Why Do Americans Consume 80 Percent Of All Prescription Painkillers?
Michael Snyder – If Americans are so happy, then why do we consume so many prescriptions?
Michael Snyder – If Americans are so happy, then why do we consume so many prescriptions?
Zen Gardner – Many are being faced with serious personal challenges and decisions right now.
Anna Hunt – Everything you need to know about this versatile and powerful superfood.
V. Susan Ferguson – Plasma physics is the new priestcraft of our era and these men are its priests.
Christina Sarich – Plants are part of a larger intelligence that at we only just beginning to fathom.
Jon Rappoport – What of the individual, his mind, his unique perception, his independent ideas,h is originality, his life-force?
Makia Freeman – It takes a determined spirit to weed out all the brainwashing and programming we have taken on.
Alex Pietrowski – By changing her entire view on life, she was able to beat cancer.
Alex Pietrowski – Health officials in West Virginia are not happy about giving the public greater access to raw milk.
Rene’ Descartes – We are in this physical world, but we are not from this world.
Zen Gardner – The secret key to conscious awakening is that you’ll know it when you’ve found it.
Phillip J. Watt – What exactly is it that we are supposed to be most afraid of?
Gary ‘Z’ McGee – A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any time.
Alex Pietrowski – Complaining is re-wiring your brain for negativity. Here’s how.
Sigmund Fraud – The corporate work model has become the contemporary slave management program for a world ruled by fiat money masters.
Alex Pietrowski – Forensic lab examines sodium fluoride imported from China, finding several dangerous heavy metals.
Jon Rappoport – The so-called “chemical-imbalance” theory of mental illness is dead.
April McCarthy – Researchers around the world are integrating research on how energetic and emotional states cause health or disease.
Buck Rogers – A genuine master of chi demonstrates a super-power that any of us could have.
Julian Rose – No one should be subject to a doctrine of superimposed fear and guilt.