8 Things to Consider Before Panicking About the Coronavirus

Phillip Schneider, Staff Writer
Waking Times

If you read the news, you’ve likely heard about the “deadly” coronavirus in China. You’ve probably seen videos of sick people and heard about the impending doom that our great nation faces if we don’t do something about this grave threat coming from China.

But have you ever thought about why we’re hearing so much about this virus, despite it affecting only a relatively small number of people in another country? Who benefits from a mass media hype around the Coronavirus?

  • 1. This Story is Getting Massive Hype

    No one can deny the incredible hype that this story is getting. But, why?

    Nearly every major news outlet is front-paging the news about the virus. NBC warns of the rising death toll, CNN frightens us with “diving” stocks due to coronavirus fears (the DOW dropped by 0.6% while other stocks like Bowing grew by 1.7%), the Drudge Report sounds the alarm on the spreading outbreak triggering the quarantine of 56 million people, but China’s state run communist newspaper, the People’s Daily, reports only 41 total deaths from coronavirus and 34 cured and released, with the total number of confirmed cases to date at 1287.

    Yet, every new development is serious front page news. CNBC released an updating map of those affected by the virus. In China, it looks like they are absolutely swamped with illness, however, to say that the true number of cases is minuscule compared with China’s population of 1.4 billion would be the world’s greatest understatement of the century.

    Is the media simply reporting justifiably on a virus that could potentially affect millions of people, or do they have ulterior motives?

    2. Nobody Knows Where the Virus Came From

    So, where did the virus come from anyway? Some speculate it originated in snakes, or previously from bats or contact with other animals in an open-air food market in Wuham, but if that’s true, is there no connection to the fact that the Chinese government opened up a new biolab in the same city, allegedly tasked with studying the “world’s most dangerous pathogens”? Even the science journal Nature was concerned with the facility prior to its operation in 2017.

    So, did the Chinese government accidentally or intentionally release the virus? Did it end up in bats, then snakes, then humans? Why were they working on studying this virus in the first place, and who benefits from its release?

    3. The Media Makes Top Dollar from Your Fear

    Along with America’s other biggest go-nowhere news story of the week, Trump’s impeachment process, the media rakes in huge sums of money from reporting on medical fear stories. Media executives know that people will tune in to watch a deadly virus sweep the globe. The fear that you experience from thinking about the potential for mass quarantine and death, paralyzes and keeps most people locked into consuming more fear-inducing coverage. Hence, more moola for the fat cats at CNN, NBC, etc. Bad news is good for business, and while statistically speaking you should be far more concerned for your safety every time you get into an automobile, nothing gets clicks like fear and panic.

    4. Governments Always Seek More Control from Virus Scares

    What is the logical conclusion for a population of fearful and paralyzed individuals with no experience combatting a new and deadly virus? Giving the authorities more power, of course.. Let the government forcefully inoculate you and your family, allow the medical-industrial complex to take more of your hard-earned money, and watch silently with the fear that standing up for your rights might lead to the destruction of the human race.

    5. This Happens Every Few Years and Pushes Important Issues to the Back Page

    It isn’t hard to find examples of medical hysteria in the past, either. Think back to Ebola, the Swine flu, the regular flu, measles, SARS, or even the plague. Every few years, the media ramps up its coverage of a new virus that often harms a very insignificant number of people. The medical establishment calls for more control, governments call for more control, and important stories get vigorously back-paged. As a nation, we end up wasting valuable time on a non-issue that was never going to matter to begin with, the only net-result being a marked increase in fear and stress.

    6. The Coronavirus Doesn’t Affect You

    Chances are pretty solid that you won’t even meet someone who was affected in any way by the coronavirus. Statistically, it makes no sense to worry about the virus when you likely know someone personally who was or will be affected by poverty, the drug war, junk food-induced diabetes, opiate addiction, cancer, heart-disease, the looming national debt, war, a lack of clean food or water, stress, taxation, unconstitutional no-knock SWAT raids, pollution, depression, etc. Focusing all of your attention on this new fear is illogical when you consider that we live in a world of daily threats and dangers anyhow. And by the way, spoiler alert… none of us make it out of here alive.

    Furthermore, those who are dying from the virus are not actually dying from the virus, but rather from health complications resulting from having the virus and a compromised immune system, like pneumonia. If the national media genuinely wanted you to be safe, they would be running wall-to-wall coverage of how to naturally boost your immune system and get your body into a state of maximum health, but they rarely mention this fact.

    7. The Institutions Who Benefit from Coronavirus Hype are Incompetent and Dangerous

    The institutions, including the CDC, vaccine companies, and media who benefit from coronavirus hype, are incredibly incompetent and dangerous. One might even go so far as to call them diabolical. We all know about the infamous and highly-publicized syphilis experiments that began in the 1930’s, and CDC director Dr. Branda Fitzgerald who was forced to resign in early 2018 after she was caught buying shares of Merck, a major vaccine company that the CDC is supposed to oversee. There’s no shortage of medical corruption in the U.S., both historically and contemporarily, if you look hard enough. Already the pharmaceutical industry is ‘racing to develop a vaccine,’ which when coupled with government mandates equals insane revenue.

    8. Grainy Videos of Dead and Sick-Looking People Are Being Used to Scare You

    To top it all off, much of the evidence we’re getting from the media is sketchy at best. Earlier, the Daily Star ran a photograph of two men in lab coats, one of which was lying on the ground. The photo is extremely grainy and out of focus. Meanwhile, what are we supposed to make of it? There’s no context here or proof that the photo is really what they say it is. Yet, it was featured in all caps on the drudge report. “DOCTORS COLLAPSE”, it says along with a plethora of other headlines.

    Experts fear too late for China
    Everyone will get infected
    Simulation Predicts 65 Million Could Die

    Anyone who’s been paying attention could have predicted the rise of the coronavirus and know what the outcome will be. Mass hysteria and collective fear will be used to further erode individual liberties and stoke allegiance to the medical industrial complex. By simply being aware, however, that fearing all the news is illogical, while continuing to focus on your health and wellness, you automatically subvert this attempt at mass control.

    Read more articles from Phillip Schneider.

  • About the Author

    Phillip Schneider is a student as well as a staff writer and assistant editor for Waking Times. If you would like to see more of his work, you can visit his website, or follow him on the free speech social network Minds.

    This article (8 Things to Consider Before Panicking About the Coronavirus) as originally created and published by Waking Times and is published here under a Creative Commons license with attribution to Phillip Schneider and WakingTimes.com. It may be re-posted freely with proper attribution, author bio, and this copyright statement.

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