Ministry Of Truth: Weekly News Quizzes Takes Propaganda To New Levels
Bernie Suarez – The US Western empire has taken off the propaganda gloves.
Bernie Suarez – The US Western empire has taken off the propaganda gloves.
Jon Rappoport – We are all artists. With all veils and curtains lifted, this is the truth we have always known.
Paul A. Philips – Desperate measures are indeed needed for desperate times.
Josh Richardson – The science of how being yourself dramatically improves your life.
Natasha Longo – Foods carrying health claims have only slightly better nutrition profiles than others.
Dr. Matthew Buckley – Taking vitamins shouldn’t be a crime.
Dr. Mercola – Ever wonder why the U.S. government is Monsanto’s most faithful ally?
Sayer Ji – Routine medical procedures are causing grievous harm to newborns and infants.
Josh Richardson – The reason the human brain has a tendency to compare.
Gary Null – What exactly are the risks of using cell phones, and why is the truth so hard to find?
Phillip J. Watt – There is hope for anyone suffering through depression and anxiety.
Christopher Fontenot – Cancer is a product of our changing electromagnetic environment.
Steven Maxwell – Another natural plant medicine is being persecuted by big government.
Edward Curtin – Silence is a word pregnant with multiple meanings, and to some it is a threat.
Dr. Mercola – History is rife with pest control experiments gone terribly wrong.
Phillip J. Watt – We’re all exposed to it. We’re all part of it to one degree or another.
Marco Torres – Drinking tap water contaminated with toxic chemicals is a serious health risk.
Sarah Beller – In Ancient Rome, people suffering from melancholia were sometimes treated with warm baths.
Jon Rappoport – There are very few investigators on the planet who are interested in this subject.
Gary ‘Z’ McGee – Tyranny has been dying a slow death for thousands of years now. Do your part.