Aerial Spraying is Not an Effective Strategy for Controlling Zika
Dr. Mercola – Spraying for Zika with dangerous insecticides is ineffective and dangerous.
Dr. Mercola – Spraying for Zika with dangerous insecticides is ineffective and dangerous.
Christina Sarich – Monsanto and the biotech industry stay several steps ahead of the rest of us.
Makia Freeman – These mergers are a further steps in an unnatural, life-denying direction.
Alex Pietrowski – Will you protest being poisoned by the corporate state?
Alex Pietrowski – In a very real sense, seeds are life itself, yet we are rapidly losing them.
Dr. Mercola – Two-thirds of Americans drink tap water that has added fluoride.
Wes Annac – What’s behind the recent move to ban Kratom?
Catherine J Frompovich – An anthology of the current cancer epidemic-pandemic.
Richard Wilcox – The long-term consequences of the Fukushima nuclear disaster continue to linger.
Vic Bishop – Were we put on this planet to destroy it while worshipping the self?
James Hall – The goal to reduce the earthly population coincides with Monsanto’s strategy.
Dr. Mercola – It is time to stop the archaic practice of water fluoridation.
Alex Pietrowski – Research continues to mount in 2016 on behalf of cannabis.
Dr. Mercola – About 6 million Americans are drinking water that contains this toxic chemical.
Brandon Turbeville – More outrageous tyranny coming from the drug enforcement agency.
Dr. Mercola – There are many ways in which Monsanto products negatively affect fertility.
Derrick Broze – A recent mathematical model study has found a potential link between water fluoridation and type 2 diabetes.
Dr. Mercola – Zika alone is not responsible for the rise in birth defects that plagued parts of Brazil.
Vic Bishop – Within 10 years orangutans will be completely extinct, warns international organization.
Alex Pietrowski – The war raw milk is being waged in the name of public safety.