‘Trash Tsunami’ Washes Up On Honduran Beaches
Olivia Rosane – A “trash tsunami” has washed ashore on the beaches of Honduras, endangering both wildlife and the local economy.
Olivia Rosane – A “trash tsunami” has washed ashore on the beaches of Honduras, endangering both wildlife and the local economy.
Valisoa Rasolofomboahangy – According to HFKF calculations, 17 stoves will save 1 hectare (2.5 acres) of forest per year.
Elias Marat – The historic bill would put an end to the federal prohibition of cannabis and roll back the damages done by the failed “War on Drugs.”
Sue Branford – COVID-19 kills the elderly, those with underlying health conditions, the poor and vulnerable.
John W. Whitehead – There is something being concocted in the dens of power, far beyond the public eye, and it doesn’t bode well for the future of this country.
Zen Gardner – This latest round of rapidly deployed, over-reaching control mechanisms by packs of free-roaming predators only serves as another wake up opportunity for mankind.
Anthony McLennan – 3.8 million hectares of tropical primary forest was lost in 2019 – the equivalent of a football pitch every six seconds.
Lala Rukh – This is the Path of a True Spiritual Warrior, and there is no room for a wishy washy dabbler.
Kingsley L. Dennis – It is time to acknowledge that the bubble of perception that forms one’s reality is not a solid structure.
Mac Salvo – Using the mainstream media, politicians and others can inject fear into the public, making them easy to manipulate and control.
Caitlin Johnstone – The Atlantic has published an article authored by two university professors titled arguing that internet speech should be censored like in China.
Alan MacLeod – While tens of millions of Americans have lost their jobs, America’s ultra-wealthy elite have seen their net worth surge by $282 billion in just 23 days.
Anthony McLennan – Dive tour operators have decided to put their time to good use by planting coral along the Great Barrier Reef.
Thais Borges and Sue Branford – Nearly 25,000 COVID-19 cases have been confirmed in Brazil, with 1,378 deaths as of April 15, though some experts say this is an underestimate.
John W, Whitehead – Cash may well become a casualty of the COVID-19 pandemic.
John C. Cannon – Mining is one of the most serious threats facing the Amazon and the indigenous people who inhabit it.
Elias Marat – The tribute came across to many New Yorkers as ominous, unsettling, and just plain frightening.
Caitlin Johnstone -The corporate cronyism of America’s political system has been highlighted with a massive kleptocratic multitrillion-dollar corporate bailout.
John Vibes – A federal court has finally sided with the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe ordereding a full environmental review for the controversial Dakota Access Pipeline.
The Free Thought Project – As often happens during emergencies, governors and mayors across the country have used executive power to waive laws and bypass regulations.