California’s Prop 37 Scandal: Resolution and Healing Amid the Corruption – Washington State Next?

Jack Adam Weber, Wake Up World
Waking Times

After elections we learned of the scandal claiming that the results of Prop 37 were announced prematurely and perhaps incorrectly.

Then we discovered the official record from the California Secretary of State for all the uncounted votes, amounting to 3,334,495. Many people have begun to hope that we could still win this thing, including myself. So tonight I crunched the numbers, hoping to discover that our labeling law could be saved from demise.

I totalled all the votes remaining to be counted for the blue districts/precincts (those we won) at this link.

This total is approximately 1,437,080 votes. This is not even half of the total reported remaining votes (3,334,495) to be counted. So, about 1.9 million of the uncounted votes are from precincts/districts we DID NOT win (the tan-orange areas).

Since we have no real landslide victories in any of the precincts we won, that ALSO have large numbers of uncounted votes (like Humboldt County), and of the remaining 1.9 million or so in the precincts we did NOT win, many of those DID beat us by landslide numbers (great disparity ratio of No to Yes), this means that when the all the votes are counted, we will likely lose by even more.

Sorry to be the bringer of bad news, unless my reasoning or math is wrong (please tell me it is!), but this reasoning tells the likely outcome, barring an anomaly that rather grossly disobeys the averages already recorded.

California’s central valley, home to GMO corn and GMO cotton fields, cattle living in squalid conditions, and its filthy, polluted air through which the sun barely shines did us in. This chemical wasteland fittingly won the Prop 37 race in a vote to ensure, for now, the continued spread of this environmental abomination.

So, we should assume that labeling of GMOs in California is not happening for now, even as we demand due diligence to count and record each last vote.

  • While the State of California counts and records the rest of the votes, we should focus our efforts on what is next. What is immediately next is for each and every one of us (that means you) to bolster efforts not to buy GMO foods while we support other states like Washington to get their GMO labeling ballot initiatives rolling.

    Video: Beverly Goldie Facilitator GMO Awareness Group (Washington GMO Labeling)

    I think it’s better to be realistic, attuned to what is likely (while demanding due diligence nonetheless for all votes to be counted), rather than have and foster false hope, which can put many of us who just experienced huge disappointment through unnecessary sadness, upset, and misdirected energy again. And if we do win, by some miracle, hallelujah! So best to re-focus on the next better possibility with renewed energy and hope.

    We are growing in numbers now, and after the heartbreaking loss, we are growing stronger than ever before, just as a broken bone becomes stronger than before as it heals. So many more of us are finally outraged and finally beginning to feel the true injustice of GMOs through education and personal experience. This outrage is what fuels change and justice. We should embrace this upset and channel it into right action.

    We will win, and when we do, we will drive the opposition as equally far away from our well-being, from our blood streams, from our children’s future as they have encroached and violated us for way too long. Join the resistance, embody the solution by choosing organic, always! Do it for revenge, for justice, for what’s right.

    Please join these non-GMO groups for the latest updates, lively discussions, and to become part of the solution to eradicate GMOs in America and around the world.

    GEM (GMO Eradication Movement)

    GMO Free USA

    Please also learn and share these simple steps to avoid and eradicate GMOs. Now is our time.

    Here are the top contributors that defeated Prop 37Don’t buy any of their junk!

    • MONSANTO COMPANY – $8,112,069
    • E.I. DUPONT DE NEMOURS & CO. – $5,400,000
    • PEPSICO, INC. – $2,145,400
    • BASF PLANT SCIENCE – $2,000,000
    • BAYER CROPSCIENCE – $2,000,000
    • DOW AGROSCIENCES LLC – $2,000,000
    • SYNGENTA CORPORATION – $2,000,000
    • KRAFT FOODS GLOBAL, INC. – $1,950,500
    • NESTLE USA, INC. – $1,461,600
    • COCA-COLA NORTH AMERICA – $1,455,500
    • GENERAL MILLS, INC. – $1,230,300
    • CONAGRA FOODS – $1,176,700
    • KELLOGG COMPANY – $790,700
    • SMITHFIELD FOODS, INC. – $683,900
    • DEL MONTE FOODS COMPANY – $674,100
    • CAMPBELL SOUP COMPANY – $598,000
    About the Author

    Jack Adam Weber is a licensed acupuncturist, master herbalist, author, organic farmer, celebrated poet, and activist for Earth-centered spirituality. He integrates poetry, ancient wisdom, holistic medicine, and depth psychology into passionate presentations for personal fulfillment as a path to planetary transformation. His books, artwork, and provocative poems can be found at his Jack can be reached at Jack@PoeticHealing.comor on Facebook

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