Harnessing the Power of Chi to Transform Your Health and Your Life

Qigong Practice for Women

Dylan Charles, Editor
Waking Times

Qi Gong is the cultivation of life force energy for use in developing optimal health and wellness and increasing longevity. While this life force energy, or Chi as it is known in Chinese heritage, is not something that is yet fully understood by western science, research into the concept of bioelectricity is beginning to bridge the gap in our understanding of this fundamental character of life.

  • It may be something that isn’t easy to define, measure or explain in scientific terms, but it is surprisingly easy to feel this energy and to learn to use it to heal yourself. It is one the most accessible mysteries available to us as human beings.

    “Qi”, which is pronounced Ki in the Japanese arts, is the Chinese word for “energy”, and pertains to all forms of energy in the universe. In martial arts and qigong, it specifically refers to human Qi, the bioenergy or lifeforce within every cell of the human body.” ~Dr. Yang, Jwing-Ming

    The many physical and meditative practices of Qi Gong have their roots in the Chinese martial arts, Buddhism and Taoism, and the depth of knowledge accumulated in thousands of years of intentional studies are now available to all of us. Great masters and teachers are scattered around the globe, and many of their recorded teachings are found online or on disc for study in your own home.

    I’ve personally used Qi Gong to heal myself from several major health issues including chronic debilitating back pain, hearing loss, and life-threatening spleen issues. The practices are often very simple, but they have a way of connecting your consciousness to a larger, nurturing force that empowers you to transform and heal yourself.

    Recently, I had the pleasure of speaking with Sharron Rose in a short conversation about Qi Gong and the potential it has for personal transformation. Sharron is producing a 12 part series on this powerful practice entitled, Quantum Chi: The Daoist Art of Nurturing Life, featuring a number of the world’s most dedicated Qi Gong masters, and is hosting a 3-day online global summit, which will be an extraordinary opportunity for an introduction to this ancient practice.

    ==>>  REGISTER NOW for The Qi Gong Global Summit 2018  <<==

    Enjoy this conversation, and please check out the Qi Gong Global Summit 2018 coming up September

    Read more articles by Dylan Charles.

  • About the Author

    Dylan Charles is the editor of Waking Times and host of The Battered Souls Podcast, both dedicated to ideas of personal transformation, societal awakening, and planetary renewal. His personal journey is deeply inspired by shamanic plant medicines and the arts of Kung Fu, Qi Gong and Yoga. After seven years of living in Costa Rica, he now lives in the Blue Ridge Mountains, where he practices Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and enjoys spending time with family. He has written hundreds of articles, reaching and inspiring millions of people around the world.

    This article (Harnessing the Power of Chi to Transform Your Health and Your Life) was originally created and published by Waking Times and is published here under a Creative Commons license with attribution to Dylan Charles and WakingTimes.com. It may be re-posted freely with proper attribution, author bio, and this copyright statement.

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