Third Density Embrace – Are the Gods Jealous?

Flickr - Cat's Eye - NASA Goddard Photo and VideoJulian Rose, Contributor
Waking Times

‘Is sexuality to be dispensed with – as the price for spiritual emancipation?’ – asks Julian Rose.

What if I posited that ‘third density’ is where the wandering ethereal spirits of the cosmos most want to be..

That it is within third density existence that the setting for a final and full awakening is to be manifest.. 

That spiritual aspiration which seeks to evolve as an ‘out of body’ state, is a form of elaborate escape mechanism..

An escape mechanism for those who have given-up on the integration of body, mind and spirit within the temple of the human condition.

Well, are not these valid posits?

So let us explore just why we devote so much time trying to be something other than what we are. 

Read on, dear friends, if you wish to join in this exploration..

The integration of spirit and the flesh seems like a pretty profound challenge for struggling homo sapiens. So often these two natural allies seem to negate each other – one appearing to revel in a sense of liberation when freed from the other. Indeed, much of Christianity has for centuries extolled the virtue of recognising the superiority of the spiritual over the corporeal – and has recommended living a life moderated according to this dictum.

Many Eastern spiritual teachings recommend long periods of largely corporeally static meditation in order to make contact with the divine in one’s self and come closer to that same power in the beyond. Well, it may work, but you will probably end up with a body like the laughing Budha – however at least he saw the joke..

It has also been suggested that long term devotion to spirit uplifting and mind expanding techniques will cause the human physique to undergo a steady physical evolution. One in which the head becomes the dominant feature and the body shrinks into a mere slither of its former self.

It is thought, in these circles, that aspiration for unity with Source requires much exercising of the pineal gland and other neglected regions of the neocortex. So that other bodily organs get steadily receding levels of attention and stimulation, until they eventuality shrink into almost nothing.

  • We have probably all seen those pictures of supposedly ‘advanced’ humans, with huge triangular shaped heads, bulging dilated eyes and tiny waif-like bodies tapering into skinny and strangely prehistoric looking legs and feet. Well, would you like to end up looking like this?

    The first thing that strikes me is how sexless these beings appear. They seem to be neutered; and that is expressed also in their pinched facial expression and small straight-set mouths. Altogether a very unsavoury mix!

    Whether this is actually ‘an alien’ (as in Roswell incident) or an evolved human does not matter that much, because there exists a school of spiritual thinking which believes that is where we are headed anyway. It is a school which tends to debase sexuality, seeing it not as a source of profound richness – but as something of a persistent problem.

    Which raises the question: is sexuality to be dispensed with – as the price for spiritual emancipation?

    Persistent denial of the tactile subtleties of the physical senses, in favour of a pure spirituality, would no doubt lead we humans to lose our sensual proclivity and physical human beauty. Just as indulging in over-the-top hedonistic excesses produces a distorted and unbalanced physique and the loss of our ability to develop higher levels of conscious awareness. We are looking for something which is neither of these extremes.

    Catch for a moment in your mind’s eye Michael Angelo’s superbly sculptured statue of David in Florence’s Piazza della Signoria. David’s fine torso, so delicately balanced between male and female, is sublimely expressive of the beauty of the human physique. An expressiveness which would not be so resonant if it did not also suggest both a spiritual dimension and intellectual curiosity. Its sexual resonance is not pronounced, but finely nuanced.

    Now cut to that futuristic and supposedly advanced/evolved sexless being I have already described earlier. Shock!

    Now to be fair, this ‘E.T’ like creature (should it exist) might well be the nicest of beings and possibly even very clever – so I must not pour scorn on it just because of the way it looks. However, the way things look usually reflects, in varying degrees, the way things are. Or at least,  has a tendency to express a realised emotional condition or an unrealised emotional condition. And this looks to me to be a distinctly unrealised condition.

    Other worldly states exist; and have their unique adaptations to the conditions in which they manifest.

    However, I believe it likely that most of those reading this essay, made the decision to come (back) to planet Earth. So one should ask ones-self: why?

    Maybe because we retained a memory of some much better time here. A time in which we were more expressed and shared in a life that was generally joyous. Or, it might be that we deeply sensed that the joyous human state could yet be lit-up here on Earth; in ways that are unique, imaginative and expressive of an inherent state of genius.

    We were all, in different ways, drawn back to this extraordinary place, sensing, as we grew up, that we had a mission – a great task to which we needed and longed to commit.

    The confusion that we found, after reaching a certain state of objective awareness, drove some of us to commit to a life in which we attempted (are attempting) to establish a deeper order and manifestation of that which strikes us as ‘true’.

    This commitment has a certain price. A constraining affect on our natural inclination to express and explore deeply felt needs and emotional awakenings. To more fully indulge and share the beauty and bounty of the human condition. But in a world torn apart by dissident beliefs and irrational desires – none of us can afford to indulge for long in such luxuries. We have to commit – or die.

    However, the reward for those travelling ‘the committed path’ is that there are often powerful glimpses of the world to come along the way; glimpses of the extatic. Windows that briefly blow open but then slam closed again. Fragments of a life that ‘could be’ – if the current order of values was reversed – and humanity started flowering according to the same current that causes plants to break into radiant flower and trees into glorious blossom.

    Do trees and flowers long to be that which they are not?

    It is my contention that our third density state, far from being something to continuously strive to get beyond, is exactly where we want and need to be. A place which acts as a magnet towards which great ethereal cosmic entities/energies are powerfully drawn. They are already deeply curious about the magnetic strength of Earth and the beauty of her seas, forests and mountains –  her abundant flora and fauna.

    But most of all, they wonder about us.

    They sense that there is something truly special about our embrace; our acts of congress; our moments of extacy. Yet it is something they cannot directly experience. They both want – and don’t want – to be transformed into that particular state of sensuality which takes place in the dimension we call third density. Joys which we humans are so privileged to be able to experience.

    I tell you, we have hardly begun to experience the wealth that we have at our fingertips in our quest to unite body, mind and spirit. But united they must be.

    No wonder the gods are jealous. Some, out of frustration, even try to persuade us that it is they who hold the secret of enlightenment! Ha! But who can really blame them for the odd gripe – after aeons of existence as free roaming etheric pulses of ‘the now’, maybe it’s difficult to have to admit that you are not, after all, the be and end all of great aspiration – and that what you really want is to finally experience a bit of gravity based solidity?

    OK, so we have it – and we are indeed most fortunate for that. But so as to utilise our time on Earth

    to the full, we had better make sure that we keep our heads in proper proportion to our bodies – and our bodies themselves in a properly fit condition. For it is a very fine and wondrous thing that the unsullied proportions of the male and female physique are so well defined and so pleasingly balanced.

    Witness the subtle athleticism that emerges in the art of the dance; the uniquely proud stance of the Kenyan Massai; the almost hypnotic beauty of practised exponents of Tai Chi; the simple body-sweep of the scythe as performed by the World’s humble peasant farmers … and so on.

    These are not ‘head led’ exigencies, but emanate from the area of the solar plexus.

    When in doubt about where the centre of the universe lies, go to the solar plexus. It is from here that energies radiate out in every direction, feeding all the organs of the body. Mankind will not develop a swollen head and waif-like body so long as the main point of equilibrium remains in the solar region. The point of balance for the human physique as well as the human esprit. Start again from here – and all will fall into place quite naturally.

    I find that I have been describing manifestations which are all moving in the direction of what we call art. And it this ‘art’ that is our essentially human tool for creating ‘heaven on Earth’. The artist is not bent upon raising his or her vibratory level to ever higher states, as the spiritualist is, but is more intent upon pulling down unto himself that which gives fuel to his creativity.

    There is, in this route to fulfilment, a tacit acceptance of the dimension (density) in which we find ourselves. Not an attempt to escape from it. The trick is to get the spirit to become engaged in the Earthly creative process. To harness it to the need to take action. To bring creative equilibrium into life on Earth and to bring down the darkly domineering oppressors of humanity.

    That is the missing ingredient of the purely spiritual aspirant, where a kind of built-in passivity shuns taking action; preferring to remain closed-off to the nitty gritty of life.

    Our great guide throughout all, however, is ‘intuition’. The one force that is common to both art and spirit. Spirit and intuition are like lovers, they intertwine, and at moments – are one.

    An artisan will take this intuitive receptivity and turn it into a creative action. That is the art of living. Not as ‘art for art’s sake’ but for the socio-economic and spiritual emancipation of humanity. This is the fuel upon which the new society is to be built. No uniquely spiritual agenda will ever achieve the transformative movement of true change.

    Never mind that the gods are jealous. We must all turn our attention to fully embracing our third density roles and goals –  for their seams are unimaginably rich and as yet, barely touched.

    About the Author

    Julian Rose is an early pioneer of ecological farming, integrated rural economies and decentralised community regeneration. Farmer, writer, holistic thinker, broadcaster and activist: Julian campaigns against all attempts to sterilise our living earth and creative aspirations – and expresses belief in the power of the human spirit to awaken and direct our passion for life.

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