5 Critical Reasons to Add Nutritious Hemp Seeds to Your Diet

hemp-seedsChristina Sarich, Natural Society
Waking Times

Hemp can be used for almost literally countless things, from building homes to the remediation of contaminated soil. In terms of nutrition, there are 5 specific reasons to keep hemp seeds stocked in your pantry. They are a nutritious power-house that should not be overlooked. In fact, many experts call hemp one of the most nutritionally complete food sources in the world. Read on to find out why:

Health Benefits of Hemp Seeds – Full of Health-Boosting Fatty Acids

These health boosting fats include alpha-lineoleic acid (ALA), a variety of Omega-3 fat, as well as Omega-6. These are ‘essential’ fatty acids, which we need to survive, but that the body does not make, so we must obtain them from our diets.

LA, LNA and the highly unsaturated fatty acids the body makes from them, are necessary in the most active energy and electron exchanging and oxygen requiring tissues; especially the brain, retina, inner ear, adrenal and testicular tissues. They carry the high energy required by the most active tissues, and ensure very high oxygen availability to them. Life force travels through the body via the essential fatty acids and their derivatives.”

Hemp is full of these essential fatty acids, and they are in the correct proportion of 3:1. (Omega 3: Omega 6).

Hemp Seeds Contain All 8 Essential Amino Acids and 2 Conditionally Essential Amino Acids

While we need 21 amino acids to survive, eight of these must be obtained from our diets. Many nutrition experts say we need a balance of the right kinds of proteins, too. Hemp contains the correct ratio with edestin at 65% of the protein content, with the other 35% of the protein content being albumin.

Considered the backbone of the cell’s DNA, edestin aids digestion and is relatively phosphorus free. The albumin protein, which is the current industry standard for protein evaluation, is highly digestible and is a major free radical combatant.

  • Hemp Supplies Your Body with Globulin – Vital for a Healthy Immune System

    Hemp seed is the premier plant-seed provider of globulin starting material — the highest in the plant kingdom. Eating hemp seeds will ensure the immune system has the ‘reservoir of immunoglobulin resources needed to make disease-eradicating antibodies’.

    Hemp Seeds Reduce Inflammation

    Among the other health benefits of hemp seeds, the compounds found within these seeds, such as omega 3 fats, help to reduce inflammation in the body. Inflammation triggers almost every conceivable disease, from obesity, ADD/ADHD, peripheral neuropathy, diabetes, heart disease, stroke, migraines, thyroid issues, dental issues, cancer, and more. Eating hemp seeds can keep all of these diseases at bay.

    Hemp Seeds are Used to Make Hemp Milk, One of the Last Non-GMO, Non-Dairy Drinks

    Sure, you can try soy-milk, but it will likely be GMO. Hemp milk gives you all the same benefits of eating hemp seed, and without the toxic pesticide residues. Hemp can also be grown with almost no industrial fertilizers, fungicides, herbicides or pesticides. As an added boon, hemp helps to restore soil that has been abused, and adds vital nutrients back to it.

    Who wouldn’t want to add a super food like this to their diets? Enjoy the health benefits of hemp seeds today!

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