Vibration, the Holographic Universe and Health
Jed Shlackman, Contributor
Waking Times
Scientists exploring the phenomena of cymatics have observed and documented how vibration governs the form of physical matter. When vibrational energy and information are introduced via sound, light, or other vibrational stimuli, physical systems change their form and function. Vibration can be perceived in multiple sensory ways, with all of our 5 senses being ways of interpreting vibratory patterns in our environment. Everything that is perceived to exist in physical reality is just the narrow, dense layer of wave forms and vibration that is being projected and manifested by higher density vibrational fields. Physicists have discovered that any particle which appears to exist is in a sense a snapshot of a wave, which appears in a momentary frozen form as a result of the observer perceiving it in order to crystallize a reality for the observer. Nothing is truly solid or stable, everything is energy in some state of motion, i.e. vibration.

The various layers of vibratory reality that underlie the physical realm are expressions of consciousness. Mystical teachers have always explained that consciousness and spirit are the fundamental reality, and the physical realm just a mirror or projection, a feedback tool for consciousness to observe and understand itself. Scientists who study nuclear physics will recognize that in just a single atom is the potential energy to provide massive amounts of power if that atom is split (nuclear atomic fission). This illustrates how much energy is involved in bringing into form just a single atom. When we tap in to those deeper levels of energy and consciousness we access a tremendous power for transformation.
In the holographic principle, each part broken off from a hologram still contains access to the information to create the whole. For this to be true it implies that the hologram is a form of unified field, in which any lower level appearance of separation from that Source field is an illusion. This also means that the whole is reflected in the parts and that any change in a part will have a ripple effect that is reflected throughout the whole. We do not exist separate from one another or from our ultimate Source, whether we call that source God, Great Spirit, Infinite Intelligence, Divine Matrix, All That Is, Prime Creator, The Grand Architect, or Supreme Being.
If we examine the creation of a human being we can see a field of immense intelligence at work. Conception occurs with an egg and sperm and this microscopic entity now carries out programs to use its environment to grow according to rather precise parameters. Trillions of cells are created according to innumerable specifications and the organism is constantly monitoring its environment to adapt and adjust and maintain relative balance and harmony to sustain life. Just think of how much processing power and energy would be needed for a computer to perform such functions! For a human being, the processing power comes from the animating spirit, the spiritual field of consciousness and vibratory energy that is creating a human life. That spirit exists independent of the human identity, for it was present prior to the biological conception and will continue to exist when the physical body is released and decays. The spirit gathers memory and experience which contribute to its own evolution, to the consciousness of the whole of Creation, and to whatever it may choose to create next.
As we come to understand these principles underlying our reality and our life experience we can see how they relate to our health and healing. Health can be seen as a state of wholeness and balance, when we are in harmony with our higher source, with the unified field. What is occurring on the physical plane is always dependent upon what is occurring in the non-physical realms of consciousness. We can use the analogy of a film projector, where there is a film strip recording running through the projector, transmitted through a field of light onto a movie screen. The film recording is the recording of what is occurring in consciousness, transmitted through fields of energy to condense into that which appears in physical reality (the screen). In our physical reality vibration is so slow that there usually appear to be substantial time delays between something coming through our consciousness and a physical reflection of it showing up.
Should we be displeased with what appears on the screen, what can we do about it? We could cut off or paste over part of the screen with some image we desire, however, the projector is still running and will sooner or later project something else over what we have pasted there. We could project another pattern of light within the stream coming from the projector, and this might temporarily change what appears on the screen; however, the power source for our intermediary pattern of light cannot match the spiritual power source of the original projector, so at some point that original projection will become dominant again. Finally, we could meet with the film producer and director to create a new movie that expresses what we would prefer to have on screen. This is where we would examine our own thoughts, beliefs, feelings, values, and priorities, and change our perspective and our pattern of living. This would produce the most lasting change in what appears “on-screen” in our life.
About the Author
Jed Shlackman, M.S. Ed., LMHC is a professional counselor, hypnotherapist and regression therapist, Reiki master and energy healer, and a sound healing musician and writer who is based in Miami, Florida. Jed has degrees in counseling and psychology from the University of Miami and has been working as a counselor and healer with thousands of clients over the past couple of decades. Jed’s website is, his facebook links are and – Jed can be found on Twitter as #jedishaman and his meditation and music recordings are at Jed’s holistic wellness articles as the Miami Holistic Health Examiner can be viewed at
Jed’s book Consciousness, Creation, And Existence: A Guide To The Grand Adventure is available from and other book sellers.
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