The World to Come – From Vision to Reality

Creation EarthJulian Rose, Contributor
Waking Times

If the dark-siders are so cock-sure about installing their ‘New World Order’ – they may be in for a bit of a shock – for we are sure to trump them with our ‘Great World to Come’.

These are the battle lines of the 21st century – and engagement is already well under way.

The birthing of The World to Come involves a long maturation period – and, right now, we are pregnant with expectation. The disparate energetic pixels of a great vision are coalescing towards each other; and as they do, the picture is starting to take on a discernible shape and form. It is, if you like, coming into focus.

Millions of shimmering complimentary thought patterns are forming this emerging picture; weaving and dancing their way into a glittering hologram of divine exigence. And yes, it is we who are its drivers – its creators.

This is now causing a ripple of delight to pass through our guardian angels – who have for so long guided us towards this critical moment – the moment of bringing forth the vision and of manifesting it in its full glory in this place – right here – where we are.

We are coalescing, in partnership with the galactic order, the future and the past into the present, their original home, their true home. We are bringing them together into the vibrant now; for it was we who separated them in the first place. Or at least, the ‘we’ that includes the dark-side element that we have allowed to keep its sticky hands on the helm for far too long.

  • The dark side – that likes to divide and conquer – and to own the materials that fuel the mechanisms of the status quo.

    But, the Great World to Come is fuelled by an entirely biological and non polluting energy: our passion.

    Will you join me now on a journey fuelled by this energy?

    At the confluence of mighty rivers great souls manifest. The Poles shift. Our planet tilts a’new, allowing solar rays to explore fresh zones; lighting that which was in the shade; shading that which was in the light. Swirling galactic energies now find new openings – to Earth – through which to penetrate. Change is accelerated. Confusion reigns. A mighty clash ensues. Gaia trembles – right down to her roots.

    And in amongst all this, it is a great passion which carries us through the chaos and awakes in us a profounder depth of being; of seeing; of knowing. Of instantly knowing, as the dust slowly settles, which paints to apply to the newly emergent canvas. United once again, in this flip of time, with our innocence. ‘The innocence of being’ of ages past. Reunited with ourselves as flawless vectors of divine exigence.

    Earth shift; cosmic shift; human shift. Human shift; cosmic shift; Earth shift. A subtle, dangerous and ultimately sublime metamorphosis, out of which we finally find our true equilibrium. And that’s not all – that royal juice called Love explodes at the heart of it all; cresting as a great fountain of laughter and exuberant joy!

    As the ‘standing wave’ passes, so we plunge into the fecund introspective depth of the valley below. Centred there – in profound contemplation and incubation. Only to be taken, once again, by a vast chord of music, water and fire – on the upward surge of the next standing wave – which bursts in foaming extacy into effervescent particles of supreme cosmic consciousness, that shower down, like angel dust, on all that still hesitates to participate in this: the emergence of The Great World to Come.

    Oh, fulsome is the rejoicing as man fulfils his creative purpose of existence! All galactic entities shiver with awe at the powers so unleashed!

    Desperate demonic entities abandon their false power bases, fleeing in all directions as the might of these proud-standing truth waves ripple out across the thirsting universe.

    Those that turn to do battle, find their dark energy unequal to that of the light. Their psychotic impulses imploding in on themselves, sucked into the giant vortex of the all cleansing great gravity detoxifiers – the ‘black holes’ – there to be riven through to their depth, so that all that’s finally left is the tiny spark of truth which was buried in amongst their subhuman detritus. And that dear spark, in an upward leap, soon joins with the rushing, dancing photons of light – and finds – once again – its true destiny: as a sacred building block of this Great World to Come.

    Such is the power granted unto us, sparks of the divine essence that we truly are, that having fully emancipated ourselves from our subliminal pre existence, we will be accorded the greatest honour that could be bestowed upon mankind: the right to become co-creators of the evolving universe itself..on intimate terms with long-standing divine helmsmen and cosmic master tacticians.

    For, have no doubt, there will always be forces out there, even if severely subdued for many aeons, that will attempt a mischievous uprising against the status-quo, even a status-quo composed of the very finest of light bearers!

    Divine source Itself, still requires to be pitted against an opposing force so as to further hone its own perfection. That clash provides the friction that produces the energy that drives this universe.

    It is the duality within the seemingly non-dual. It is the fire that resides in water. It is the divine spark that shines even in the pit of deepest darkness.

    It is us.

    Wild and wonderful souls that we are, on an infinite journey of limitless possibility.

    About the Author

    Julian Rose is an early pioneer of ecological farming, integrated rural economies and decentralised community regeneration. Farmer, writer, holistic thinker, broadcaster and activist: Julian campaigns against all attempts to sterilise our living earth and creative aspirations – and expresses belief in the power of the human spirit to awaken and direct our passion for life.

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