Search Results for materialism

Materialism & the Loss of Soul

Kingsley L. Dennis – The non-material, or non-visible, realm does not lie dormant. It is active, constantly.

How Materialism Posing as Mysticism Limits Consciousness and Subverts Spirituality

Matthew Butler, Guest Waking Times The law of attraction is a wildly-popular modern mystical belief hyped as the secret to fulfilling your every desire. It has big celebrity endorsements, and commercial products rehashing its claims sell in abundance. But beneath the glossy facade there’s often an agenda pushing egocentrism and greed in metaphysical garb, which limits consciousness

Setting Science Free From Materialism

Rupert Sheldrake, PhD, Guest Waking Times **Editor’s Note: Reprinted with permission from Rupert Sheldrake, the ideas in this article are further explored in Rupert Sheldrake’s book, Science Set Free: 10 Paths to New Discovery. Please also visit his website,, for more of his fascinating articles and insight into nature and human consciousness. ** The

Steiner & the Blood Demons

Jason Heppenstall – Did the esoteric philosopher and clairvoyant Rudolf Steiner warn us over a century ago when he said a ‘vaccine’ would be the delivery system for the defeat of humanity?

Life… In Reversal

Kingsley Dennis – Social norms are persuading many people to prefer safety and security rather than the potential discomfort that comes from gaining new realizations and understanding.

The Eleventh Hour

Kingsley L. Dennis – The great depth of materialism represents the final stage of a grand cycle where the world reaches its ‘extremity of separation.’

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