3 Potential Side Effects of CBD Oil You Should Be Aware Of

Ivan Green, Guest
Waking Times

CBD oil contains cannabidiol which is derived from marijuana and/or hemp plants. The compound is non-intoxicating and is completely different from tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) which is also derived from marijuana plants. CBD oil comes in various products including tinctures, full-spectrum oils, soft gel capsules, sprays and vape cartridges.

  • Even though CBD oil comes with a variety of benefits for many health issues, it is also essential to be aware of the side effects that may often be associated with it. Some of the side effects that CBD oil tends to have on both adults and children include: dry mouth, nausea, vomiting, anxiety, dizziness, diarrhea, loss of appetite, dizziness, mood swings, and weight gain or loss.

    If CBD oil is being regularly used then it can reduce the effect of other simultaneous medications that you are taking, and there can be some long-term effects on hormones as well.

    1.) It Can Cause Nausea and General Sickness

    While you are using CBD oil and its supplements for recovering your health problems, the most common kind of side effect you might encounter is likely to be nausea and general sickness. If you have a digestive problem, then chances are you might experience some additional irritation and some patients are unable to digest CBD products completely.

    During the intake of CBD oil, if it is taken along with a carrier such as olive oil, hemp seed oil, or coconut oil, one may experience gastrointestinal distress or an upset stomach. If you have a sensitivity towards coconut oil then you might get stomach cramps or sudden abdominal pains.

    You can either stop its usage for a few days or reduce the amount of CBD oil dose to avoid the feeling of nausea and illness.

    2.) It Can Cause Drowsiness and Light-headedness

    CBD oil has long been used for treating sleep disorders, and as a result if you experience drowsiness then initially, there is nothing to be concerned about. And even though CBD often has a wake-inducing effect, many patients have experienced the opposite. High doses of CBD oil can also cause heavy drowsiness.

    Light-headedness is a temporary side effect of CBD oil and can be treated by either reducing its dosage or by consuming a caffeinated beverage that will help in bringing a balance to the human body.

    These side effects are not highly detrimental to health and can be easily recovered from within a few days, but, if such effects occur, it is advisable to consume a lower dosage.

    3.) Changes in Appetite

    Appetite change is one of the most common side effects of CBD oil, and has been noticed in many patients who use it. With the change in appetite, CBD oil may be responsible for either weight gain or weight loss. Although several types of research are looking into this particular side effect, it has been noticed that the effect of CBD on appetite can be a mixed result.

    Along with dryness of mouth, appetite change is also a temporary side effect of CBD oil that should gradually go away with time. Due to lack of specific and concrete research, however, CBD cannot be recommended as an ideal supplement for reducing weight.


    While there are a few minor side effects to taking CBD Oil, they don’t undermine the vast array of benefits that come with it, and it should not be of concern that more and more people are choosing CBD products for treating health related problems, but we should be aware that dishonest manufacturers might take undue advantage of the product’s demand and sell adulterated CBD products. So, you should also be aware of the quality of CBD products that you are purchasing and look through their ingredients properly, be it online or over-the-counter.

    Although the side effects of CBD oil are mild and short-lived, make sure that the side effects are not harmful to your health. Always consult the doctor when you notice that things are getting out of control or have been bothering you.

  • About the Author

    Ivan Green writes about Cannabis at The Cannabis Radar. He has a degree in Nutrition Sciences from the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Centre. He likes to spend his spare time reading to his daughter or spending time with his wife.

    Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of WakingTimes or its staff.

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