10 Amazing Health Benefits of Pumpkin Seeds

Waking Times

Meme – Pumpkin seeds are a great way to add protein, iron, zinc and especially magnesium to your diet. Magnesium helps stabilize blood pressure, assists in bone strength and even reduces stress. Men can benefit greatly from the phytosterols chemicals found in pumpkin seeds, which have been shown to alleviate symptoms associated with having an enlarged prostate.

These flat slimy seeds dry out into a tasty snack whether you roast them or toast them. If you prefer a salty snack, boil them in salty water before you dry them. Smaller to medium size pumpkin seeds can be eaten with their shells when properly toasted, although the larger seeds are probably best to eat shelled. You can also grind them up into a meal to add to baked goods recipes.

  • pumpkinseeds

    Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of WakingTimes or its staff.

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