Can Spirituality Overcome the Oligarchy?
Ethan Indigo Smith – The spiritual solution to our political bottom line can be found in spiritual teachings of all kinds.
Ethan Indigo Smith – The spiritual solution to our political bottom line can be found in spiritual teachings of all kinds.
Sigmund Fraud – Work, consume, obey… and have fun! That’s our life’s mission, so we’re told.
Elisha McFarland – Drinking soda has far more health risks than many of us may realize.
Marco Torres – Medical cannabis holds serious promise for helping people kick destructive and addictive prescription meds.
Catherine J. Frompovich – How can you avoid this toxic additive, when it’s not listed on product ingredient labels?
Phillip J. Watt – How much do you know about ‘reality?’
Zen Gardner – Why do we dwell on these dark temporal and clearly manipulative realities?
Steven Maxwell – Practically everything we observe and experience now seems to be “content.”
Phillip J. Watt – In this modern moment, when we are so hopelessly dependent on the system.
Dr. Stewart Bitkoff – Within each person there is the capacity to create, make decisions and destroy.
Isaac Davis – Take back your life and free yourself from politics.
Zen Gardner – Where should our energy be concentrated for the best possible outcome?
Maureen Nandini Mitra – Fracking is proving highly toxic to our health and the health of our environment.
Will Hartfield – The overuse of antibiotics is having devastating effects on mental health.
Cortland Pfeffer & Irwin Ozborne – It is time to end the war on drugs and on humanity.
Isaac Davis – The definition of freedom is changing with the time.
Julian Rose – There can be no outward revolution without an inward revolution to start the fire.
Jeffrey Green – Can you picture yourself living a homesteading lifestyle?
Gary ‘Z’ McGee – Our current existential crisis is inexorably linked to our current ecological crisis.
Anna Hunt – We can all be affected energetically when around negative or dramatic people.