The World of Elementals – Faeries of the Five Realms
Elva Thompson, Guest
Waking Times
“Come fairies! take me out of this dull world,
For I would ride with you
Upon the wind and dance
Upon the mountains like a flame.”
~ W.B. Yeats.
The Engineering of Humanity
“Toy bewitched, made blind by lusts, disinherited of soul – No common centre Man, no common sire – Knoweth! A sordid solitary thing mid countless brethren with a lonely heart -Through courts and cities the smooth savage roams – feeling himself, his own low self, the whole.” ~ Coleridge’s Religious Musing
The Disconnect
Modern man – the smooth savage with a lonely heart living in high rise ‘smart’ cities of concrete and glass…. forced to live by the clock in a bubble of busy business, and compelled by the status quo to try and be top dog in a dog eat dog world.
Sacred Sympathy
Gone is the wonder of childhood- lost is ‘sacred sympathy’, the flower of imaginative intuition and the innocence of thought that we experienced in the magical time when we were still connected to the All, and not yet corrupted by the descent into matter – into 3D density and the world of materialism, intellect and ego.
Paying the Price
‘The world is too much with us; late and soon. Getting and spending, we lay waste our powers; Little we see in nature that is ours” ~Wordsworth
The acute development of our intellect and emphasis on achievement has been realised at a terrible price. Material success has robbed us of our connection and perception of the energetic ‘other-worlds’ which exist all around us. We can no longer unite with the spiritual beings that vitalise form; no longer connect with the faerie realms, and have turned our backs upon our divine connection to all life – the seen and unseen, and in so doing we have lost touch with our true selves. We are only half alive.
Spiritual Synchronicity
Some of us never lose our childhood wonder and through all the struggles and turmoils of our lives manage to keep the magic alive. We seek out the ageless wisdom of connection…. forever aspiring to comprehend and blend with the whole. We become dreamers and poets, explorers of frequencies and subtler systems of being. And, if our hearts are true, spiritual synchronicity becomes active in our lives. I was brought up in the Celtic tradition and seances/spirit callings were part of my life. Later, when I came to America, I was introduced to Lakota thought and philosophy which answered the questions I had about the nature of elementals, nature spirits, demons and feys.
Skan Skan – the power that moves that which moves
Lakota shaman tell us that there is a mysterious power that vitalises life – a field of unified energies and forces which create an infinite diversity of form, and holds together the particles of all manifested objects and beings in the material world.
The Force of Five
Tesla said: “Think in terms of frequency, energy and vibration.”
There are five of these invisible bands of moving power: stone(solid) water (fluid) fire(heat) air(gas) and space that surrounds us.
Our five fingers and five toes are sensors for the building blocks of our reality – the magical force of five.
The medecine wheel – the cangleshka wakan of the Lakota is a sacred symbol found in many aboriginal cultures. It is the power of five, the four elements and the space that surrounds them. In my understanding it is the two dimensional blueprint of our reality.
The Lakota say: “The life of a man is two roads and he can choose which road he walks.” – the black east/west road of suffering where the heart(4th chakra of air) is at war with the west (the 2nd chakra of water – emotions) or the north/south road of earth(first chakra) and fire(third chakra) – the spirit road. At the centre of the cross roads, the tree of life blooms(awareness) and the hoop(circle) of all living nations is formed.
All Pervading Unity of Spiritual Power
“Then I was standing on the highest mountain of them all, and round about beneath me was the whole hoop of the world. And while I stood there I saw more than I can tell and I understood more than I saw, for I was seeing in a sacred manner the shapes of all things as they must live together like one being. And I saw that the sacred hoop of my people was one of many hoops that made one circle, wide as daylight and as starlight, and in the centre grew one mighty flowering tree to shelter all the children of one mother and one father. And I saw that it was holy.” ~Black Elk
That Art Thou or You are That
Skan is the invisible underlying energetic force which binds life together in an all pervading unity. Separation is an illusion created by duality. We can find this understanding in the Lakota phrase – Mitakuye Oyasin: we are all related, and by the Sanskrit phrase: Tat Tvam Asi which roughly translates as either “That art thou” or “You are that.”
The Little People
When we were tribal people, living with nature and free of the stresses and restraints of modern life, we could see into the invisible realms and communicate with spiritual reality. Shaman were aware that just as the material world is dual, and by that I mean a love/hate polarity, the spiritual realms were populated by good and bad spirits. The negative creatures are known as wakan sica – bad medecine and in my tradition they are called the Unseelie Court of Faerie.
Sage, sweet grass, cedar, scabious root, agrimony, lavender flowers, and other high frequency plants are burnt in an effort to dispel negative ‘spirits and thought forms’ from ceremonies, homes and other dwellings.
Multiple Realities Sharing Our Space
‘Vision is the art of seeing what is invisible to others.’ ~Jonathan Swift
Our visible world is populated by a diversity of beings: mammal, birds, fish, reptiles, plants etc, and the same rule applies to the invisible, spiritual counterpart of our material world. The unseen side of our reality is inhabited by hosts of beings called elementals – spirits that are electro-magnetically attached to the Skan fields of earth, water, fire, air and space. The elemental cosmic forces interpenetrate the earth, and the inhabitants of these hidden realms are aware of us, even though we are not aware of them.
The Watchers
Elementals and other spirits vibrate outside of visible light so we can’t see them – but they can look into our world at anytime they like. They are drawn to our emotional state by resonance. Love, gratitude and joy attract the’ good guys’, hate, violence and perverted sexual energy attract the bad.
At this moment, faerie beings could be standing right in front of us – sitting in the same chair, and we don’t have a clue there’s anything there. Sometimes even though we can’t see these invisible beings, we can sense their presence. We may see a fleeting glimpse of movement on the periphery of our vision, or the feeling that ‘something’ is with us in the room…watching us. A creeping chill at the back of our neck when we enter an old house, ruins or cemetery, and the sudden disappearance of an item that we’re using, only to have it reappear in a place we know we didn’t put it.

Phonetics, Colours and Geometrics
The elementals attached to the five bands of moving power have their own phonetics, colours, perfumes and geometrics pertaining to their element. These pass-gates were known to the shamans of the past but with the destruction of indigenous people and their earth based cultures, the sacred knowledge and language was lost. In today’s world there are few people left who know how to contact the energies of spiritual reality.
I think the destruction of tribal people and their sacred knowledge was a deliberate act on the part of a very negative power to close down our awareness and block us from the sacred side of our dualistic nature. We have now been spiritually neutered and instead of being able to walk in many worlds we have been confined to one.
There have been hundreds of thousands of pages written about the faeries of our folklore and traditions. We know their form, characteristics, caprices, tribes and lineage, but in my experience with elementals, I have found that they are electro-magnetic wave patterns. They have no material shape and can appear to human perception in any form they want, but normally one that is immediately recognisable to the viewer.
In Lakota country an earth elemental appears as a small wizened man with braids dressed in buckskin, and the hooved and horned fauns that live in trees are called Can-o-ti-la. The people of the wood.
A Dying Planet
‘Hell is empty. All the devils are here.” ~Shakespeare
Is this Fact or Fiction?
The plane we call home has become the abode of devils. Billions of sentient lifeforms are butchered every day for their flesh while countless others are hunted for sport, trapped, tortured, caged and murdered for so called science, by soulless beings that masquerade as men. Millions of innocent people are maimed, murdered and displaced by power crazed demons fighting over ever dwindling resources – earth is being used up.
My Heartstar Series of books: The Key made of Air – the Gates to Pandemonia and Walking in Three Worlds are a multi-dimensional mirror of the tragedy that is happening in our dimension and how it affects the elemental worlds and higher planes of being.
Excerpt from Book three: Walking in Three Worlds.
Long ago in the mists of time, the realms of Humanity, Faerie, and High Faerie were all one world, with the sentient creatures of all three realms living in harmony with each other. But evil entered the world of humankind. The Cathac, the great horned serpent from the stars, insinuated his thoughts of conquest into the dreams of chieftains, filling them with pride, a lust for war, and murderous intent. When the stars aligned and formed a glittering pentagon in the sky, the Cathac had attacked the triad world of Faerie. Long and bloody was the battle. The Cathac had druid sorcerers in his ranks. With dark spells, he ripped the world of Humanity away from Faerie and made its inhabitants mortal.
The Cathac – the horned serpent from the stars
According to Irish Mythology the Cathac or Cata, a gigantic flesh eating sea serpent was vanquished by St Senan in 534 AD. A carving depicting the Cathac is in the old chapel of Kilrush in County Clare.
The head of the Cathac can be seen in the first outcropping and other faces can be seen in the Cliffs of Moher which in my novels are called the Gates to Pandemonia.
Imprisoned in stone
In Book three of my HeartStar Series: Walking in Three Worlds we find a different account of the vanquishing of the Cathac, and we are told how the Cliffs of Moher were formed by the giants Finn McCoul and his brother Uall McCarn.
As night fell, Uall had heard rumbling and the beating of great wings in the sky. In plumes of fire and smoke, he had seen Braxach arrive at the Giant’s Cliffs with Duir, the father of dwarves, riding on his back. They had been pursuing the legions of devils and demons that had followed the Cathac in his murderous rampage along the coast.
The dragon had settled on the beach and given them a fiery snort of greeting. Duir slid off his back. As Braxach took to the air once more, the dwarf king had told Uall and Finn of his and Braxach’s plan to trap the Cathac, saying that he needed the giants’ help to do it.
The sea had been calm and shadowy under a fitful moon as they waited in the darkness for the Cathac to attack. The air grew cold, and then with a churning of the waters, the Cathac had raised its horned head and, coiling its gargantuan bulk, struck at them with gaping jaws. As the Cathac attacked, Braxach had sent a blast of fire into the monster’s eyes. The giants had ripped up the rock and earth in front of them, forming a great wall thousands of feet high. Blinded, the Cathac did not see the upraised cliff and slammed into the rock face. Duir was waiting. Once the Cathac’s body had made contact with the stone, Duir had called out to the burning lakes of liquid fire deep beneath the earth for aid. With his hands, the dwarf sire had woven a stone spell of molten lava and then cast the magma stream around the monster. Singing in the language of the stone,he had hardened the burning liquid into rock, trapping the Cathac within a sarcophagus of enchanted stone.
About the Author
Elva Thompson was born in England in 1947 and moved to Rosebud Lakota reservation in 1987. She is the author of the Heartstar Series; Book One: The Key made of Air, and Book Two: The Gates to Pandemonia. Her other interests include organic gardening, ancient phonetic languages, sonic sound and their application in the healing arts. She is also a medical intuitive and teaches sonic re-patterning using sound, colour, and essential oils. Elva Thompson is on Amazon Author Central @
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