4 Reasons Human Beings May Not Be Mammals

human baby wombJosh Richardson, Prevent Disease
Waking Times

Compared to the length of time the Earth has existed, humans have only been here a very small fraction of that period. One thing that is very confusing about our biological classification is that we are labeled as mammals and part of the animal kingdom. However, mammals do not behave the way we do. I realize that our classification has more to do with our biology rather than behavior, but hear me out. Our behavior is so unique that it aligns with something else–something not living at all.

Mammals share specific characteristics which separate them from other animals. There are different types of groups of mammals such as bats, carnivores, cetaceans, elephants, marsupials, primates, rodents, treeshrews and many others. They are found all over the world in all different climates. They nurse their babies with mother’s milk, maintain a constant internal temperature, protect their young, have hair, more developed brains and many other shared physical features.

All mammals strive to instinctively:
– maintain a natural equilibrium within their ecosystem
– consume nutrients to maintain a homeostatic balance
– reproduce up to the limitations that natural resources can provide

  • Modern humans don’t follow any of the above instincts, if they have them at all.


    1) destroy the natural equilibrium within the environment they inhabit
    2) expend energy and resources to destroy cells within the body
    3) reproduce to the point of exceeding the capacity of natural
    resources of the host environment
    4) will latch onto other environments to repeat the same process and will teach other humans to do the same thing

    Behaviorally, there is no other mammal that does what humans do. Our capacity to destroy our environment makes us practically pseudo-living organisms in this respect.

    There is one other organism that does mimic our behavior. It’s called a virus. Viruses have insinuated themselves into the genome of our ancestors for hundreds of millions of years. They typically have gotten there by infecting eggs or sperm, inserting their own DNA into ours. There are 100,000 known fragments of viruses in the human genome, making up over 8% of our DNA.

    Unlike mammals, what’s interesting about viruses is that they’re not alive. They don’t grow, produce/utilize their own energy, cannot independently reproduce, or move on their own. Are human beings headed in the same direction?

    As soon as humanity stops living like a virus, consciousness will evolve to an infinite source of power, abundance and prosperity for our species. The only thing we need to do is recognize it.

    About the Author

    Josh Richardson is blogger, healer, and a constant pursuer of the natural state of human consciousness.


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