Stop Consuming Culture and Create Your Own
Stephen Parato – Energy flows where attention goes. What are you giving your energy to?
Stephen Parato – Energy flows where attention goes. What are you giving your energy to?
Phillip Schneider – Merging with machines does not make us Super Human, it makes us slaves.
Christina Sarich – Thimerosal is a vaccine preservative that has long been suspected of causing autism.
Alex Pietrowski – While only 14% of the population, seniors account for 30% of the nation’s prescription drug use.
Julian Rose – What is it that holds most of us back on the path of personal evolution?
Jon Rappoport – Why is the government so maniacal about injecting vaccines?
Mary Rivas – The ancients saw their universe as multiple, with consciousness existing in myriad of layers.
Michael Forrester – First cannabis and now magic mushrooms are slowly being introduced back into the vocabulary of medical scientists.
Christina Sarich – The brain has a unique way of re-setting and reformatting itself. Knowledge is power.
Phillip J. Watt – We all had to begin the waking up experience at one stage. Let’s set a better example for others.
Anna Hunt – Cannabis is not the only plant that contains medically beneficial cannabinoids.
Christina Sarich – Social media technology allows anyone to be identified with 70% accuracy.
Terence Newton – “If you got energy, you have power, you have everything.” -Max Loughan
Zen Gardner – It’s time for truly revolutionary change based on radically transcendent thinking.
Phillip J. Watt – Whether we’re aware of it or not, we’re all looking for new ways of being.
Bernie Suarez – There are several processes and tactics used by intelligence agencies to manufacture consent for war.
Sayer Ji – More research confirms that natural foods are a viable alternative to chemotherapy.
Derrick Broze – The results suggest a new choice for millions of people with recurrent depression on repeat prescriptions.
Zen Gardner – The parasitic “powers that want to be” have a very real respect for people who “get it”.
Dylan Charles – You cannot change the world unless you first change yourself.