Humpty Trumpty and the Shear in the Matrix
Zen Gardner – This is a great time of opportunity for people to wake up.
Zen Gardner – This is a great time of opportunity for people to wake up.
Paul A. Philips – You are not at all insignificant.
Julian Rose – What we now have all the proof we need in vaccines scandals.
Charles Eisenstein – Dehumanization is a predecessor of war.
Catherine J Frompovich – A true crime against humanity and nothing short of child abuse.
Jon Rappoport – Real reporting on the health industry is not wanted.
Catherine J Frompovich – We are being inundated with EMF’s with little understanding of the consequences.
Jon Rappoport – Civilizations come and go, rise and fall; the individual remains.
Alex Pietrowski – The whole world should be meditating.
Lance Schuttler – The future science of the ancient code, DNA.
Nick Parkins – Is the term ‘psychopath’ even sufficient to describe those in power today?
Sylvain Lamoureux – Does a great mind born today have a chance to fulfill its intended destiny?
Pedro Aquila – Are nanoparticles and smart dust being weaponized to use against the general public?
Lance Schuttler – How music and sound affect consciousness and the brain.
Alex Pietrowski – When will a recall of toxic Roundup be announced?
Jon Rappoport – Controlling the narrative by defining the narrative.
Isaac Davis – Will gender segregated roadways help solve society’s problems?
Gary ‘Z’ McGee – The citizen living in the era of soft slavery should question both their comfort and their security.
Anna Hunt – Acupuncture is again confirmed as a highly effective treatment for pain with no negative side-effects.
Alex Pietrowski – It completely contradicts the DEA’s position on this natural medicine.