Anonymous Claims NASA is About to Disclose the Discovery of Alien Life

Terence Newton, Staff Writer
Waking Times 

At some point in time, whether now, or a thousand years from now, disclosure of what the government knows about extraterrestrial life will have to happen. A secret this big simply cannot be kept, especially as the space program becomes privatized and more people have access to the heavens and to the data we’ve collected in the past. In many ways, we’ve been experiencing disclosure lite, as information slowly creeps out from many sources.

  • Billionaire Robert Bigelow, a space industry pioneer and NASA partner, recently publicly stated that aliens are real and are already active on planet earth. Around the world, people are witnessing and video-recording unusual craft, UFO’s, in the skies, many of them strikingly similar in unique locations. Heads of State and military personnel have made dozens of statements on the reality of UFO and ET activity here on earth, but the public at large simply won’t believe any of this until the government itself makes a legitimate disclosure.


    A video just released by the global hacker collective Anonymous, claims that NASA has essentially done just that after NASA’s recent announcement that many planets very similar to earth have been found in our own galaxy. Anonymous claims that an associate administrator of NASA and accompanying comments are akin to disclosure, and that a more public briefing is forthcoming.

    “Anonymous’ claim is based on a number of recent NASA discoveries coupled with comments made by one of the agency’s spokesmen during a congressional hearing titled ‘Advances in the Search for Life,’ in April.


    Professor Thomas Zurbuchen, associate administrator for the Science Mission Directorate, told the hearing that NASA’s recent advances, such as the discovery of hydrogen in Saturn’s moon Enceladus and the Hubble team’s promising results from the oceans of Jupiter’s moon, Europa, are promising signs that we’re closer than ever to discovering evidence of alien life.


    Taking into account all of the different activities and missions that are specifically searching for evidence of alien life, we are on the verge of making one of the most profound, unprecedented, discoveries in history,” said Zurbuchen during the hearing of the committee on American Science, Space and Technology.” [RT]

    See the Anonymous message for yourself, here:

    Final Thoughts

    In the age of disinformation, propaganda and top-down control, we have long foreseen the likelihood that disclosure will be a propagandized phony announcement, staged as a false flag to give we earthlings yet another reason to demand more authority from government. If NASA should truly disclose the discovery of life on other planets, the announcement would have to be scrutinized as another plot to manipulate human beings, as NASA is itself an organization highly suspect for the role it plays in enabling the deep state as an arm of the military industrial complex.

    Furthermore, as this revelation comes from Anonymous, even more suspicion is warranted, for we have seen how the new world order has attempted to hijack this organization, and as mainstream media outlets report on this story as having been released by anonews, it is important to remember that this organization is merely a blog and a facebook page created to generate web traffic and personal income by seizing on a well recognized brand. In other words, the messengers here are highly suspect but the message in this case is curious considering that so many bits of disclosure have been happening recently.

    Read more articles from Terence Newton.

    About the Author

    Terence Newton is a staff writer for, interested primarily with issues related to science, the human mind, and human consciousness.

    This article (Anonymous Claims NASA is About to Disclose the Discovery of Alien Life) was originally created and published by Waking Times and is published here under a Creative Commons license with attribution to Terence Newton and It may be re-posted freely with proper attribution, author bio, and this copyright statement. 

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