Black Whole Dynamics: The Foundation of our Fractal-Holographic Universe


Sombrero spiral galaxy from NASA and the Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA)

Brandon West, Contributor
Waking Times

If I had to explain Nassim Haramein’s work and try to describe his Holofractographic Universe Theory (HFU) to a person who had never heard of it before, or who was questioning it’s validity, I would begin with the scaling law for organized matter.

This scaling law to me is as close to irrefutable evidence that you can get in science, confirming Nassim’s proposition of a fractal and holographic universe as a result of fundamental structure and dynamics of the vacuum (the space-time manifold, which we will explore in detail). This is because the data itself – not the theory – clearly demonstrates the relationship between all spheres at all scalar resolutions of the universe.

This knowledge is important because it helps us to understand our relationship to all scales of the universe. Moreover, it shows clearly how we are fractal (and holographic) expressions of the whole, and may even provide insight into the origin of consciousness in the universe.

This knowledge is essential for all people to know because it describes, in scientific terms, how we are connected with everything else in the universe, and how we are truly inseparable from the field of all possibility and are infinite, energetic, and eternal spiritual beings.

Scalar Dimensions of Reality

One important aspect of reality that we have to understand and shift our perspective on in order to comprehend reality more completely, is the nature of dimensions. This shift is not only important in understanding the HFU model, it is also an essential step in understanding the foundation of creation.

It was clear to Haramein early on that the accepted consensus paradigm of dimensions in geometry where flawed. They are:

  • Dimension 0: is a point in space-time with no volume, therefore it doesn’t exist.
  • Dimension 1: is a line with length but no width which doesn’t exist.
  • Dimension 2: is a plane with length and width but which doesn’t exist.
  • Dimension 3: has length, width, and height, and thus it exists.

(The fourth dimension would be time, but as we explored in The Unified Field and the Illusion of Time, it is probable that time does not exist at all.)

  • Immediately Nassim had issues with this perception of dimension. For the simple reason that the idea of getting existence out of three hypothetical dimension which do not exist and which have never been observed in reality, moreover which are impossible to even imagine, simply defies all logical reasoning.

    And the thing is, this is what physics is based on, and this is what our understanding of the universe is based on.

    What Haramein is proposing in the Holofractographic Universe (HFU) is a shift in perspective from believing that creation is based off of things that do not exist, to considering that reality is based off of geometry that we see throughout the universe: the sphere.

    Instead of non-existent dimension the HFU model proposes that the universe is made up of scalar dimension of the sphere in all sizes and in all scales of the universe, from infinitely large to infinitely small, and that they are embedded within one another. This is something that we can observe clearly at all scales, from Planck’s distances, to atoms, to cells, to stars and planets. So what if we shift our perspective and look at reality as a bunch of spheres, some of which conglomerate to form other objects from trees, to stars, to you and I?

    This shift was actually the foundational insight which led Haramein to the development of the HFU model, which we will show clearly later on. So if the universe expresses itself in scalar divisions of the sphere, then what is the relationship between the spheres? Could that possibly provide us with some insight into the fundamental structure of the universe, and the fundamental principle of division, and thus, of creation?

    The Scaling Law for Organized Matter

    What Nassim Haramein and Elizabeth Rauscher did in order to scientifically verify this conclusion about the nature of reality was gather known data on objects of all sizes within the universe, and graph them according to their frequency, and their radius.

    The point of this was to see if there was any relationship between objects at all scales in the universe, and the results were astonishing.


    Scaling Law For Organized Matter

    As you can see, all objects in the universe line up almost perfectly. This is phenomenal especially considering the scales which were included: all the way from the smallest energetic oscillation in the universe, a Planck’s link (BB), to our Sun (S), all the way to the largest known object in the universe, the universe itself (U). Other points graphed were galaxies (G1 & G2).

    It is interesting to note that in the universe, the difference in scale between the smallest oscillation of energy the universe does, the Planck’s distance (BB), and the atom (A), is greater than the difference between an atom and the sun. (Obviously the Sun is pretty huge from our perspective, and the atom is literally invisible, but it is phenomenal to consider, and difficult to imagine something so small that it makes the atom look larger than the Sun!)

    Another point of interest is that relationship between the differences in scale indicate that in some cases the universe is using the phi ration (φ = 1 : 1.618), also known as the golden mean, in order to divide itself.

    From this graph we can deduce three things with relative certainty:

    1. There is an underlying order in the universe. If the universe was random and chaotic, as it was assumed to be, then these macro-cosmic and micro-cosmic objects should be scattered randomly throughout the graph and we would no longer be drawing any more straight lines and considering the HFU model, but instead be playing connect the dots. But because there is an obvious direct relationship, we must consider Haramein’s conclusion, or at very least, his line of reasoning.
    2. There is a fundamental principle of division. On top of there being order in the universe, this graph also suggests that there is a principle of division which the universe uses to create on all scales, which defines not only the relationship of objects at that scale, but its relationship with objects on all scales. This is highly suggestive of the fractal nature of the universe, because if there is order in the universe, as the evidence proves conclusively, and if there is a relationship between objects at all scales, this also indicates a fractal pattern and a potential holographic relationship between scales (which we will get into later on). For now, let us accept that the evidence suggests that the universe seems to divide itself in a similar pattern, and creates with a resonant structure or pattern on all scales, else there would be no relationship between all scales.
    3. Lastly, all objects on all scales of the universe are black holes. As absolutely astounding, impossible, and mind-boggling as this conclusion may at first seem, the universe itself is suggesting it through this evidence which has been gathered. Specifically because the relationship between frequency vs. radius of every sphere that falls on that line, obeys the Schwarzschild Condition for a black hole, and thus is of the right mass and radius to be a black hole. This is highly suggestive that everything in the universe, all spheres at all scales, are actually black holes.

    How is it possible that all spheres are black holes? Wouldn’t that mean that everything in the universe would be collapsing in on itself and sucking in all matter until the universe itself imploded or something? You might have asked that which is a completely natural and logical question, moreover, it is a good question. But to answer that we need to ask ourselves another question first:

    What exactly is a black hole?

    Singularity and Einstein’s Field Equations

    Before Einstein came on to the scene and revolutionized physics in one year as a result of a “condensed burst of Genius”, our world was described by Newtonian Mechanics which basically observed the universe as a great big machine where objects exerted forces on one another.

    Fundamental to Newton’s ideas of the universe was the concept of absolute space and time, meaning that a minute and a meter here on Earth would be the same as a minute or a meter anywhere in the universe, and that a minute and a meter were always the same length regardless of the circumstances.

    Yet this all began to change during the 19th century beginning with the new theory of electromagnetism which was advanced most by a Scottish scientist named James Clerk Maxwell. In his work with electromagnetism he postulated and provided evidence that the universe was fields of energy produced by magnetism and electricity.

    “In the late 19th century there were two sets of equations (“theories”) being used in physics, for different phenomena. These were Newton’s 17th century equations for how forces cause objects to change their motion (accelerate) and the 19th century equations that govern electricity, magnetism and light, whose complete form was first given by Maxwell, following on the work of Faraday, Ampere, and many others.” (Matt Strassler)

    An electrical field produced an active continuum of charged, distorted space around an electrically charged object, and a magnetic field is the field produced around a magnet. This provided a fundamental shift in the Newtonian world view because the electromagnetic forces did not instantly propagate through space like Newton’s forces, but traveled at a specific speed.

    This marked another major shift from the mechanistic view of the universe, to one a little less material where energetic fields began to describe objects, instead of forces simply acting on them. In the words of Einstein:

    “It is not the charges nor the particles, but the field in the space between the charges and particles, that is essential for the description of physical phenomena.”

    It was this new idea of fields which undoubtedly had an influence on Einstein which led him to the discovery that time and space are unified into a continuum known as the space-time continuum which permeates all space in the universe. Einstein’s space-time continuum thereby also overthrew Newton’s ideas of absolute space and time.

    All in all, not a good time for Newton. And as Einstein was later to remark, “Newton, forgive me.”

    In this understanding of the space-time continuum, matter is not acted upon by forces which propagate themselves instantaneously through space, but is instead influenced by a fundamental field (the space-time manifold) whose topology was shown in Einstein’s field equations to warp in the presence of matter much like if you were to place an infinitely heavy object onto the surface of an indestructible trampoline, the surface would warp and create a curvature of the space-time continuum.


    It is this understanding of reality which Haramein’s Holofractographic model of the universe is based on. In many ways his work is the extension of Einstein’s and he specifically focuses on the topology of the space-time continuum (the structure of the fabric of space-time/the vacuum) and also on the dynamics involved in the curvature of space-time.

    According to Einstein’s model this was the source of gravity in the universe: a gravity well which attracts other objects towards it due to the curvature of the fabric of space-time, and Einstein wrote some equations describing this field and they became known as Einstein’s field equations.

    These are some of the most complex mathematical equations to date, and at the time he published them he hadn’t actually solved them but published them in the hopes that someone would find a solution, someday. That someone turned out to be the German physicist and astronomer Karl Schwarzschild, who solved them while fighting in a war no less.

    When Karl Schwarzschild solved Einstein’s field equations (field as in the field of space-time), the solution predicted a point within the space-time continuum which collapses towards infinite density. This became known as a singularity. The singularity is described by an extreme curvature towards this point of infinite density, and the presence of infinite density within the structure of space-time which produces this extreme curvature implies that all other objects are attracted to it because of it’s extreme gravity. Therefore the singularity is better known by another name: a black hole.

    Part of the solution to Einstein’s Field Equations which describe the fundamental nature of reality is a black hole.

    Moreover, Einstein’s field equations are still used today to describe the motions of planets and such to a high degree of accuracy, so they definitely work, but they deal only with the aspect of Einsteins field equations which describe flat space, i.e. very minimal curvature in the vacuum structure which is attributed as the cause of gravity.

    Thus the Equations work and are highly accurate, but only a part of the equations are being used or even acknowledged while the other aspect of the equations which predict singularity are more or less shoved under the rug.

    With that being said, a singularity is the result of an extreme curvature within space-time which is something that is not easily dealt with in physics or mathematics, so it wasn’t.

    “Such a curvature is theorized to produce zero volume with infinite density at it’s core, a phenomenon known as “singularity”. In a singularity the known laws of physics break down as the normal rules of our familiar three-dimensional space no longer holds. Here mathematical quantities used to measure Gravity increase to infinity, making concrete physics difficult to formulate. It’s generally understood that explaining physics under these conditions requires an understanding in which all the forces (of Gravity, Electromagnetic, Strong and Weak force) are unified. And this is indeed the main problem of unification at this time…” (The Fractal-Holographic Universe by Andreas Bjerve)

    Which is exactly what Haramein’s Holofractographic model does.

    Accounting For Spin

    When Einstein’s field equations were solved they did not account for spin or rotation. We live in a universe where everything is spinning. Planets, stars, galaxies, super-clusters of galaxies; it is all spinning. But when Karl Schwarzschild first solved Einstein’s field equations he did not account for spin (which is forgivable considering he was literally fighting in a war at the time).

    Then when Schwarzschild’s solution was revised by Ezra Newman and Roy Kerr (creating the Kerr-Newman solution) they accounted for spin, but only partially. As Nassim Haramein explains:

    “Current Einstein’s field equations do not account for torque. What they did is that they eliminated torque by attaching the observer to the rotating object [field], so that they wouldn’t have to deal with Coriolis effect and Torque. Well if you do that you are going to end up with 98% of the mass of the universe missing, which is exactly what occurs in current cosmology. But instead of revising their approach to energy and torque and so on, they invented a new kind of matter, they call it dark matter, and they just plugged it in to the equation to make it work. Some kind of dark matter that doesn’t radiate which nobody can detect. It’s convenient. Your equations are missing 98% of the mass out there and instead of revising your equations you just plug in some dark matter” … “this is what I call ‘physics as you go’.” (Rogue Valley Metaphysics Library)

    So in order to solve this issue and get a more accurate expression of the universe through Einstein’s field equations Haramein with Elizabeth Rauscher incorporated space-time Torque and Coriolis forces into their solution, and as a result a whole new topology of space-time was born.

    And coincidentally, a whole new understanding of black hole’s was born because the dynamics of the space-time manifold are the dynamics of a black hole. As Einstein’s field equations predicted, the fundamental dynamic of the field was a collapse towards singularity, and thus we must equate the universe as a whole, and therefore the space-time continuum, with a black hole.

    As space-time is collapsing towards singularity, space-time is not merely curving towards infinite density, it is also curling which is “comparable to the surface tension of water running down a drain” (The Fractal-Holographic Universe). As I stated before, everything in the universe is spinning. And by adding spin to Einstein’s field equations, Haramein for the first time in physics accounts for spin in the universe.


    Image courtesy of the Resonance Project Foundation

    The Origin of Spin

    Current theories on the origin of spin in the universe say in essence that everything starting spinning at the big bang, and that it is all still spinning today. But that argument doesn’t hold up to logic. Haramein uses the demonstration of spinning a hard-boiled egg vs. spinning a raw egg to explain this phenomenon (in Crossing the Event Horizon).

    When you spin a hard-boiled egg, because the inner contents of the egg have been solidified the egg spins for a lot longer, and in a friction-less environment that egg would spin perpetually until acted on by another force. But the thing is, not all objects in space have a solid core. Many, maybe even a majority of them, like our Earth, have molten cores, or are fluid to begin with and have different rotational periods between the surface and the core like our Sun.

    Our Earth, just like the raw egg has internal resistance caused by the viscosity of the egg white and yolk on the inside. When you spin a raw egg it only spins a couple of times until the resistance from the egg-white and yolk which do not spin at the same rate as the hard shell cause it to stop.

    Logically, our Earth should have done the same and stopped spinning billions of years ago unless it’s spin was based on a more fundamental principle: the collapsing dynamics of the structure of space-time which not only curve to singularity, but which also curls which is the origin of spin in the universe, according to Haramein’s model.

    The fact that probably all spheres in the universe spin perpetually at a more or less constant rate is highly suggestive that spin is related to the structure of space-time itself, and thus it also provides some positive evidence validating Haramein’s contention that all spheres in the universe have a singularity at their center, and spin because they are all based on these same curving and curling dynamics within the structure of space-time.

    In the HFU model, every sphere within the universe are scalar dimensions of the black hole meaning that all spheres in the universe are singularities at their own scale. And because space-time is curving and curling towards singularity, all things from atoms to galaxies have gravitational attraction proportional to the mass (and radius of their singularity).

    This according to the holofractographic universe model is not only the origin of gravity and spin within the universe, but it is also the nature of mass, which in present day models of physics is still an area of uncertainty, and a phenomenon that is not fully understood.

    Black Whole Dynamics: The Dual Torus

    In the Holofractographic model of the universe the black whole is the fundamental dynamic of space-time which generates all of creation. Yet until spin was accounted for within Einstein’s field equations, a true understanding of the nature and dynamics of black holes was not possible.

    In every galaxy that we have observed, it has been discovered that there was a black hole at the center. And as you can imagine, the forces that are generated by the collapse of space-time towards singularity must be enormous in order to keep billions of stars in orbit. But galaxies also spin, hence the centrifugal force created by the curling of space-time (space-time torque) which is great enough to spin billions of stars must also be enormous.


    Black Whole Dual-Torus Dynamics

    As space-time curves and curls towards singularity, eventually it will be spinning at such an enormous velocity that the resulting centrifugal forces would eventually overcome the gravitational attraction of the singularity. This would only occur nearer the singularity because the closer you get to singularity the greater the magnitude of space-time torque which produces centrifugal force which would result in an expansions of the space-time manifold.

    Therefore the black hole is not only infinite contraction, but infinite expansion as well creating a feedback loop between those two infinities (image right). As space-time collapses towards singularity at both poles simultaneously, it accelerates in a vortex until the point where the centrifugal forces created overcome the gravitational attraction of the singularity and radiate at the equator of the black hole. Then eventually the expansion would be overcome by the immense gravitational attraction of the singularity and in would collapse back into itself, in an infinite feedback.

    A perfectly balanced system.


    Image courtesy of the Resonance Project Foundation

    Moreover, we see these dynamics throughout nature. The image to the right is of a galaxy, and the stars which are directed in their heavenly motions are clearly adhering to these black hole dynamics. The radiate at the equator as expansion occurs in a spiral pattern until they reach the edge and are drawn up into the galactic halo, and then they are eventually drawn back into the poles of the black hole as the immense gravitational attraction collapses space-time towards infinity.

    I stated above that black holes have been discovered at the center of every galaxy, it is also interesting to note that recent research is indicating that the black holes actually predate the formation of galaxies (Source: Black Hole).

    Could these black holes be the force creating stars, planets, and the raw material such as atoms which create galaxies? At the galactic equator between the two torus fields which are rotating in opposite directions there would be enormous shearing going on, especially at the galactic level.

    Could this shearing effect of galactic-size black holes throughout the universe be shearing off mini-black holes which we call atoms, or even slightly larger ones which eventually form the stars and planets within the galaxy? And stars themselves would also be shearing off atoms to create its own elemental make up.

    In the HFU model of the universe:

    “The material reality that we see emerging is actually being produced by the center of the galaxy, the black hole. Particles are being created in a continuous creation process. Not just one big bang, but continuous creation at all levels of singularity along the scaling of our universe.” Nassim Haramein

    Below we see these dynamics reflected once again in the weather patterns of Earth (a hurricane off the coast of Florida), another galactic disc (Galaxy M51), and at the atomic level in the low energy field surrounding a carbon particle. These dynamics not only describe the dynamics at the galactic level, but also at the atomic level, such as the movement of electrons and positrons orbiting an atom.

    It is also curious to note also that the weather patterns of the Earth are nearly identical to the ‘black hole dual-torus dynamics’ as displayed in the image above.

    Clearly this cannot all be coincidence.

    Is it not probable that these dynamics clearly visible at all scales have a common origin: the dynamics of the space-time manifold? And though current physics has no explanation for these dynamics, the HFU model does: every sphere at all scales are scalar dimension of the black hole, and thus these dynamics are the result of the infinite feedback loop between the collapse and expansion of the space-time manifold due to the presence of singularity (infinite density) within the vacuum structure.


    Image courtesy of the Resonance Project Foundation

    In physics there are two types of black holes which are theorized. One is a black hole, the other is a white hole. A black hole is theorized as infinite gravitation, and a white hole as infinite radiation. But Haramein proposes that these are two aspects of the same phenomena, i.e. a black whole which is the unification of the black hole/white hole events.

    According to the Holofractographic Universe model, infinite radiation (i.e. a white whole) is the product of infinite gravitation (i.e. a traditional black hole), as we have explored as being due to the dual-torus feedback loop of the space-time manifold. Therefore the factor which determines whether you are perceiving a white hole or a black hole is if you observe the object from a perspective outside or inside it’s event horizon.

    The event horizon is the spherical field around the singularity which is at the exact radial distance from singularity where the forces of space-time expansion and contraction (gravity) are equal. When you are on the outside of a black whole you see a brilliantly shining object like a star, but when you are on the inside you only see darkness, such as the darkness you perceive when observing the night sky because we live inside a universal and galactic black whole.

    Unification and Singularity

    As Einsteins field equations clearly demonstrate, the field is collapsing towards infinite density: singularity. But the collapse towards singularity is characterized by an infinite curvature of space-time towards singularity and thus all points within the structure of space-time must also be collapsing towards singularity because they are part of this curve.

    The fractal nature of the universe is expressed in the fact that the universe creates spheres (which are black holes as the scaling law for organized matter demonstrates) at all scales. And the holographic nature of the universe is implied by singularity, and by the fact that all spheres are collapsing with singularity at their center within the infinite density of vacuum energy (the vacuum structure).

    From the radiating aspect of the dual-torus black hole dynamics it appears that everything is separate. But when we move towards singularity, space-time collapses along an infinite curvature towards an infinitely dense point of no volume with infinite density, and at this point all things are One. All black holes collapse towards singularity, and as Andreas Bjerve described beautifully:

    “The presence of even one singularity with infinite curvature automatically implies that all other points of the continuum belongs to that extreme curve, hence the word’s etymological root, “singular”, meaning single – there is only one.” (The Fractal-Holographic Universe)

    The universe is a black hole, and because of this, we are all one.

    In this understanding of the dynamics of black holes (the dynamics of the space-time continuum) it is shown clearly that both gravity and electromagnetism are two opposing and yet complimentary forces resulting from space-time curvature and torque. Electromagnetism represents the infinite expansion of reality, and gravity the infinite contraction. And together they create a feedback loop of creation at all scales.

    Thus the unification of physics begins.

    This article is the second article in a series exploring the Holofractographic Model of the Universe, a promising unified field theory postulated by Nassim Haramein which after many years of suppression by the scientific community is now gaining weight in the scientific community. Visit the first article in the series, Vacuum Energy:Proof of Free Energy in the Space Al Around Us. 

    Or explore this set of information from the Crossing The Event Horizon DVD.

    About the Author

     West is the creator of Project Global Awakening. A website dedicated to the research of a variety of scientific and spiritual disciplines, and applying that knowledge to help you live an inspired life and change the world. Follow Project Global Awakening on Facebook, and Twitter.

    This article is offered under Creative Commons license. It’s okay to republish it anywhere as long as attribution bio is included and all links remain intact.

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