9 Things That Could Positively Influence the World if we Re-Directed Our Resources from War

Flickr - Stealth Bomber - PrayitnoAlexander Light, Contributor
Waking Times

The worldwide military expenditures for 2011 summed up to as much as $2,157,172,000,000 (yes, that’s over $2,15 trillion). The human mind cannot really grasp such a large amount of money, that’s why I will try to put it into perspective later on.

USA alone spent the record sum of $741,2 billion in 2011 for waging wars and producing new weapons, while in 2010, the US military expenditures reached $683.7 billion.

The US defense budget for 2012 will exceed $1 trillion and is expected to reach as high as $1,415 trillion!

In January 2012, President Obama promised that USA’s defense budget will grow slowly but steadily in the following 10 years.

Now, the question we need to ask ourselves is: “what kind of future awaits mankind”? If our worldwide governments constantly raise the war budgets, design new weapons and pick new fights, then the future can only bring: more wars, destruction, sufferance and famine.

If there is no such thing as a “global financial conspiracy”, then why are we not allocating larger budgets for clean & renewable energy, new transportation methods, Eco-friendly materials to substitute for plastics and other non-biodegradable materials? Why are we not allocating larger budgets for natural healthcare and natural foods and drinks?

Well, because there IS a global financial conspiracy and the global banking elite has big money invested in the war apparatus – and war, my friends, is the most profitable business on Earth.

  • Sadly, we do have our part of guilt as well, because we allow the global governments to use our money for such primitive purposes: murder and destruction. There is still time to put an end to this madness and start creating a positive future for the human species. Sooner rather than later, we must get rid of these “royal” blood-sucking parasites and start governing ourselves.
  • Here are 9 Things That Could Positively Effect the World if we Re-Directed our Resources from the War Machine

    1. Evacuated Tube Transportation Technology – aka ET3 or ETT

    Transportation should be clean, green, fast, comfortable and affordable for all; It must also be financially sustainable on a global level. ET3 is literally “Space Travel on Earth”. ET3 is silent, low cost, safe, faster than jets, and is electric:

    ET3 can provide 50 times more transportation per kWh than electric cars or trains.

    Speed in initial ET3 systems is 600km/h (370 mph) for in state trips, and will be developed to 6,500 km/h (4,000 mph) for international travel that will allow passenger or cargo to travel from New York to Beijing in 2 hours. ET3 is networked like freeways, except the capsules are automatically routed from origin to destination.

    ET3 capsules weigh only 183 kg (400 lbs), yet like an automobile, can carry up to six people or 367 kg (800 lbs) of cargo. Compared to high speed rail, ET3 needs only 1/20th the material to build because the vehicles are so light. With automated passive switching, a pair of ET3 tubes can exceed the capacity of a 32 lane freeway. ET3 can be built for 1/10th the cost of High Speed Rail, or 1/4th the cost of a freeway.
    Rail VS. ETT — The Costs

    2. High-tech and high performance electric cars – e.g. Tesla Motors

    If your company would go bankrupt because it cannot survive in the current economic scheme, do you think the government would bail you out? Of course not. But the US government bailed out 3 gas-car manufacturers: GM, Ford and Chrysler. They’ve officially received $25 billion ($700 billion unofficially, as documents show) from OUR tax money because we don’t want to buy their cars anymore! How corrupt and absurd is that?

    If there is no global financial conspiracy, then why are they bailing out environmentally-polluting obsolete companies, instead of investing the money in Eco-friendly companies, like Tesla Motors for example? Elon Musk is the founder and CEO of Tesla Motors. He is a 40 years old South African engineer and entrepreneur, and his financial worth is a little more than half a billion dollars. The company’s worth is of only ~ $250 million. That’s such a tiny amount compared to $700 billion, don’t you think? Yet, he was able to achieve so much, with so little.

    Tesla Motors is named after electrical engineer and physicist Nikola Tesla (mankind’s greatest inventor). The Tesla vehicles use an AC electric motor descended directly from Tesla’s original 1882 design.

    Tesla Model S (starting price $49,000 — deliveries just recently started);

    Features: 0-60 mph in 5.6 to 6.5 seconds, depending on the model. Comes with three battery types, 40, 60 and 80 kWh, and an estimated range of 160, 230 and 300 miles/charge.

    If you want to see how much a full “tank” costs, choose a battery type and multiply it with the kWh’s price of your area.

    Fully electric, 7 seats, 2 trunks, 17″ central touch screen display, 0 tailpipe emissions, no engine noise, full instant torque. The car accelerates from 0-60 mph in 6.5 sec, 5.9 sec, 5.6 sec, or 4.4 sec. for the top model. That’s faster than many of the sport cars.

    Tesla Model X (starting price of about $60,000 — deliveries will begin early 2014) – the company’s first SUV;

    Features: 0-60 mph in less than 5 seconds (faster than a Porsche 911). The most sophisticated 4×4 traction control system in the world, two electric motors, + 50% torque improvements.

    You will be able to choose from two battery types, 60 and 85 kWh. Fully electric, 7 seats, 2 trunks, 17″ central touch screen display, 0 tailpipe emissions, no engine noise, full instant torque.

    My question is, why are we not giving the $25/$700 billion to Tesla Motors (or split it between all Electric Vehicle companies) for researching even more advanced clean technology, instead of bailing out environmentally-damaging and financially unsustainable companies? Because the global elite has big money invested in oil and oil-consuming car companies.

    3. Vertical farming – the solution for a crowded tomorrow

    The global over-population is a lie. The current population of our planet can live and thrive on a continent no larger than Australia, with Eco-farms included. Still, for those who argue the lack of space in the future, the solution is already here: the vertical farm.

    Because the vegetables grow in a controlled environment, there is no need to use chemicals or to genetically modify them.

    4. Replacing the GMO and chemical-sprayed food with organic — How to produce 1 Million pounds of organic food on 3 acres, in the heart of a crowded city.

    Growing Power is a sustainable urban agriculture center located in the city of Milwaukee. It was founded by Will Allen to introduce healthier food options to the urban community, while simultaneously demonstrating a sustainable model for local food production. Using the vertical space intelligently, an old warehouse can be turned into a very profitable 3 acres green house — right in the heart of the city.

    “To grow sustainably means that we do not use any synthetic chemicals – fertilizers, pesticides, or herbicides – on any of our crops.”

    5. The Farmery is a futuristic concept of sustainable organic agriculture, for your local grocery store. Ben Greene, its inventor, perfected the process of food growth and distribution, with a simple and clever idea: grow and sell in the same place. The food “has to be harvested, packed, transported and cooled. And at every step, there is massive inventory loss.” And this is what made Greene think outside the box: “What if this entire system could be consolidated into one site?”

    6. Free and Unlimited Clean Energy

    Allow me to say it loud and clear: WE HAVE IT! Free energy has been possible for more than a hundred years, but it has been suppressed for financial reasons. Free energy cannot be controlled or taxed. Nikola Tesla was able to transmit unlimited quantities of electricity via wireless. All the important figures of his time visited Nikola’s laboratory and witnessed his futuristic experiments (“The glitterati of New York’s finest would flock to his laboratory to witness the spectacular high voltage demonstrations. Notables such as Mark Twain, John Muir, Sarah Bernhardt, Sanford White, and Teddy Roosevelt, and many others attended.” – excerpt from the above documentary).

    His dream was for the entire planet to have access to free and unlimited energy, and all our devices and machines to capture it wirelessly. He even designed cars and planes able to tap into this energy source and we would have never payed a cent for it.

    Our governments are trying to make us believe that free energy is a myth. But there are so many people who proved otherwise.

    Here is a great documentary for you to watch and make up your own mind:

    If they are interested in our well-being, then why doesn’t the government invest in “free energy” research programs? Actually, why aren’t they investing in the already available CLEAN energy sources (solar, wind, electric vehicles and recharge stations all over the world, etc.)?

    The Keshe Foundation is struggling to gather funds for their free energy projects, but no government is interested in investing in their – allegedly – already proven technology:

    7. Reintegrating the Homeless People

    The United States have an estimated of 3.5 million homeless people. Building minimum-comfort apartment blocks for those who lost their homes should cost no more than $50 billion. It’s a one-time payment and the project would also include newly-created jobs inside the district. It’s a win-win situation, for the government will not have to take care of the homeless people anymore.

    Homeless Link represents and supports 500 organizations working with homeless people in the UK. They argue that “most studies indicate that homelessness is more expensive to society than the costs of solving the problem.”

    Many of the homeless people ended up in this situation because of the corrupt banking system, which operates like a legal loan-shark. When the banking elite collapsed the economy, instead of helping the people, our government used … *hold tight*… over $7 trillion from OUR money to bail out those who created the problems in the first place. That’s a gift of about $23,000 from each American (including children) to the bankers! It’s pure madness!

    According to Amnesty International USA, there are more than five times as many vacant homes in the U.S. than there are homeless people.

    “In the last few days, the U.S. government census figures have revealed that 1 in 2 Americans have fallen into poverty or are struggling to live on low incomes. And we know that the financial hardships faced by our neighbors, colleagues, and others in our communities will be all the more acutely felt over the holiday season.

    Along with poverty and low incomes, the foreclosure rate has created its own crisis situation as the number of families removed from their homes has skyrocketed.

    Since 2007, banks have foreclosed around eight million homes. It is estimated that another eight to ten million homes will be foreclosed before the financial crisis is over. This approach to resolving one part of the financial crisis means many, many families are living without adequate and secure housing. In addition, approximately 3.5 million people in the U.S. are homeless, many of them veterans. It is worth noting that, at the same time, there are 18.5 million vacant homes in the country.”

    8. Eradicating World Hunger

    Though it sounds like an impossible mission, according to the World Food Summit held every several years by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), we only need $30 billion/year to eradicate hunger on planet Earth! I want to remind you that our leaders spent $2,15 TRILLION on wars in 2011, and USA’s war budget could reach the unprecedented $1,415 trillion in 2012. It is more than obvious that we do have the money!

    According to a study conducted in 2007 by Nobel Prize-winning economist Joseph E. Stiglitz and Harvard public finance lecturer Linda J. Bilmes, the Iraqi war was “costing $720 million a day or $500,000 a minute.” This means that 42 days after calling the troops back home, the USA alone would have the budget to solve the planet’s hunger problem for an entire year.

    FAO’s Director-General, Dr Jacques Diouf, noted that “in 2006 the world spent $1,200 billion on new weapons, while the food wasted in a single country could cost $100 billion and, excess consumption by the world’s obese amounted to $20 billion.

    ‘Against that backdrop, how can we explain to people of good sense and good faith that it was not possible to find $30 billion a year to enable 862 million hungry people to enjoy the most fundamental of human rights: the right to food and thus the right to life?’ Dr Diouf asked.”

    9. Replacing the hazardous nuclear power plants, with the “green” solar panels

    Nuclear power is extremely expensive and extremely dangerous (Must-Read: The Dangers and Costs of Nuclear Energy). By contrast, solar power is cheap on the long run and poses little risk to the environment or to our health.

    As a result of the Fukushima nuclear disaster of March 11, 2011, Germany decided to decommission all of its nuclear power plants by 2020, and replace them with solar panels.

    On June 2nd, 2012, Germany produce a world record of 22 gigawatts of clean energy, more than all other countries combined, and the equivalent of 20 nuclear power plants working at full capacity. This proves that it can be done!

    About the Author

    Alexander Light is the editor of HumansAreFree.com. Please take a moment to visit his excellent site.

    This article is offered under Creative Commons license. It’s okay to republish it anywhere as long as attribution bio is included and all links remain intact.

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