
consumer in china

Is Black Friday a Crime Against Humanity?

Andrew V Pontbriand, Guest Waking Times There are approximately 190,000 people in China that are currently working in Slave Labor Camps. Among these are petty offenders such as drug addicts, pretty thieves and prostitutes. Currently, 75% of toy products are made in China, and these toys are being assembled under conditions that would make the average

Day Of Mourning Statement from Leonard Peltier

Leonard Peltier Waking Times Greetings my relatives friends and supporters, It is yet another year. It seems like a thousand years ago but only a year in time in reality from the last time I dictated one of these statement for the day of mourning so, again, I want to say as last time, that I

Water Industry Admits Fracking Compromises UK’s Water Supply

Kaye Spector, EcoWatch Waking Times Today, two industry groups signed a Memorandum of Understanding stating that their members will minimize the impact of onshore oil and gas development in the UK on the country’s water resources.The memorandum accompanies a report released by Water UK. The report concludes that ”where water is in short supply there may not be enough available from

Indigenous Peoples Threatened by Resource Exploitation

Ron Corben, DW Waking Times A new report on minorities and indigenous people warns that the global ‘intensification’ in the exploitation of natural resources is leading to mounting conflicts for the world’s 370 million indigenous people. The report for 2012 by the London-based human rights group, Minority Rights Group International (MRG), says indigenous peoples “in

Experimental GMO Fish Operation Puts Wild Salmon, Environment at Risk

Kaye Spector, EcoWatch Waking Times AquaBounty’s experimental production facility of genetically engineered salmon in Panama is missing a number of legally required permits and inspections, including a wastewater discharge permit, says an administrative claim filed today in Panama by the environmental group Centro de Incidencia Ambiental de Panama (CIAM). Food & Water Watch (FWW), Center for Food Safety (CFS) and Friends

vaccines and GMOs

6 Astounding Parallels Between Vaccines and GMOs

Anna Hunt, Staff Writer Waking Times Have you ever considered the similarities between vaccinations and genetically modified foods (also referred to as GMOs)? Both of these ‘innovations’ illustrate clearly our human desire to fix what doesn’t necessarily need fixing, manipulate what doesn’t suit us, and take control over what is mysterious and seems uncontrollable. They also

House Passes Bill to Eliminate Fracking Regulations

Alisha Mims, Ring of Fire Waking Times On Wednesday, the House passed a bill that will block the Department of the Interior (DOI) from regulating fracking in states that already have regulations in place. The bill, H.R. 2728, passed the House in a 235 – 187 vote. Twelve Democrats voted in favor of the legislation

Improved Non-GMO Corn Performing Better Than GMO Crops

Heather Callaghan, Contributor Waking Times Despite genetically modified corn comprising up to 90% of corn crops in the United States, non GMO hybrid corn (often called conventional) has managed to hang on. There appears to be a steady rising market for non-GMO corn. Spectrum Premium Non-GMO is an independent “genetic improvement” seed company based in Indiana

What Does America Think About Cannabis?

Russ Belville, National Cannabis Coalition Waking Times Now that two states have legalized marijuana use for adults and twenty states have protections for medical use of cannabis, it is clear that American attitudes toward marijuana have changed drastically.  Here are five opinions that a majority of Americans hold toward pot, according to the latest opinion

Break the Ban: Tell a Solutions Story Today!

Frances Moore Lappé, Small Planet Institute Waking Times “If it bleeds, it leads”… ever hear that maxim of journalism? If you want readers, go with the scary, gruesome story — that’s what gets hearts pumping and grabs attention. Yeah, but what grabs our attention can also scare the heck out of us and shut us

Federation or Ferengistan: the Choice is Yours

Balzac, Contributor Waking Times “Anything worth doing is worth doing for money.” – Ferengi Rule of Acquisition #13 Fear exists for one purpose: to be conquered – Captain Janeway (Voyager) If like me you’re a Star Trek fan (particularly Deep Space 9, Voyager and Enterprise), it would hardly be surprising that at some point you’ve

Photos Reveal Ecuador Building Secret Oil Roads Deeper Into Richest Rainforest on Earth, the Yasuní National Park

Massimo De Marchi, Mongabay Waking Times In August 2012, professional photographers Ivan Kashinsky and Karla Gachet were on assignment for National Geographic in Yasuní National Park, home to arguably the most biodiverse rainforest in the world. While there, they happened to take an aerial shoot above an area known as Block 31 (see Map), a controversial oil concession located

How Food With Palm Oil Is Wiping Out Orangutans and Enslaving Workers

Piper Hoffman, Nation of Change Waking Times “Adam,” a poor 19-year-old Indonesian, found a job driving trucks for a palm oil plantation that paid $6 a day. The foreman picked him up for a three-week, two-thousand mile journey to the worksite in Borneo. Along the way the terms of employment changed: Adam wouldn’t be paid for two

Word Games are Misleading the American Public About Fracking

Sky Truth Waking Times “Half the truth is often a great lie.” – Benjamin Franklin, Poor Richard’s Almanac – 1758 Hydraulic fracturing, better known as fracking, and other drilling practices have unlocked previously inaccessible reserves of oil and gas across the United States and the world. However, some of the debate over fracking is distorting public

Could California’s Shale Oil Boom Be Just a Mirage?

Sharon Kelly, DeSmogBlog Waking Times Since the shale rush took off starting in 2005 in Texas, drillers have sprinted from one state to the next, chasing the promise of cheaper, easier, more productive wells. This land rush was fueled by a wild spike in natural gas prices that helped make shale gas drilling attractive even though the

Indigenous Elders and Medicine Peoples Council Statement on Fukushima

Indigenous Action Waking Times This statement reflects the wisdom of the Spiritual People of the Earth, of North and South America, working in unity to restore peace, harmony and balance for our collective future and for all living beings. This statement is written in black and white with a foreign language that is not our own

Gold Mining in the Amazon Rainforest Surges 400%

Rhett A. Butler, Mongabay Waking Times The extent of gold mining in the Peruvian Amazon has surged 400 percent since 1999 due to rocketing gold prices, wreaking havoc on forests and devastating local rivers, finds a new study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS). The assessment, led by Greg Asner of the Carnegie

14 Incredible Photos of Brazilian Activists Liberating Beagles from Cruel Lab

Will Potter, Green is the New Red Waking Times Animal rights activists in Brazil rescued nearly 200 beagles last week from a laboratory that was experimenting on the dogs for the pharmaceutical industry. According to one activist I spoke with in Brazil, the protest began with about 40 people outside of Instituto Royal in San

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