
Hemp-Based Batteries Could Change the Way We Store Energy Forever

Marco Torres, Prevent Disease Waking Times As hemp makes a comeback in the U.S. after a decades-long ban on its cultivation, scientists are reporting that fibers from the plant can pack as much energy and power as graphene, long-touted as the model material for supercapacitors. They’re presenting their research, which a Canadian start-up company is working

18 Healthy Reasons to Sip Kombucha

Margie King, GreenMedInfo Waking Times Fermented tea known as kombucha has been rapidly growing in popularity among health food lovers.  But it’s actually been around for thousands of years.  It originated in China in the third century B.C.  Then it made its way to Russia, India, and Japan where it became a staple among Samurai

Why Should I Care About GMOs?

Valerie Burke, GreenMedInfo Waking Times What if you found out that your child was being slipped a dangerous drug in his school lunches, without your consent? What if you discovered that this drug never underwent the usual safety testing, as the government turned a bind eye? Would you be shocked? Outraged? Or perhaps in a

Busting the Bureau of Land Management’s Frackopoly

Wenonah Hauter, EcoWatch Waking Times Even without looking at a photo album, I can picture in my mind’s eye a vacation photo from the gorgeous BLM-managed (Bureau of Land Management) land near Moab, Utah. That image of my family and friends on a bicycle trip in the red rock lands, perfectly faded by time, carefully preserved

Cannabis Treats Anxiety, Depression And Activates Pathways That Regulate Emotional Behavior

Marco Torres, Prevent Disease Waking Times Despite the myths we’ve heard throughout our lives about cannabis killing brain cells, it turns out that a growing number of studies seem to indicate that cannabis actually has neuroprotective properties. Cannabis has an incredible ability to regulate emotional behavior and may be the most reliable medicinal plant available

How to Create a Self-Sustainable Food System

Dr. Mercola Waking Times Industrial chemical-based agriculture, which produces the vast majority of US food crops, is actually destroying the soil that makes the growing of food possible in the first place. This is not true in other countries. Worldwide, 70 percent of the food is grown in backyards or small farms. That number is

6 Reasons To Juice Rather Than Smoke Cannabis

Marco Torres, Prevent Disease Waking Times Juicing cannabis usually involves blending or pressing fresh plant material instead of buds that have been dried or aged. Some believe that raw cannabis should be treated as a dietary staple. Cannabis is one of the most versatile plants with few others matching its medicinal powers. Separating the myths from

how to meditate

8 Lessons I Recently Learned or Remembered

Seth Jani, Contributor Waking Times Love the Void Seeking external love and validation from other people to fill the little spots of emptiness and loneliness at the heart of your life is doomed to failure. All of us have to dance with the no-man’s (or no-woman’s) land behind the mask of living and no one,

Another Reason Why Wheat and GMOs Can Destroy Your Health

Sayer Ji, GreenMedInfo Waking Times A new study indicates that wheat contributes to the growth of pathogenic bacteria in our gut, adding to growing concern that GMO foods are doing the same.  A new study published in FEMS Microbiology Ecology titled, “Diversity of the cultivable human gut microbiome involved in gluten metabolism: isolation of microorganisms with potential

Did You Know These 10 Chemical Additives Are Commonly Found in Meat?

Natasha Longo, Prevent Disease Waking Times The factory farmed meat industry tells us that beef is a nutritional powerhouse with essential nutrients we need for energy. They tell us that meat is one of the best sources of iron and packed with vitamins. According to the authorities on meat, it’s also calorie-wise and part of

Fracking Is Making California’s Drought Worse

Mike G, DeSmogBlog Waking Times California is in the middle of an epic water shortage, with nearly 80% of the state experiencing “extreme or exceptional” drought conditions. Check out this animated map to get a sense of how extensively the drought has impacted the Golden State. Things have gotten so bad that California enlisted Lady

Discovering the Fourth Dimension of Ourselves

Katrina Cavanough, New Dawn Waking Times There is a re-emerging truth. Western society is finally embracing what Eastern traditions and our indigenous cultures have always known. Most people with a spiritual orientation recognise the existence of the mind, body and soul, however, there is more. Our soul is not the only energetic form we encapsulate. Let

Mood, Food and Bipolar Disorder: A New Prescription

Pamela Peeke, AlterNet Waking Times If you’re one of the estimated 5.7 million U.S. adults dealing with bipolar disorder, you know the potent control it can have on your moods, energy and emotions. What you may not know is how much power you have to control it. Thanks to an emerging science called epigenetics, researchers have

7 Reasons You Should Make Coconut Water A Top Beverage On Your Summer List

Karen Foster, Prevent Disease Waking Times Super low in calories, naturally fat-free and having more potassium than four bananas, coconut water is one of the best electrolyte hydrators in the world. It’s Mother Nature’s sports drink and it is just as effective (or more effective) than any carbo-electrolyte drink on the market. Coconut water has

The Secret to Building a Salad Keyhole Garden

Kelly Roberson, Guest Waking Times A keyhole garden is a remarkably adaptable element that works in a range of garden styles. Visiting other people’s gardens is a lovely way to peek into their passions and interests. Some gardeners are completely devoted to one type of plant, while others have a set purpose in mind, such

As Keystone XL Dominoes Fall, Time to Arrest Tar Sands Industry

Tom Weis, EcoWatch Waking Times We’ve got this. Thanks to the courageous and indefatigable efforts of pipeline fighters everywhere, the tide has finally turned on Keystone XL. As it becomes increasingly clear that Keystone XL’s northern leg is not going through, it is time to set our sights on ending all tar sands exploitation. The Obama administration’s latest

The Boom Festival: Psychedelic Resurgence

David Nickles, Guest Waking Times The Boom festival is a shining example of the thriving psychedelic resurgence. The very notion of coming together in an autonomous space specifically designed to facilitate transformative experiences reflects a contemporary psychedelic ethos that is spreading worldwide and taking shape in exciting ways. A rich modern history—as well as deep

British Supermarket to Power Itself Solely With Food Waste

Brandon Baker, EcoWatch Waking Times It’s good to refrain from wasting energy, but it’s even better to procure energy from items that you otherwise would waste. That’s the thinking behind the latest announcement from Sainsbury’s, the second largest chain of supermarkets in the United Kingdom. The chain’s Cannock location will soon be powered solely by the company’s own food waste. Waste

Can GMOs Help Feed the World?

Valerie Burke, MSN, EFT-INT, GreenMedInfo Waking Times The claims about genetically engineered foods have been quite lofty. Monsanto and other proponents of biotechnology are fond of saying that genetic engineering is necessary if the world’s food supply is to keep up with seven billion people and counting. They claim GE crops produce higher yields, solve

The High Price of Cheap Factory Farmed Chicken

Dr. Mercola Waking Times Demand for food at cheaper prices has dramatically altered the entire food chain. Today, food production revolves around efficiency—the ability to produce more for less. This mindset has significant ramifications for both animal and human health, and the environment. Today, nearly 65 billion animals worldwide, including cows, chickens, and pigs, are

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