5 Ways to Take CBD and When Each is Most Beneficial

take cbd

Sofia Adamson, Staff Writer
Waking Times

Cannabidiol (CBD) is the critical non-psychoactive, therapeutic chemical that’s present in strains of the hemp and cannabis plants. The compound is a cannabinoid, one of more than 100 rare substances that engage with the human body’s endocannabinoid system (ECS). This system plays an important role in regulating our physical and emotional wellbeing, as cannabinoid scientists have demonstrated since the late 20th century.

  • While there is still a way to go before doctors fully embrace and prescribe CBD to patients, hemp-derived products are already available in the United States and elsewhere. Moreover, they are quickly becoming popular due to their effectiveness. As the CBD industry evolves, manufacturers are eager to bring innovative and exciting products to market and capitalize on CBD’s array of health benefits.

    Below we’ll review some of the most popular ways to take CBD. We’ll also detail when each consumption method may be most appropriate and the conditions it may address.

    1. CBD vape oil and e-liquid

    Vaporizing, or  vaping for short, has taken off over the past few years because studies have shown that it is much safer to vape than smoke. However, the following information is also applicable to those who prefer to smoke their CBD-rich hemp flower in an old-school joint or pipe.

    The primary advantage of vaporizing CBD is that it offers the ultimate speed of delivery. Within seconds of taking your first hit, the cannabinoids are active in the bloodstream. Medicating, therefore, is a very efficient experience, as you simply take as many draws as you need until you feel settled. You’ll know whether you need to take another drag after just two or three minutes.

    Combine the quick dosing and onset of effects, and you have a perfect CBD intake method for those who suffer from an illness with acute and unpredictable symptoms. Anxiety, for instance, can be triggered at a moment’s notice. Thus, treatments that may take half an hour or longer to work are essentially useless for managing an anxiety attack. A burst of vaporized CBD, however, can help to immediately address a chemical imbalance in the brain.

    2. CBD tincture oil

    Despite research showing that the short and long-term consequences of vaping are nowhere near as severe as smoking, some who have never tried either are understandably cautious about vaporizing to medicate. In this case, the next best choice for fast relief are CBD tincture oils. These oils are rather versatile and can be ingested or applied to the skin. Most often, they are consumed sublingually, under the tongue.

    Tincture oils are the most common way of using CBD to treat children with epilepsy and are great for other vulnerable users looking to minimize their health risks. CBD has beneficial neuroprotective properties and has been shown to reverse hippocampal volume loss in humans. As well, scientists have shown that CBD treatment can restore damaged circuitry in the prefrontal cortexes of rodent models.

    CBD from tincture oils moves swiftly into the bloodstream, where it can be transported to the brain, passing through the blood-brain barrier. These products are so popular that many CBD companies now buy CBD oil wholesale, to lower product prices for consumers.

    3. CBD edibles

    CBD edibles come in various forms – gummy bears and other jellies, lollipops, chocolates, etc. Some people also like to make their own homemade edibles using CBD-rich hemp flower. Even vaporized CBD flower can be used to make edibles, allowing you to get more from your CBD.

    Edibles are unique for two reasons: the effects of CBD are stretched out over many hours, and the cannabinoids can easily interact with cannabinoid receptors in the gut. The impact of CBD in the gut may be essential for regulating immune system function, with studies attesting to the immunomodulatory properties of phyto-cannabinoids and endocannabinoids.

    The elongated therapeutic benefits are best for those seeking all-day relief. Furthermore, CBD edibles may help those with sleep conditions in search of a non-addictive alternative to sleeping tablets.

    4. CBD creams

    CBD topical ointments have offered relief to patients with skin infections and inflammatory conditions. This occurs because CBD is antibacterial, antimicrobial and antifungal. Thus, CBD may help to treat acne, rosacea, eczema, psoriasis and more.

    Moreover, CB1 receptors that control pain perception are present throughout the keratinocytes in the epidermis. As a result, CBD topical products also have a soothing, analgesic effect on localized pain.

    5. CBD concentrates

    If vape juices and edibles give you some relief but not enough, then you may need a more potent dose. You could extend your vaping session or take more edibles, or switch to concentrates, which are much more efficient. For example, it’s not unusual to see CBD crystals that are 99 percent pure CBD. Patients can vape, ingest or dab CBD concentrates.




  • This article (5 Ways to Take CBD and When Each is Most Beneficial) was originally created and published by Waking Times. Copyright 2018 Waking Media LLC.

    Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of Waking Times or its staff.
