
Monsanto Ordered to Pay $93 Million to Small Town for Poisoning Citizens

Christina Sarich, Natural Society Waking Times Big wins can happen in small places. The West Virginia State Supreme Court finalized a big blow to the biotech giant Monsanto this month, finishing a settlement causing Monsanto to pay $93 million to the tiny town of Nitro, West Virginia for poisoning citizens with Agent Orange chemicals. The settlement was approved

Citrus Growers Manufacture Huge Amounts of DMT

Morris Crowley, Guest Waking Times It may surprise you to learn that common citrus trees like oranges and lemons are actually Schedule I substances, in the same legal category as heroin. I know it sounds absurd, but it is absolutely true. Recent analysis published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry (Servillo et al. 2013)

10 Ways To Connect To The Earth and Others

Josh Richardson, Prevent Disease Waking Times How do you feeling complete and connected to the Earth and others? It takes effort, but it is worth it. We must bring our focus outside of ourselves to allow us to reach out to people and to the world around us in positive ways. Loving, laughing, giving ourselves

Earth is Our Holy Land

Stephen Parato, Contributor Waking Times It’s become painfully obvious… We’ve been getting played out for a long, long time; manipulated into the illusion of separation. We’re deviating from our essence of love, succumbing to fear, allowing ourselves to get dragged into senseless conflict and destroying our beautiful planet. “Just look at us. Everything is backwards, everything is upside

The Corporate Takeover of All Natural Food

Clarissa A. León, AlterNet Waking Times Walk through your local grocery store these days and you’ll see the words “all natural” emblazoned on a variety of food packages.  The label is lucrative, for sure, but in discussing the natural label few have remarked on what’s really at stake — the natural ingredients and the companies

Should Homeopathic Medicines be Banned?

Tracy Kolenchuk, Guest Waking Times In England, The Daily Mail Reporter headlines “Homeopathy remedies should be labeled as placebos and banned on NHS“, but added, “But some doctors said their patients seemed to benefit despite no clinical trial evidence that homeopathy worked.” The blog “10 Pseudo-Science Theories We’d Like to see Retired Forever,” says “Homeopathy

Kimchi Packs Proven Health Benefits

Margie King, GreenMedInfo Waking Times Koreans have been enjoying salted and fermented vegetables known as kimchi for about 2000 years. It’s typically served with steamed rice at every Korean meal. But this spicy dish is much more than a condiment. Researchers in Korea just published a comprehensive review of the health benefits of kimchi as a probiotic. In it they

A [Not So] Brief Overview of DMT

Edited by David Nickels, The Nexian Waking Times What Is DMT? NN-Dimethyltryptamine, or DMT for short, is a short acting psychedelic entheogen that allows a person’s consciousness to encounter some of the most incredible experiences, visions, thoughts, and dimensions imaginable. DMT is without doubt one of the most powerful, yet mysterious, psychedelics in existence, but to classify it

The Contamination of Natural Kaua`i

Paul Koberstein, Guest Waking Times The Garden Island’s rare plants and wildlife are being put at risk by the toxic chemicals used on GMO test fields. Given its fragile and unusually rich ecology, the Hawaiian island of Kaua`i seems ill-suited as a site for agricultural experiments that use heavy amounts of toxic chemicals. But four

Vegetarianism – Is It Right For You?

Raluca Schachter, Guest Waking Times Vegetarianism. What’s the real health impact? Fact is, vegetarianism is a serious matter. While many embrace it for reasons from poor digestion to animal love, many health practitioners – including myself – observe an increase of negative health effects caused by the diets of many vegetarian people. What is really happening?

How – and Why – to Boycott Factory Farmed Chicken

Alexis Baden-Mayer, Organic Consumers Waking Times This article is for everyone who eats chicken. It’s not about whether eating chicken is moral or healthy. If based on your own ethical and nutritional requirements, you’ve already decided to eat chicken, please consider this advice: Only eat chicken that is organic and raised outdoors on pasture. If you

10 Young People Who Are Changing the Food System for the Better

Margot Tuchler, Food Tank Waking Times Innovations in agriculture don’t just come from veteran environmentalists or food industry heavyweights. In fact, many incredibly inspiring projects are the creations of youth and young people around the world. Food Tank is excited to highlight ten young foodies who make us more hopeful about the future. 1-2. Nikhil

9 Marijuana Policies From Around the World That Are Way Ahead of the U.S.

April M. Short, AlterNet Waking Times The U.S. is far behind when it comes to drug laws that actually make sense. While people in Barcelona, Spain are lighting joints up on the street outside of bars as tourists flock to enjoy a marijuana culture that increasing rivals Amsterdam, the U.S. continues it’s prohibitionist path. While Israel’s

Raw Milk Versus Pasteurized—Which Is Safer?

Dr. Mercola Waking Times The United States lags far behind many other nations when it comes to food safety and nutritional recommendations, and this is perhaps particularly true when it comes to raw milk. The fact is, large dairy farmers operating under the factory farm model simply cannot produce raw milk safe for human consumption.

Pesticide Exposure Linked to Autism Spectrum Disorder

Heather Callaghan, Contributor Waking Times Based on the sheer amount of research studies available dating back to the 1950s on the association between industrial chemicals and neurobehavioral disorders – it makes sense that more recent studies are finally starting to emphasize the chemical/neurodevelopmental disorder connection. That is, additional links to keynotes seen in Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

12 Facts About Microwaves That Should Forever Terminate Their Use

Marco Torres, Prevent Disease Waking Times Are microwaves a benign bastion of convenience or a sinister contributor to biological and nutritional damage? A growing percentage of people are now heeding the advice of holistic health experts and disposing of their microwaves due to the dangers of microwaved food. Regardless of where you stand, humans are the

Prescriptions or Plants: Time for a New Medicinal Mindset?

E. Dahl, Prevent Disease Waking Times A word is a thought expressed, and it has been said that our thoughts speak louder than our words. The power of the mind is still virtually unknown. A light switch turns on and off and the differences are apparent, and the same holds true for our perception and

How Palm Oil Ravages Rainforests, Endangers Wildlife and Destroys Communities

Travis McKnight, EcoWatch Waking Times Agriculture plays a massive role in today’s global economy. It’s easy to not realize that your salad’s fresh tomatoes are likely flown in from the Netherlands, its asparagus is picked by a Peruvian farmer and the dressing has palm oil harvested in Indonesia. Our complicity in an agricultural system that ships food

Toxic Hot Seat—What You Don’t Know About Flame Retardant Chemicals Can Hurt You

Dr. Mercola Waking Times Fear of fire is primal. No one wants to burn to death. This is undoubtedly why it’s so difficult to repeal laws relating to the use of fire retardant chemicals—even though experiments show they do not work… and worse, they’re actually exposing you to potent toxins. In fact, flame-retardant chemicals have

How Ayahuasca Can Revolutionize Psychotherapy

Olivia LaVecchia, City Pages Waking Times  A look at the psychoactive brew that brings users a spiritual payoff for their “work” Just before dusk, 18 strangers entered a yurt on a Midwestern homestead. Peruvian tapestries decorated the walls of the large, round structure, and rattles stood poised for ceremony. The participants — professional men and

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