Questions of our Time – Is Now the Time for a New Human Contract?
Kingsley L. Dennis – For the first time in our known human history, civilization in most of its forms has come to a halt.
Kingsley L. Dennis – For the first time in our known human history, civilization in most of its forms has come to a halt.
Dr. Mercola – According to a COVID-19 vaccine developer, social distancing and face masks will likely still be required even after a vaccine becomes available.
Steven Maxwell – The free market has spoken. Americans prefer cannabis-related products to Big Pharma drugs for a host of ailments.
Matt Agorist – On both sides of the mask debate exist levels of anger, hatred, and ignorance like we have never seen.
John Vibes – Kids will take many of their classes online when schools open back up, but administrators are still attempting to control what the children are wearing.
Jake Anderson – Researchers found that by simply adding food they were able to ressurect bacteria life that has laid dormant for 101.5-million-years.
Dylan Charles – No denying it now, the train has left the station and everything is being exposed. A new awakening is happening now, and this time it is global.
John Vibes – For this first time ever, the Canadian government has approved patients to take psychedelic psilocybin mushrooms as a part of their end-of-life therapy.
Zen Gardner – It was wickedly clever of these planners to use that “new normal” meme.
Dr. Mercola – While most other countries instituted stay-at-home orders and shuttered schools and businesses, Sweden did not.
Frank Joseph – Humans were in America long before we’ve been told, and the Australian Aborigines have a genetic connection to the Amazon which once had great cities.
Dr. Mercola – Research suggests ultraviolet (UV) radiation exposure lowers COVID-19 mortality rates even when the exposure is insufficient to produce vitamin D.
Caitlin Johnstone – If people in power were no longer able to hide secrets and spin lies about what’s going on in the world, all of our major problems would come to an end.
Azriel ReShel – Nature, when we’re open enough to listen to it, always provides us with clues for living a harmonious life.
Anthony McLennan – As of this month, the central City of Sydney is being powered exclusively by renewable energy sources.
Kingsley L. Dennis – We have entered together a period of global experience/experiment whereby we are being compelled to act from the place we find ourselves in.
Dylan Charles – Many don’t seem to fully comprehend what is being given away in this desperate hour,
Matt Agorist – Cops in Louisville, Kentucky may soon be required to submit to a drug test if they become violent during a “critical incident.”
Jon Rappoport – One such technology is: DNA vaccines. They would alter recipients’ genetic makeup permanently.
Gary Lachman – What forces are driving us to wars, revolutions, populist uprisings, outbreaks of mass hysteria and other sudden social and political eruptions?