This ‘Biker Gang’ Has Been Working to Support, Protect and Empower Abused Children
Elias Marat – Children around the world have also been relying on a different type of biker gang for emotional support and protection.
Elias Marat – Children around the world have also been relying on a different type of biker gang for emotional support and protection.
Dr. Mercola – Recent research found a single week of bingeing on fast foods impaired appetite control, making the volunteers more likely to desire more junk food, even if they’d just eaten.
Andrew W. Saul – The government of Shanghai, China announced its official recommendation that COVID-19 should be treated with high amounts of intravenous vitamin C.
Aaron Kesel – Are we living in a multiverse?
Elias Marat – The alternative approach to discipline allows students to ground themselves in their senses and calm emotions.
John Vibes – The COVID-19 coronavirus is a brand new pathogen that humans still don’t know much about.
Dr. Mecola – In reality, GM crops have turned glyphosate into one of the most widely and recklessly used herbicides in history and monoculture has led to a loss of biodiversity.
John Vibes – Dr. Jane Goodall, who is widely considered the world’s expert on chimpanzees, has announced plans to plant five million trees this year.
The Mind Unleashed – Three U.S. companies have quietly embraced the use of hemp plastic into their business models, and their products have already hit the market.
Jade Small – Up to 110 tons of garbage can be collected by one barge, drastically reducing the amount of waste reaching oceans.
Dr. Mercola – Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins. Conversely, when your body breaks down or digests proteins, amino acids are what’s left behind.
Spiro Skouras – Looking ahead at the looming financial crisis, the virus will likely be blamed, providing cover for the crimes committed by the central bankers.
Jon Rappoport – The government will lock down a country quicker than a missile fired from a drone, then nobody will be able to figure out what’s going on.
Sayer Ji – Groundbreaking research indicates that most of what is believed about the purportedly deadly properties of viruses like influenza is, in fact, not evidence-based but myth…
Tyler Durden – Each of the little spikes that surround the coronavirus is a spike protein. That’s what gives the coronavirus it’s name – it’s “crown” of these spikes.
Jon Rappoport – One person says, ‘X is the cause.’ Another says, ‘No, Y is the cause.’ Is it possible that X and Y are both causing the event? Of course.
Emma Fiala – Tenants will be charged $20 per month or 10% of their income.
Emma Fiala – Show this to your friends who say “it’s just the flu.”
Robert T. Walker – Brazil’s divisive President Jair Bolsonaro has taken another step in his bold plans to develop the Amazon rainforest.
John Vibes – Researchers have still not been able to identify the original source of the COVID-19 coronavirus.