EKG Demonstration Shows How Smart Meters May be Contributing to Heart Trouble

B.N. Frank, Guest
Waking Times 

News reports continue to remind us how cardiac issues are on the rise in children and adults.  Tens of millions of wireless utility “Smart” Meters have been installed in the U.S. and around the world.  Years ago, experts predicted that utility “Smart” Meters were a dumb idea.  People everywhere – including elected officials  (see 12, 3) – have been fighting to get them off their homes and out of their communities due to all the problems associated with them – including health issues.

Wireless utility “Smart” Meters emit RadioFrequency (RF) or wireless (microwave) radiationand Dirty Electricity.  This is also sometimes referred to as Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR) and/or Electrosmog.  Research has proven that regardless of what you call it – exposure to any or all of this is biologically harmful. Some will handle exposure better than others.

  • Here are 2 videos showing what your utility “Smart” Meters may be doing to your heart:

    All utility “Smart” Meters cause problems. 

    Court testimony from a California lawsuit revealed that PG&E utility “Smart” Meters can pulse up to 19o,000+ times a day.

    In 2013, a Pennsylvania news team confirmed that PEPCO utility “Smart” Meters constantly emit radiation.

    In 2013, Duke Energy blamed communication nodes from their AMI “Smart” Meters for causing touch lamps to malfunction and break.

    Free online documentary, Take Back Your Power, covers ALL issues that have been associated with utility “Smart” Meters and “Smart Grids” (including higher bills, privacy violations, frequent replacement, fires and explosions, etc.).

    Some utility companies offer opt-outs.  For those that don’t, customers may want to fight for them.

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