing that can unify us.
Jeff Street – A higher level of fellowship and cooperation is possible.
Dylan Charles – The real powers in our world don’t care if we know the truth.
Phillip J. Watt – Transform your inner world, as well as the external world.
Nathaniel Mauka
His view is seen as rogue and outlandish due to its simplicity.
Jeff Street – Your reality is your story, and you are the lead character as well as the director.
High Vibe Tribe – The old systems and paradigms are crumbling before our eyes and minds.
Christina Sarich – Just how old is the human race?
Brett Lothian – We have a lot to learn from the ancient plant medicine sciences.
Sigmund Fraud – Has growing up has become the struggle of our time?
Christina Sarich – What exactly does this do to the age-old practice of astrology?
Dylan Charles – Everywhere you look, you see the devilish work of fear.
Dylan Charles – Loneliness is the illness of our time.
Phillip Schneider – When the mind is open, the eyes are able to see more of the physical world.
Zen Gardner – Once we realize this simple truth the game changes – drastically – individually and collectively.
Dylan Charles – Perhaps these books will work their powerful magic for others on a journey of personal transformation.
Brendan D. Murphy – What happened to the doctors?
Paul Davis – We must understand and listen to the multi-generational pain and trauma created by the institution of slavery.
Dylan Charles – His sage philosophy shines a bright light on the colossal folly of such dark times.