A Test to See if You Lack Empathy and How to Become More Empathetic
Anna Hunt – When you become more empathetic, you improve the lives of everyone around you.
Anna Hunt – When you become more empathetic, you improve the lives of everyone around you.
Phillip Schneider – Your health is one of the most important things that you can focus on throughout your life.
Gary ‘Z’ McGee – A species hellbent on violence against itself is unhealthy and eventually destroys itself.
Richard Smoley – A comparison of the world’s theories of the etheric body.
Jeff Street – Your reality is your story, and you are the lead character as well as the director.
Sigmund Fraud – Has growing up has become the struggle of our time?
Sofia Adamson – What’s missing in our world is connection, and vulnerability is the key to reconnection.
Melissa Joy Jonsson – Addiction is rooted in bio-chemical reactions in our body that act to reinforce and ingrain certain behaviors.
Anna Hunt – The best way to address the stress in your life is with consistent mind-body interventions.
Christina Sarich – We now see girls as young as 11 experiencing haunting emotional issues that linger for decades.
Christina Sarich – Medical ‘experts’ have tried everything to quell women’s sexuality.
Alex Pietrowski – Why do so many attempt to drown out the world with booze?
Jeff Street – Our entire universe is a manifestation of the separation game.
Rene’ Descartes – You take everything much more seriously, and not seriously at all.
Anna Hunt – The efficacy of cannabis as medicine is now being proven in some hospitals.
Sofia Adamson – We are all products of nature, no matter how much we avoid this truth.
Brendan D. Murphy – Over $3.6 billion worth of “safe and effective.”
Alex Pietrowski – The list of medical benefits of cannabis keeps on growing, and now includes reversing the aging process.
Jay Dyer – What is the globalist message in this popular film?
Christina Sarich – In many ancient religions, the sound of the Sun is considered sacred.